JoS/Henriette/33rd Journal - Traveling Elsewhere

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Second Seed, 22nd, 4E 203

Up until today, I had never been outside Skyrim. I wasn't expecting the world to be too different right on the other side of the border, but I was proven wrong quickly. The climate here is warmer and the trees are much greener. Not that many pines around either.

In order to get to Elsweyr, we obvilusly have to go through Cyrodiil, and that's where we are right now. The border crossing southeast of Riften is the safest route and the route from Riften to Cheydinhal is honestly not any longer than route to Windhelm or Whiterun. We'll stay for some nights here in Cheydinhal for trade, and I've had plenty of time to see the city for myself.

The city is beautiful with all of its greenery and wooden buildings and quite different in architecture to what I'm used to in Skyrim. This place also has a lot of history with the Dark Brotherhood, as this is where one of their sanctuaries used to be located, but that's all in the past now. Maybe we can branch into here sometime in the future? Not that it has to be this one, because there are other sanctuaries in this province as well.

There's also a strong Dunmeri presence in this city, kind of like in Windhelm. The city is just by the border of Morrowind, so this has always been the case, but now they've got plenty of refugees too. They aren't as badly persecuted as they are in Windhelm though, but I can imagine the relations being a little sour here too because Morrowind isn't part of the empire anymore.

It's a shame I don't get to enjoy this trip with my friends, but instead have to do most of it alone. Kharjo has been keeping me company, and it's good to get to know him better. He's one of Ahkari's bodyguards, remember? I think I once wrote about him. I think we're becoming good friends, so at least I won't get bored.

I don't want to spend too much time sitting down. Like, who knows when I get a chance to visit this place again. Best take full advantage of my visit while I can! I also want to see what it's like outside the walls after all and inspect all of nature's beauty…

I'll write more about my travels once we make it to our next waypoint, which will be Bravil.

Second Seed, 25th, 4E 203

If there's one regret I will probably have from this journey, it's not being able to visit the Imperial City. Our road to Bravil took us past it along the Niben River. I also got a chance to see many of the scars that are still present in this province thanks to the great war that took place. Nowhere was this more present on our trip than to the south of Lake Rumare.

Now, Bravil… Oh, where to even begin…

This city has been hit hard by the war, and obviously has seen better days. If the words of my several Khajiiti companions are to believe though, this city has always been a shithole. People are poor here because of the organized crime. This is after all infamous for being the drug capital of Cyrodiil. Also, Night Mother used to be buried here, but that's another story.

I wasn't expecting any sort of adventure, but you know, it was getting late and I insisted on at least walking around to see what this city is all about… Didn't take long for me to be approached by a stranger. He was an Orc, dressed in saggy pants and a leather vest, wearing nothing else. He asked if I was looking for some good time, offering me fifty gold septims for a blowjob. He said all this in the middle of the street, and the sun wasn't even down. I told him in no uncertain terms to bugger off, asking do I look like a hooker to him?

I should've known something was up when he corrected himself, saying he meant to say five hundred, not fifty, but all I could see and hear was a rain of shiny golden coins in front of me. He even showed me that he has the money! I ended up following him, only to let myself get jumped on from behind and smacked across my head with a club. I think it was a club. Blunt weapon, that's for sure. Kind of stupid for me to let my guard down like that.

When I came to, I woke up to the sight of the very same orc going in and out of me with his filthy dick. There were five men around me, and they had been raping me for quite some time. Their cum was covering my clothes and my skin and my hands had been tied tight behind my back. I warned them to let me go at once, but they didn't care. He just said that they'll stop once they're done.

About ten minutes later there was some commotion on the streets, and they sort of just took off quietly, never even announcing why, and just left me laying in the dark alleyway. I still couldn't move, and my hands were still ties, and I was a little confused at the whole situation.

A young girl came to my aid; Redguard, around my size, I'm guessing either nine or ten. She asked me if I was okay as she untied the bindings, expressing concern over how I was treated by those thugs. I simply thanked her and tried to convince her that I'm fine… Just a little angry that I let myself be taken advantage of like that. More importantly, I asked why did the men flee? She explained to having seen what was going on and went to complain to the guards.

She took me to her tiny little shack after that. Her name is Kanna and she's a very sweet. Like, just about the sweetest young lady you can imagine. She acts way more mature than she looks too. It was almost as if I got this big sister or mommy vibe from her, and I'm not sure why. She also feels a little "off", if that's the right word… Not to say there's anything wrong with her. Maybe it's just a weird sense of humor? Still, I have hard time believing she lives alone here. I mean, the house is poor and kind of empty, but it's not like this is a slum or anything.

She got very curious about me when I said I'm from Skyrim, and she mouth gaping asked if I really traveled all the way from there. She started asking me about all kinds of stuff, like cold, dragons and the civil war… You know, the only things that spring to foreigner's minds these days when they hear "Skyrim". She also mentioned something about having a job there and joked about how great it would be if our paths crossed some day.

Well, she never said it out aloud, but I kind of read between the words that she's an adventurer. She didn't have any armor or weapons at her little home though… Most curious…

I asked about what kind of job this is, and my curiosity got her all excited. She's looking for someone who left for an adventure some months ago, but hasn't come back. She didn't seem particularly worried about this someone's wellbeing but insisted on it being very important that he came back, even if he had to be - and I quote - "dragged by his hairy testicles". When I asked who this person was, she blushed and with a wide smile on her face said "my master".

Well, we had to split up quickly after that. It was getting late and I didn't want to keep my companions worried about my well-being, especially since we'll be departing early tomorrow morning.

Not quite the day I expected, but eventful nonetheless. I was hoping to see some more sights, but oh well… Perhaps this is for the best especially since there isn't much "sights" to see in this city anyway. Our next stop should be Rimmen and I'm not sure what to expect.