Incubus/morning/Emilia/breakfast/bath/toilet/ejaculate Emilia/open/clean bath

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You should probably clean off the blood before anyone notices. You have to do that without them noticing though. Well, since they're all looking at Emilia right now, maybe you can use the bath to clean yourself.

You step into the bathtub and turn the water on. Meanwhile, you are watching Katie and Megan out of the corner of your eye. This is how you know both of them instantly turned to look at you when you turned the bath on, and you are immediately sweating bullets. Fortunately, your back was turned away from them.

"I, uhh... thought I would get the bath started." You tell them.

"That's good thinking! Emmi, go get in the bath and wash your hands." Katie orders her younger sister and immediately grabs her by the wrist and drags her over. This is bad! They're all coming here and you haven't even had your chance to clean your penis yet!

William Silver Abilities:
Experience 180 Precocious seminarche, Faintly ease early shock introduction, Faintly ease early rough introduction
Partners 1 / 1
Pregnancies 0
Power 750
System Rubric