La Pequena Bruja Blanca

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

“La Pequena Bruja Blanca”
(The Little White Witch)

Jacob McAlister groans noisily and rolls from one side of the bed to the other. Barely asleep now, he struggles to rid himself of the nightmare taking over his mind. But there's no getting rid of the images flooding his subconscious. Instead, the nightmare slowly morphs into a wonderfully lifelike erotic dream. One that's about to take him to a whole new level of excitement.

Hovering above his prone nakedness are two young girls. His point-of-view gaze has him looking upward at them as they continue to haunt his dream. With his vision of them clearing, he watches with amazement at the tiny beauties gripping his cock. They're totally different from each other. The girl, pressed against his left side, has a tanned oval face framed by jet black hair. Braided, it hangs down on either side of her face. She's Hispanic or Native American with a wide, thin-lipped mouth and a pug nose. But it's her large, almond-shaped eyes locked on his that are the biggest surprise. Nearly black, they still sparkle brightly in the dim light.

She turns her head to the side and tells the blonde-haired white girl. “Hurry Sarah! I can't keep us here for long. You need to bring his seed forth.”

The little blue-eyed blonde looks horrified. “What do you mean, Chooli? Bring his seed forth. What the hell does that mean? And why are we holding his thingy?”

Breathing deeply, Chooli gives Sarah a dirty look. “You know how worthless you are. I swear, white people are so stupid. That's his manhood, and you need to move your hand up and down the length. Like this...” she explains, and slowly uses her tiny dark brown hand to give his hardening cock a pleasurable stroke upward. Reversing direction, she brings her hand back down the entire length of the throbbing shaft. She takes her hand away and nods her head for the blonde girl to take over.

Jacob moans deeply in his sleep at the instantaneous erotic delight. Their focus is on his cock, not him. Jacob's conscious mind is trying desperately to regain control. He's had wet dreams in his youth, but never one as an adult. It must be the loneliness of his remote bachelor existence. Shit, the nearest small town is fifty miles away. How the hell can you date a prospective young lady when the first twenty miles are on a bumpy dirt road? It takes him over an hour to get anywhere. And Tucson is almost two hours away. Naw, this weird dream has to be from all the porn he watches. Admittedly, he does enjoy the occasional visit to ATF for some loli content, but that is all legal. What these two are doing is not...

Trying hard to wake up, he hears a pathetic groan from the dark-haired beauty. “Hurry Sarah. He's fighting me...” Chooli warns. Just before giving him a dirty look.

With an aggravated groan, Sarah follows suit and slowly starts to jack Jacob off. Smiling at Sarah, Chooli turns to give him a sweet, glowing smile. “That's better, Sarah,” she praises, returning her attention to the man. “Now relax and let her pleasure you.” She coos as he feels the power of her mind surround him in the numbing, erotic bliss of Sarah's tiny hand moving up and down his cock.

The hard-on throbbing painfully in Jacob's tighty-whities feels like it's about to explode. When Chooli tells Sarah. “Alright! I have him back under control. Now take him into your mouth. As much as you can and suck on it. He won't last very long. He hasn't been with a woman in many moons.”

Sarah's look of intensifying horror is immensely funny. But unable to laugh, Jacob just watches, a mute in his own mind. Frowning mightily, her beauty shines through the darkening features of her face. Her bright blue eyes glare at Chooli. Her full lips are pulled tight in a grimace of pure disgust. Her ears are slightly larger than Chooli's and lie flatter against her head. The massive tangle of golden hair is pulled back into a bushy ponytail. The nostrils of her thinnish nose flare at the thought of taking the man's thingy into her mouth.

But disbelievingly, she can feel it drawing her in, even as she feels it twitch with eager anticipation. She suddenly realizes the power she has in this heated moment. She's in control of it. In control of this powerful, handsome man. While she watches her hand move the soft skin up and down the hardness beneath, a clear droplet of syrupy essence seeps from the tiny slit in the bulging purplish head.

Chooli giggles softly at Sarah's gradual acceptance. “Go ahead, taste it. He's excited and giving you a chance to enjoy his sweetness.”

Smiling up a Chooli, Sarah flings her hair out of the way and bends down. Using the very tip of her tongue, she gathers the sweet delight and slurps the tasty treat inside her mouth. “Uuumm, that's good!” she confirms happily.

Quickly deciding this might not be as bad as she expected, Sarah gives his thingy another experimental lick. The ultra-pleasant sensation of having a little girl lick his cock is mind-boggling. Groaning, he tosses and turns, moving with growing agitation from one side of the bed to the other.

Chooli matches his erotic groans with painful moans of her own as she tries desperately to hold him in the realm of dreams and spirits. “Hurry, Sarah. I can't contain his excitement much longer. Let him taste the sweetness of our gifts,” she whimpers. Her breathing has grown ragged as she battles Jacob's unconscious mind.

Sarah, barely aware of the battle raging between Jacob and Chooli, lowers her open mouth to take the man's thingy into her mouth. The syrupy sweetness seeping from deep inside the shaft coats the inside of her mouth. The euphoria of that wondrous taste encourages her to take him deeper. Forcing her mouth downward, she takes more of him inside. The large head finally stops. The tip lodged in the narrow opening leading into her throat. She wraps her lips around the thick, heavily veined shaft. Gagging several times, back arching, she lifts her mouth off the man's stiff member. A moment later, Sarah takes a ragged gulp of fresh air.

Glancing away from the cock glistening wetly in her hand, she looks for approval from Chooli. Smiling at Sarah, she tells her softly, “That was great. Now start to suck on it. Like a baby suckling her mother's teat. Move your head up and down on the shaft,” she instructs lewdly.

Sarah, returning Chooli's smile, lowers her mouth toward the hardened rod just below her chin. Another bead of his sweetness sits atop the throbbing, purplish-blue-colored head. Taking the head inside her mouth, she grips the shaft with her lips. Sucking and running her tongue along the underside of his thickness, she started to move her hand up and down the shaft. The small, translucent bead of sweetness has grown to a delicious mouthful that she eagerly swallows.

Jacob's sweetness is gone, but Sarah, wanting more, begins to suck and stroke him. Groaning with increasing urgency, he can feel each and every blissful second of pleasure as the beautiful little girl sucks his cock. His burning need for a massive release grows with each bob of her head and rapid stroke of her hand.

Moaning in his sleep, he rolls onto his back and, reaching down, frees his cock from his tighty-whity underwear. Springing into the air, it's finally freed from the smothering cotton coffin. It throbs painfully and waits for the release that has been so long in coming. Another painful, aching twinge comes from his balls. They are tightly pressed against the base of his cock. The vivid, lifelike vision of the little girl sucking his dick is fanning his growing desire to seed her mouth. To take control and pump his cum down her throat and into her belly.

Unable to warn Sarah, he feels his cock growing even larger with an unrelenting, lustful need for release. Her lips gripping the shaft, she lowers her head yet again to take him deep inside. Chooli's eyes instantly widen as she watches the man beneath Sarah reach behind her head and hold her in place.

The reality of Jacob's delighted groan echoes in the darkness of his bedroom, while the dream of a girl sucking his cock starts to blend into a twilight zone of lustful need. He's about to blow his wad, and all he can do is hold the little girl's head.

He's only moments away from filling Sarah's mouth when he hears the strained voice of Chooli. “Get ready, Sarah. He's about to share his seed with you. Try to catch as much as you can. Swallow as quickly as possible,” she instructs.

Sarah can't answer or even ask a question with Jacob's hand holding her head in place. His strong, thick fingers comb through her long blonde hair as she continues to suck on his thingy. The feel of his hand in her hair suddenly reminds her of her dad's loving touch. But that is gone, along with the rest of her murdered family. Now her whole world has collapsed to nothing more than a steel-hard rod of man-flesh buried deep in her mouth.

With a final groan in the real world, Jacob's cock starts to explode in the little girl's mouth. His cock, swelling even larger, fills the inside of Sarah's mouth with three inches of geysering thickness. Jacking him off and sucking, the clueless girl isn't ready for the eruption of sperm ejaculated from the small piss slit in the end of his cock. Splashing against her epiglottis, Sarah gags, blocking off her airway and closing her throat tightly. Unable to swallow, her mouth is filled with his pearly white cum. With nowhere to go, it surges up into her nasal passages and trickles out of her nose.

Struggling to breathe, she finally swallows, just as another energetic spurt fills her throat. Sarah groans around the cock filling her mouth. This time, she is ready and eagerly gulps down his slimy goodness. Jacob, groaning and moaning in the real world, continues to unload his balls deep inside the lovely blonde little girl in his dream.

Finally finished with his cock oozing the last of his seed into her mouth, Jacob takes his hand off the back of her head. Lifting her head off of him, Sarah graces him with a bright smile and licks her lips. She wipes the cum trickling thickly from her nose on the back of her hand.

Glancing to the side, she looks at Chooli's deepening grimace. Worried, she asks with a blocked nasal twang, “Did I do it right? Did he like that?”

Still unable to talk, Chooli answers for Jacob, “Yes, Sarah... He liked that very much. Now hold him still so I can taste him too.”

Chooli's focus waning, she brings her mouth down to suck on the tip of his rapidly deflating cock. “Yes! Thank you, Spirit Warrior, for your gift to us. I can't hold you here any longer. Go now and find my father. The French have already sent a detachment of soldiers to gather us. They will be here early, two sunrises from now. You must find and take us away from here before then.” She tells him as the edges of his dream continue to fade into the nothingness of the dark bedroom.

Her last whispered words caressed his mind with her fading presence. “Hurry, Spirit Warrior. Time is short! Come and claim our gifts.”

A moment later, he sits up in bed and looks around himself. In the darkness, he reaches down and finds his tighty whities pulled down mid-thigh. His flaccid cock flopped to one side, lies peacefully against his lower abdomen. Guiding his hand toward his cock, he wraps his hand around the soft shaft. There is no cum splatter anywhere, but the first three inches appear to be wet. Pulling his underwear back up, Jacob groans in irritation. Unable to comprehend his unusual dream, he flings himself backward and tries to go back to sleep. It takes him about an hour to relax and get the faces of those two tiny beauties out of his head. His last thought before sleep claims him are the beguiling images of Chooli and Sarah.

Hours later, at exactly 5:30 am, the alarm clock starts to screech with an ear-piercing vengeance. Jacob tries to silence the alarm clock blaring in his right ear. Succeeding a few seconds later, he glares at the time. His irritation has nothing to do with his usual early morning wake-up but with all the noise coming from outside. His usually noisy rooster, Richardo Rojo, seems to have been joined by every other bird in the neighborhood.

Sitting up slowly, he stands and walks over to the large sliding glass door. Pulling the curtain aside, he gazes outside at the gathering of birds on his patio. There's even more than usual. They're everywhere: the walls of the patio, the fence, and the ground itself are covered in birds of every kind. His chickens, morning doves, ravens, sparrows, acorn woodpeckers, and several species of blue jays. His poor old bird feeder is being picked clean, and all of them combined are making a god awful noise.

He quickly unlocks the sliding door and opens it. Striding out onto the flagstone patio, the birds give him an ominous glare. As if by magical command, they begin to fly away in small, disinterested groups. A few minutes pass before the silence of a perfect morning returns. An eight-generation rancher, he can't remember ever seeing that many birds all collected in one spot.

Thinking to himself, “Damn, I wonder if there's a storm coming, or maybe they're all fighting over the local food supply as the migrating birds head north. Whatever, that was damn weird. And that damn weird dream this morning... There's nothing like starting your day with a shitload of weird.”

He's about to turn away when he sees a large red-tailed hawk sitting on top of the yard light utility pole. The hawk is giving him the evil eye and screeching noisily. For some unknown reason, he can almost feel the bird projecting her thoughts... Something about hurrying, trouble, and saving them both: the 'nina rubia' (blonde little girl) and the 'pequena bruja blanca' (little white witch).

Shaking his head, he tries to rid himself of the strange thoughts lingering in his mind. Turning slowly, he heads back inside to eat a quick breakfast and prepare for his day trip to the rough mountainous terrain of the northern third of his ranch. Laying his lonely rancher psychosis aside, he has plenty to do today. The monsoonal rains will be coming in a month or two. Jacob's plan for today is to check out the rain-fed dirt berm tanks, along with the solar and wind-powered metal stock tanks. He started a few years ago replacing the old classic windmills at his stock tanks, where the wind speed tapered off during the summer months.

He smiles to himself as he walks back into the house and makes his way to the kitchen. A hard-fried egg and bacon sandwich is chased down by a big cup of black coffee, and Jacob McAlister is ready to go.

His namesake only started with a few thousand acres and some horses in Wyoming. When the army no longer needed horses, they changed over to cattle like most everyone else. His cousins still work that original ranch. His great-grandfather made his way down into Arizona about the turn of the century and started this large ranch east of Tucson, Arizona. Jacob now owns over 1000 sections of ranch land just south and west of Texas Canyon. The eastern boundary of his land is the Dragoon Mountains.

His belly full, he set about gathering his equipment for today. In addition to the stock tank survey and maintenance, Jacob will be taking a sample count of new calves and yearlings near the water. He has a statistical algorithm that can predict the number of steers available for sale. He can then predict sales and profits even before they start to do their spring and fall round-ups.

After today's count, he will get with Slim (Samuel) Parker, his partner and good friend, to decide on when and where to start the spring round-up. He laughs softly and can hardly wait to tell his friend about the craziness of last night and the beginning of the day. Slim, Alison, and their two kids left for Tucson yesterday evening. Alison's mom and dad live on the far east side of Tucson, near the Rincon Mountains. They will be there all weekend before coming back Sunday evening. That means he's got three days all to himself. Maybe tomorrow he'll drive into Tucson and do a little barhopping in the Country and Western Clubs. After his unhealthy dream this morning, Jacob just needs to get laid.

Shrugging off any plans for tomorrow, Jacob walks back into his bedroom and opens his gun safe. He gets out his two semi automatic 9-mm pistols, waist holster, and ammunition belt. The G43 goes in his boot, and the G40 goes around his waist. He picks up an extra box of cartridges for both. Then, with loving care, he takes out his prized Winchester model 1894 44-40 rifle and saddle scabbard. The last thing he picks up is the old Mexican bandoleer filled with his extra rifle ammunition.

Outside, he arranges all of his gear into his new Canam Maverick X3 RS Turbo side by side. It's an off-road, desert-prowling beastie, and it's all his. Food, water, a cell phone, an emergency satellite phone, and provisions for a couple of days. He finishes with the placement of his Winchester in the gun rack behind his head. Jacob's work tools stay on the machine at all times. You just never know when a well pump goes belly up or a fence gets cut.

Leaning forward, he inserts the key into the ignition and starts the machine. Leaving the side-by-side to warm up, Jacob goes back to the house to lock the rear door and set the alarm. They've never had any trouble this far out, but that could always change at any time. Usually someone is here, unlike today.

Finally ready, he gets into the side-by-side. His unsettling morning temporarily forgotten, Jacob reaches down and shifts into two-wheel drive 'high'. Pulling out his favorite ball cap from the center console, he tromps the gas pedal. The buggy scoots off in a sudden billow of dust and flying pea gravel.

Jacob slides around the machine pole barn and zips across the last cattle guard. There's nothing out here but the wide expanse of the open range. Keeping to the main road, he starts to twist and turn, going deeper into the foothills. The desert plants here are not quite as beautiful as those of the Sanoran desert near Tucson. But the beauty here is home to him. The mesquite, chola, creasote, palo verde, prickly pear, and ocatello are just a few of the unique species of desert plants that struggle here to survive.

As the dusty miles slowly fade behind him, his speed begins to slow. Working his way deeper into the rugged foothills, he begins a gradual, steady climb. The imposing crags of the Dragoon's and the Chiricahua mountains just to the east rise beside him. Imposing stony crags of rock jutting from the desert floor. The higher terrain also brings a gradual change with it. More grass and the beginnings of trees... scrub oak and juniper, even a few pinon pine.

Jacob's main focus is on keeping the buggy on the narrowing road. As he slows, his perception of his surroundings becomes clearer. Like the ranch house, they are here. Some scurrying across the one-lane dirt road, others sitting in the scrub oaks and junipers, all of them taking the time out of their busy lives to glare at him. Lizards, snakes, birds, and even a family of javelina are blocking the road in front of him. Shit, even that irritating red-tailed hawk is sitting on a rock outcropping to his left.

Each of them lining the narrow roadway. A gentle but subtle reminder that today continues to be different from other days. Ignoring the gathering of animals, he bounces along the dirt road, going over a nob of rock, and stops to view the first stock tank on his list.

The blades in the windmill are intact and turning, giving off a soft whisper from the wind's caress. The stock tank is full, and there are a number of cattle lying about chewing their cud, while others are drinking and grazing nearby. Slowing to a stop, Jacob starts his count and marks the windmill operation as nominal. Five minutes later, he was back on the gas and heading northward along the ridge above the large arroyo.

He takes his time and travels slowly along a road that is getting difficult to navigate. Jacob will soon have to drop off the ridge and continue up the arroyo. Eight stock tanks later, and the sun fading in the west, he's found the control module in the solar powered pump has failed. It takes him about 30 minutes to replace the module and reset the electronics. The sun is too low in the sky to generate any usable current. Instead, he uses the battery backup to power up the pump.

Purring happily, a two-inch stream of water shot from the pump head into the tank. Switching the controller back to 'Automatic', he returns to the Canam and puts away his tools. He takes a few more minutes to eat one of his ham and cheese sandwiches. Sitting on a nearby rock, Jacob relishes the sunset. The clouds near the horizon are glowing a deep, crimson red. Sipping from a bottle of water, he relaxes and shuts his eyes. With the darkness slowly descending, he listens to the desert wonderland settling in for the night.

But instead of the normal blanket of silence, the animals have congregated around him. Their restless squawks, chirps, hoots, and irritated hisses were all directed at him. As if begging him to go, to hurry... to help the two little ones. Without understanding why, Jacob growls back at them.

“I know of no little ones. How can I help what is hidden from me?” he asks, flinging his angry words out into the darkness.

Their answer is now stronger, carried by the whispering wind. “Go! Hurry! Help the little ones. You have been called, Spirit Warrior. Listen to your heart. Your loneliness will lead you to them,” then they pause. “Go! Hurry!”

As he opens his eyes, he's surprised by how dark the night has become. There's no moon tonight. Crawling off the rock, it's time to go home. Next, he'll try to figure out what the hell's happening with his seemingly deteriorating mental state. Maybe getting laid tomorrow is the best thing after all.

Jacob takes out his cell phone and gives it a shake. A second later, the flashlight lights up the darkness, letting him walk back to his ride home.

He walks up beside the side-by-side and tosses the empty water bottle into the seat well before walking around to get into the machine. Turning off the cellphone light, he reaches for the ignition to start the Canam. With a low rumble of power, he flicks on the headlights and the light bar mounted on the roof.

He looks around him at the envelope of darkness surrounding him. The silence has once again returned... They've done all they can. In answer, he calls out, “I don't know what I can do or when and where. But I will listen to my heart.”

Putting the buggy in gear, he hears a final whisper. “Go! Hurry!”

Slamming the pedal down, he flips a 'U' in the soft sand and gravel. Then, lifting a rooster-tail of debris high in the air, he zooms off into the night. Jacob has about four miles of twisting and turning arroyo to transit before he can climb out, to catch one of the lesser-maintained ranch roads. The best he can do now is follow his own tracks back out making the best speed he can. He has no idea where to go except home. Maybe something will come to him by then. Maybe he can search the internet to see if there are any missing children in the area. Maybe he's supposed to help find them. Maybe... Maybe...

His mind returns to the drive, focusing on avoiding any surprises in the dark. It's harder to see drop-offs and holes in the dark. Even following his tracks, he can end up taking out a wheel or even a rollover. He wants to avoid that shit if possible. So focused on the drive, he flies down the canyon.

Ten or fifteen minutes later, he recognizes the narrows approaching. The canyon and arroyo make a sharp 300-degree turn here. The walls of the canyon narrow up, leaving only 15 or 20 feet to drive through. The rock on the canyon floor is slick and knobby. He will have to go slowly through this part. Only a side-by-side or high-end Jeep can make it through this half-mile section of the canyon.

The Mexicans and Native Americans call this place 'El Camino del Diablo' (The Devil's Path). It's a nasty four-wheel experience. The side-by-side does much better than a Jeep. They are lighter and have a lower center of gravity.

Jacob works his way through this tough spot with relative ease, only bottoming out a few times. He's almost through the final gap when his lights flicker and wink out. An instant later, they're followed by the engine giving a sputtering cough. Just beyond the gap in the canyon wall, an unusual chill in the air whiffs through the cab of the side-by-side. A second passes before the lights once again pierce the gloom ahead, and the engine is purring like an angry kitten.

Ignoring the brief machine glitch, Jacob remains focused on the drive along the dark arroyo. Then it hits him. There are some subtle differences in the contours of the arroyo. This afternoon, he could have sworn the main drainage channel was to the left... It's now more in the middle. And where the hell are the tracks he made this afternoon? Weirding out exponentially, he slows to a stop and looks around for his side-by-side tracks.

“Nothing! There is not a ripple or grooved blemish anywhere in the smooth sand of the arroyo. There's been no wind or water to erase his tracks from this afternoon. So where the hell did they go?” he muses silently.

Leaning back in his seat, Jacob closes his eyes and breathes deeply. Listening to the quiet rumble of power coming from the Canam, he feels a certain level of reassuring comfort. Whatever lunacy is going on, he will deal with it. His only focus should be getting back to his home at the ranch.

Sitting up straight, he looks out the windshield of his buggy. The bright lights still illuminating the arroyo may not show his tracks from this afternoon, but it is still the same arroyo. Rock, sand, gravel, and all the plants are there as well. All of it is part of his world. Familiar and solid, it stretches out in front of him.

“Shit, what a fucked-up day.” Pausing, he listens for more of the phantom whisper in the wind. But all remains quiet within his tiny island of light. The darkness all around is just that darkness. He knows this part of his world as well. Accepting the reality around him, he gazes down the arroyo before moving forward.

At the furthest limits of his high beams, where the light fades into the gloom of night, he sees something, or rather, someone. A lone figure in a faded red shirt and dark pants is standing facing his way. Tall and thin, the man remains unmoving, as if waiting for Jacob.

Jacob simply smiles this time at the breath of his ever-changing physios. It has gone from realm of weird to downright creepy. Shaking his head, he eases the buggy forward. As he gets closer and closer to this unknown man, he is instantly reminded of the many characters from the old western movies he watched as a kid. One such figure from the old southwest stands before him now. He's dressed like an Apache warrior in a large, loose-fitting long-sleeved red flannel shirt, dark brown buckskin pants, and knee-high moccasin boots. Hanging from around his neck is a three-inch circular silver pendant with a large piece of dark sky blue turquoise in the center.

His strong, weathered face is a deep, dark brown with black eyes, a long, thin nose, and an unsmiling, tight-lipped grimace that comes from loss and grief. Shoulder-length black hair hangs loosely about his face. A red bandanna encircles his head, keeping the hair from falling into his eyes. But what has Jacob most concerned is being held in the crook of his arm. He has a legendary Sharpes breach-loading carbine and a bandoleer similar to his with a dozen or more fifty-caliber cartridges. Rounding out his weapons is a long, wicked-looking blade in a leather sheath.

About 50 yards away, Jacob flicks off the light bar and toggles the headlights back to dim. Slowing his approach, he stops about 25 yards away. Shifting the buggy into 'Park', he waits, unmoving. The stone-faced Apache gradually lifts his right-hand palm out in what Jacob hopes is a gesture of peace. Gulping down the fear threatening to engulf him, Jacob throws open the Canam door. Here is yet another absurdity, another impossible surprise that joins the ever-growing list.

What is this man, this Apache, doing on his land? He's about to lose it again when he remembers his dream and the little dark-skinned girl's parting words... “I can't hold you here any longer. Go now and find my father. The French have already sent a detachment of soldiers to gather us,” she said.

A gut wrenching nausea threatens to empty his stomach when the final straw is added to an already imposing pile of hay. Glancing over his left shoulder, Jacob sees it. Two hands above the western horizon is a ¾ waxing moon. Dorthy's famous line from the 'Wizard of Oz' comes rushing into his mind... “Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!”

Returning to the here and now, Jacob sees the Apache lower his hand slightly and raise it again. He crawls out of the side-by-side. His legs are unsteady, barely able to support his weight. But with the dawning of the truth comes renewed strength. Standing tall, he reaches behind his seat and slides his 44-40 Winchester out of its saddle scabbard. Griping the rifle in front of the trigger guard, he turns and lays it gently in the crook of his left arm. Reaching into the buggy, he turns the headlights off. Only the amber running lights are on as he turns towards the Apache and raises his hand palm outward.

Only a hint of emotion tugs at the corners of this grim warrior's mouth as Jacob walks closer until they're standing within a pace of each other. “I called Victorio. You come late, Spirit Warrior. We hurry. Come we go,” he pauses, looking me over head to toe. “You not warrior. Why you come?” he asks.

Jacob is thankful that Victorio can speak English. Giving him a brief stoic smile, he answers, “I call Jacob. The wind and the animals whispered to me. Told me come here. To hurry. I not warrior, but can kill when necessary.”

Victorio grunts, “Good. I am glad you here. Help kill bad men. Mexican bandidos killed my wife and took my tribe's greatest gift. My daughter, Chooli. They also killed a family of whites where La Serpiente del Diablo (The Devil's Snake) empties into the San Pedro River. They hold girls there,” he says looking at Jacob's side-by-side. “Hide iron wagon. Too noisy. Bandidos hear from far away. I bring extra horse,” he says pointing to the south. “Hurry, Jacob. We long ride. Must free girls tomorrow night.”

Without a word, he turns and strides off into the near darkness. Jacob walks back to the Canam and, getting back inside, turns on the headlights and follows Victorio around the large sandbar to the left. There is a large rock outcropping sticking out into the arroyo. The infrequent flooding has hollowed out a large sandy pit on the lee side of the wall of rock. Driving to the edge he gives the pit a quick gander. There's nothing at the bottom except a couple chunks of driftwood and a few medium sized rocks. It's perfect for hiding the buggy. Backing into the deep depression, the Canam disappears from sight.

Turning off the ignition and pocketing the key, Jacob hops out of the side-by-side. It takes a minute or two to load his backpack with the extra ammunition, food, and water. Slinging his bandoleer over his shoulder along with his rifle and scabbard, he turns to see Victorio. He's holding the leather reins of a beautiful black stallion. The horse, to put it mildly, is simply magnificent. Long of leg and well proportioned, he stands fidgeting beside Victorio.

As Jacob stops, the horse bends its head to nuzzle the hand being lifted towards him. Stroking the nose and forehead, he scratches around the jaw of this wondrous animal. “What's his name?” asks Jacob.

Victorio, turning away, answers, “Chooli named him... Noche (night).”

Walking a few steps, he calls back over his shoulder, “He is good horse. Easy to ride. Come Jacob. We go...”

Jacob gathers the reins and follows after Victorio. Victorio slings a rough horsehair blanket onto his white and brown paint. Grabbing a hand full of mane, he vaults onto the horse's back.

Victorio gives Jacob a gruff look and throws another rough horsehair blanket at him. Their mission to save the girls all depends on his ability to ride bareback. Smiling as he catches the blanket, he centers it on Noche's back. With reins clasped in his teeth, he grabs a handful of black mane and vaults onto the horse's back. It's been awhile since he rode bareback, but as a kid growing up on a ranch, he learned this necessary skill. His parents often grounded him from riding. Their punishment was to take his tack and saddle away from him. He would sneak off into the surrounding foothills near the ranch house. Catch one of his favorite horses and go for a ride.

Victorio gives him a wicked grin. Pulling sharply on the reins of his horse, he rides toward the rocky hillside on the west side of the arroyo. Jacob gives Noche a gentle pat on the neck and turns the horse to follow Victorio. One hand for the reins, the other to hold onto a large tuft of horsehair at the base of Noche's neck.

Riding in the semi-darkness in good conditions is difficult, but riding up the side of a hill is bordering on lunacy... But Victorio and Jacob are already raving lunatics, so off they ride. Victorio seems very familiar with the land.

Victorio slows at the top of the ridge to let the horses catch their breath. Jacob pulls Noche up beside Victorio and asks, “Please tell me what has happened here. Why is it so important that I be here?”

Victorio hangs his head in shame. “I was only gone a few short time spans to hunt for us. Cochise and many of the other warriors left a week ago to raid in northern Mexico. The 'Strong Hold' only has a few warriors to guard and hunt for women and children. Even so, Chooli wanted to go into the foothills to gather herbs and roots to make medicines. She wanted to be ready when the men returned with the wounded. She's very important to my people. She our 'Bruja Blanco'. She special... healer and spirit walker. She even mind talks,” he stops riding after a few paces. “We stay at small hidden camp near where Chooli find herbs and plants. She working with her mother. They were away from the shelter of the rocks. Too far to run when they discovered by the Bandidos. Onami fought, bravely killing one of them, but the rest were cowards and shot my heart.” Unable to talk for a few minutes, this hardened warrior finally continued.

“They took Chooli with them to raid further south. That's when they killed the white family. All except young white girl. They remain there, waiting for the French to come and take the captives back to Mexico. The French will pay 500 US silver dollars per untainted girl.” He finishes and quickens his pace down the trail leading south along the ridge.

Somewhere between shocked and horrified, Jacob asks darkly, “Are you saying your daughter is a witch?”

Quick to defend, he answers, “Yes, but not bad witch... good. White witch! Even as small child, she help others. She more important than Cochise, our chief. When mother holds her baby, burning with fever, Chooli there to help, not chief. When warrior lay dying, it Chooli there to ease his passing. She there, telling him that those he loves will find him in afterlife... Chief not do that. Chief important to all people, so is Chooli. But she most important to the one in pain or near death. She brings comfort and peace.”

Nodding his head, Jacob rides on for a few minutes, thinking about what's been said before asking a final question. “Victorio, thank you for sharing these difficult things. Please tell me. As the whites count the seasons, what year is this?”

Victorio hardly hesitates, “Springtime in year 1860.”

The last words from Victorio do little to unsettle Jacob any further. His new reality is the painful bony back of a horse. The night passes slowly. Riding at the best pace possible, Victorio continues to make frequent stops to rest the horses. They even drop down into the arroyo to let the horses drink from one of the many Apache cisterns dug down to collect the water along the bedrock. Walking the horses back up the hillside, they once again continue down the ridge. The darkness seems endless. During the deepest part of night, after the moon has set, they walked and stumbled beside their horses. At long last, the faint glow of predawn begins to lighten the eastern sky when darkness slowly gives way to the light of another day. A dark day, a red day. A day of vengeance and death.

Well, before the actual break of dawn, they are back on the horses. Victorio continues to lead them through the twists and turns of the meandering foothills. During one of the now more infrequent breaks, Jacob finally asks him, “Why are we riding through the foothills instead of the more direct route in the arroyo?”

Victorio grunts irritably but answers, “Footing in hills is firmer. The horses work less. It faster than riding through sand.” Hesitating, he looks eastward and points toward the arroyo. “Tonight, when we are being chased, we use arroyo. In early afternoon, we stop close ranch house. Rest and graze horses. When night comes, we kill bad men and free girls. You take bunkhouse. Girls captive there. One... two guards. Wait til I fire the house. When bandidos come out, you shoot. No wait. Kill quick. They very bad men. They kill many others. Not let them kill us or girls.”

Teeth clenched, Victorio's scowl is frightening to behold. “This why you here, Spirit Warrior. It is you who must save them. You are the one Chooli called from the spirit world. You must fight for what is yours,” he says gazing southward.

His stone-like countenance softens, and he smiles. “Chooli sounds like wife already,” Victorio chuckles. “She says not to die. One guard outside during day. Two guards at night. One inside, one out. You need carry Sarah. No shoes. She no can run.”

“You can hear her mind talk?” Jacob asks, shaking his head.

Victorio nods his head. “Yes, we close now. Stop soon.”

Not far ahead of them, the small ridge we are following takes us back down into the arroyo. It suddenly dawns on Jacob that he knows exactly where they are. He lets his eyes sweep the area around him. He smiles and lets his mind drift back to his youth, when he rode and walked these very hills. This is his land in the future. The land is still the same. It remains untouched by this short span of time. This is his home. He will defend it and those who need his help. His fear and uncertainty are replaced by a terrible resolve.

Following Victorio into the wide dry washbed, they turn right, staying close to the low sandstone walls carved through the surrounding foothills. Jacob used to come to this part of the arroyo all the time to hunt for arrowheads and pottery shards. Not far from the San Juan River basin, they are less than a mile from the old Henry Martin ranch house. Just ahead of them is a small groove of cottonwood trees with some low, bright green willow brush.

The ribbed sandstone cliffs rise higher here, casting deeper shadows along the base of the western wall. The bedrock in this location is very close to the surface. This allows the fresh, clean water to seep from the surrounding sand to form a natural waterhole. The water is clear, free of algae, and about six feet deep. The surrounding willow roots prevent the sand from filling up the natural waterhole.

Jacob's mind jumps ahead to his time. He can see this exact place. The trees are slightly different, as they have lived and died several times before those found on his ranch in 2024. One hundred-sixty-four years from now, not much will have changed. Plants, animals, and humans come and go. But this oasis in the middle of nowhere is here in the newness of the past, his present in 2024, and probably moving forward into the ebb and flow of the future yet to come.

Victorio dismounts and leads his horse over to the clear, cool water. Jacob follows, and soon both horses are grazing the late spring grass in a narrow slot canyon leading to the west.

Jacob shares one of his two remaining sandwiches with Victorio and drinks another bottle of water. Victorio seems just fine with the same water the horses drank. The last sandwich and three bottles of water he will save for the girls tonight when they make a run for it. But where will they be running? Somewhere in the 'Devil's Pathway' he crossed through some type of ripple in time. Jacob and his Canam buggy traveled back to 1860. Now he's here helping a Chihuahua Apache warrior father. Together, they will rescue two captive little girls. Again... what then? Is he stuck in this time? Will that ripple in time still be there? Will the doorway work in reverse, taking him back to the year 2024? Nothing will matter one way or another until they free the girls. Then, maybe he can think about the problem of getting back home.

Jacob and Victorio take turns on guard duty. Each catching a few short hours of rest. As the sun sets, Victorio makes sure the horses are hobbled securely under the trees. They can get to the water, but not much further. With twilight deepening they start to make their way towards the ranch and the girls. Jacob gives the Apache his Winchester and the bandoleer of ammunition. They spend about ten minutes on how to load and unload the weapon. Also, how to carry it safely while being able to fire the weapon quickly if the need arises. The Apache just marvels at the 'Repeating Rifle' and its ability to kill. His face and body demeanor continue to darken and intensify as he prepares himself for the fight ahead.

Jacob takes his two glocks and sixty rounds of 9-mm ammunition. One in his boot, the other in the holster around his waist. Strangely, he feels like an old-time gunslinger. Jacob can feel his own dark purpose settling over his mind. Close to the ranch house, his mind drifts back to the two dirty little girls hoovering above him. His dream is about to become the reality of this defining moment. They are both very real, and they are being held captive only a few hundred yards away. He might die tonight in this long-forgotten footnote in history, but Jacob and Victorio have to save the girls.

Following Chooli's father, he leads them across the arroyo. The brush and rock cover are better on the east side. Just before total darkness, they move into their positions. But there's a problem. The Mexican bandidos are standing around a large bonfire drinking, and having a good time. Instead of a sleepy bunch of bad guys, they're wide awake. Victorio and Jacob will have to wait for them to drink themselves silly and stumble off to bed.

Now the waiting begins... Victorio will still set the ranch house on fire, while Jacob eliminates the guards and releases the girls. Shit, how stupid is a plan to attack a band of seasoned killers? Men who kill without a thought. Then he chuckles mirthlessly into the darkness. It should still work, hopefully.

The seconds click by silently, minutes turning into hours before the drunken party finally runs its course, and they all find a place inside the ranch house to sleep it off.

Standing behind a large clump of sagebrush. Jacob stretches out his cramping muscles. Any minute now, hell is coming for a late-night snack. He waits and watches at the mouth of a small gully that will take him to the back of the bunkhouse.

He glances a final time at the setting moon hoovering just above the western horizon. Then it begins. The slow motion of battles clarity descends on him. Rising from behind the sagebrush, whose fragrant scent caresses his sense of smell, the Spirit Warrior from the future sprints toward the unknown of the past.

The noise and the increasing glow from the burning ranch house is soon followed by the deafening death-kneel of his Winchester 44-40. Someone has died, and it's his turn to revenge himself on these evil men. Jacob vaults out of the gully and rushes to the corner of the bunkhouse. The brightening glow of the spreading fire fans the chaos just a few yards away. Pulling his eyes away from the ranch-house and the crack of another shot from his rifle, Jacob looks toward the open door to his right.

One of the guards, with his six-gun drawn, steps out into the flickering glow. Jacob, lifting his gun, sees the animal, not the man. A second later... a loud noise and death drags a damned soul to hell. Jacob's battle fury locks in on one of the bandidos rushing towards the bunkhouse. He turns slightly, takes aim, and another bad man face plants in the hard-packed desert soil, dead.

Sensing movement to his right, Jacob quickly folds himself flush against the wall as a guard appearing in the doorway takes a shot at him. Barely missing his head, he aims the gun at his third bad man and pulls the trigger. Once... twice, and the bandit slumps to the ground to join the other two.

He's about to enter through the door when he feels Chooli's urgent caution. “There is a third guard, Jacob.” The strained silence is quickly followed by a wave of pure malice and hatred. “He's cowering in the southwest corner. He shakes! He is afraid of you, Spirit Warrior.”

Not sure how this works, Jacob thinks outwardly, “Are you two alright?”

Chooli answers quickly, “Yes! Just hungry and thirsty. They gave us nothing for the last few days. We are weak.”

Anger surging through him, Jacob warns, “Put your hands over your ears and turn away.”

He doesn't wait for her answer. He switches hands, and facing the wall, Jacob whips the gun around the corner and peppers the southwest corner with six quick shots. In the silence following, he hears a soft groan followed by a muffled thump. Swinging around the corner, his eyes are fixed on the prone figure of a man slumped against the floor. He rushes to the fallen man and pumps a round into the back of his head.

Turning at the slight sound behind him, he lifts his gun but only sees Chooli standing in front of Sarah. The little Apache girl is shielding Sarah with her body. Rushing towards them, Jacob pulls out his pocket knife, flips open the razor-sharp blade, and slices through the rawhide binding Chooli's hands. Sawing through the tough hemp lariat rope around her feet takes a bit longer. The cow bell hung just above the knot gives a soft metal clank before Chooli wraps her hand around the skirt. Deadening the sound of the clapper, she gently lays it down when Jacob cuts through the rope.

Chooli reaches out to touch Jacob's face. “A detachment of four French cavalry arrived late this afternoon. There are twenty more coming just after dawn. We must hurry, Jacob,” she sends hurriedly.

Jacob cups her hand to his face. “Okay, watch the door while I cut Sarah free,” he thinks back at her.

A quick smile, and she pulls her hand away. She steps around to stand guard behind him. Knowing Chooli is keeping an eye on the door, Jacob turns to face the frightened little blonde girl in front of him. She already has her hands held out to him to cut through the leather bindings. He quickly repeats the process of cutting Sarah's hands free. She was watching and is already reaching down to silence her bell. Setting it down, she rushes into his arms.

Jacob gives her a quick squeeze and tells her in a rush. “We need to go, Sarah!” he tells her quietly. The sound of gun fire continues to echo in the semi-darkness outside the bunkhouse. It's mostly from handguns, with the occasional deeper thundering boom of the Winchester. He breathes a deep sigh of relief... Victorio is still alive and fighting. He rushes to the doorway, brushing the girls back against the wall. He takes a quick peek outside.

The thirty yards of open ground between the bunkhouse and the burning ranch house is littered with bodies. Two were killed by him, four by Victorio. The fire has spread to the roof and is quickly consuming the dry timber yucca slat roof. Several more shots ring out from the doorway into the main house. The smoky glow suddenly outlines a figure in a French cavalry uniform holding a gun and firing wildly into the night. A bullet whizzes dangerously close to Jacob when he lifts his glock and takes aim. Two quick shots later, another body joins the others, lying face down in the dirt.

A scream suddenly follows the partial collapse of the burning roof, and a second uniformed man runs out. Pulling his gun from its holster, he never gets a shot off before Jacob puts a hollow point slug in his chest. Crumpling as he runs, he skids to a dusty stop on his knees and flops forward.

Motioning for the girls to stay hidden. Jacob ejects his spent clip and slams in a fresh one from his ammo belt. Lumbering away from the girls, he moves swiftly across the open space between the ranch and bunk house. Creeping to the rear corner, he hears the sound of a struggle above the noisy den of the crackling fire. Yes, just out of sight are the muffled grunts and groans along the back wall of the ranch house. Peering around the corner, he sees a French lieutenant pushing down on Victorio's knife. Only inches away from the Apache's chest. Jacob lifts his glock and takes another life.

Victorio pushes the lifeless body away from him. He's been shot in the upper left-quadrant of his chest. His labored breathing is coming in ragged, gasping gulps. He tries to smile around the pain.

“Chooli has chosen well, Spirit Warrior. Go now! Get them to safety. I follow you up arroyo. Leave me. This not where I die,” his face contorting into a grimace of pain and worry.

Jacob quickly reaches down and drags him to his feet. The Winchester lies a few feet away. Stooping, he scoops up the rifle and hands it to Victorio.

“Hurry, my brother. Chooli says more French are coming at dawn. We must be far away by then.” Jacob reaches out and takes Chooli's father by the forearm.

The Apache's bloody hand grasps his forearm firmly for a few seconds. “Yes, we are brothers, you and me. I gave her life in the past. You will give her life in the days to come.”

Jacob turns in a single swift motion to run back to the girls. Behind him, grasping the Winchester, Victorio limps after him. Chooli is standing in the doorway with Sarah pressed against her back. They both sigh with a gasping cry of relief and run to meet him. Barely slowing, Jacob gathers the girls in his arms and dashes along the western wall of the bunkhouse and down into the gully beyond.

The moonlight is long gone when he takes them into the arroyo. Setting the girls down, he bends so Sarah can climb onto his back. Reaching a hand out to Chooli, she wraps her tiny hand around two of his meaty fingers. Pausing a moment, Chooli gives the gully a final look at the figure lurching weakly in the near dark. She says nothing about seeing the weakness there. She is Apache and knows that her father will follow as best he can.

Jacob and the girls start up the dry wash as fast as possible. Lagging behind is Victorio. With a couple of miles to go, Jacob stumbles through the darkness that soon has Chooli gasping for air. Never a word of complaint, never slowing. She simply grits her teeth and runs beside the tall man. Finally, the false light of dawn silhouettes the mountains to the east as they reach the horses.

Jacob looks back but can't see Victorio behind a bend in the arroyo. He knows his brother is there, bringing up the rear. Squatting beside his horse, Jacob quickly sets Sarah on the ground and throws the thick horsehair blanket over Noche's back. Next, he stoops to lift Sarah up and sits her just behind the withers. Then he gathers up his backpack and stuffs the bandoleer of Sharps ammunition into it. Taking the backpack and Victorio's rifle, he lays the rifle across Sarah's lap and places the backpack in front of that.

Throwing a leg over the horse's back, Jacob vaults onto the course horsehair blanket. Reaching down, he plucks Chooli up from the ground and swings her behind him. Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, Jacob cradles Sarah between his arms. Pulling the head of the horse towards the open arroyo, Jacob kicks his boot heels into the flanks, and off they go. He lets the horse have his head and brings the pace up to a loping trot. Confident the horse can maintain this pace, he focuses on keeping to the firmer ground if available.

He feels Chooli turn and raise her hand. Behind them, she sees Victorio dragging his left leg around the bend in the arroyo. He lifts his hand at his daughter and waves them on. Jacob scans the drywash ahead and looks inside to feel for Chooli's mind. She is there, withdrawn from the world, crying softly.

“When I talked with your father at the ranch house, he told me this is not the place where he dies. He's behind us, guarding our back,” he sends, hoping to ease her pain.

She sniffles, and her mind fades from view. Jacob can't feel her anymore. Deciding to leave well enough alone, he focuses back on the arroyo and the horse's loping gait. Four or five miles further along, Victorio catches up with them. His grim determination is the only thing keeping him in the saddle.

There is a bullet hole in his upper thigh that Jacob missed. Both the chest and leg wounds are still bleeding, but without a word, he continues to urge his paint forward. Several hundred yards ahead, Victorio motions for us to continue up the dry wash as he climbs one of the many ridges to scout behind us.

A few minutes later, he comes tearing up the arroyo with death not far behind. He slows down to move along beside us. The sadness on his face is there for both girls to see. “The French have tracker with them. A Yaqui, from Mexico. They have found our trail. Now coming behind us. It time to run, Spirit Warrior.”

Without a word, his horse lurches ahead as mine struggles to keep up. A few miles later, our horses are nearly spent. Victorio pulls up and stops. He gives Chooli a bright smile and points to the large rock outcropping jutting out from the foothill. “Come Jacob. I have something show you on rock,” he calls out.

Jacob, perplexed by Victorio's urgent request, slips Chooli from behind him, softly setting her on the ground. He hops off himself and walks towards Victorio, who's slumped over. Jacob rushes to his side and reaches up to catch the Winchester before it falls from his hand. Almost collapsing, he dismounts. Leaning heavily against the horse, he looks for the final time at Chooli. Her back is turned away from him. Listening she stiffens...

He chuckles softly. “That's right daughter. I go to see your mother. But your light remains here. I proud of the woman you becoming. Do not grieve overlong. Bed this good man. Live a full life. Respect our beliefs, our traditions. I only ask you help our people.” He stops and turns toward Jacob.

“Come, Spirit Warrior, enemy draws near.” He nods and reaches out to take Jacob's arm. Whispering so only Jacob can hear, “Help me to top of rock. I will hold them here while you take Chooli and Sarah to iron wagon.”

Almost carrying the severely wounded Apache warrior, they make their way up a narrow cleft in between a large rock and the wall. Jacob finally asks, “Why didn't Chooli say goodbye?”

Victorio croaks out a groan and spits a mouth full of blood on the rock beside him. “It our way, Jacob. She wants last memory to be of strong warrior, not of weakness. This place where I die. I join my ancestors very soon. But before I go, many more enemies will die. Now help me,” he says weakly.

Once on top, Victorio crawls to the edge. Lying flat on the warm rock, Jacob sets the rifle and the bandoleer beside him. Forearm to forearm, these two grim men lock eyes for a brief moment. “Care for them, Jacob. They will fill your lodge with joy and happiness. Your children will grow strong and prosperous. Remember, you no longer white man. You now Apache as well. Make haste. They are near!” He finishes, pointing to the plumb of dust rising from the arroyo behind them.

Jacob leans down and touches his forehead to Victorio's, “Farewell, my friend.”

Releasing his friend's forearm, Jacob launches himself off the rock and runs for the horses and the waiting girls. Chooli is now riding her father's paint. The backpack is between her legs, and the Sharps rifle is laid out across her lap. Back straight as an arrow, eyes facing north, Chooli is ready. Sarah gives Jacob a quick smile as he mounts just behind her. She passes him the reins and leans back against the wall of muscle. He wraps his left arm around her, and with his right hand holding the reins, kicks the horse into high gear. Chooli's paint follows Jacob's mount as it runs down the arroyo. This is it. Everything they've done to this point all boils down to the next few miles. They're off on the last leg of their run to freedom.

Jacob's focus is shattered when the first shot fired from his 44-40 Winchester thunders from behind them. It's only been about five short minutes since they rode out of sight. Their pursuers are very close! Way too close. He continues to watch the terrain ahead while listening to the continued roar of the Winchester. Soon other gunfire can be heard, but Victorio continues to rain death on the French as Jacob, Chooli, and Sarah run for their lives. The sound of the battle behind them continues to fade into silence as they round the last rocky bend in the arroyo.

The rocks where the Canam is hidden look so different in the daylight. Thankfully, the machine is sitting just where he left it. Taking Sarah with him, he rushes down the sandy slope to the passenger side of the machine. He easily slips her small frame through the window and turns to see Chooli right behind him carrying the backpack and the Sharps. She sets them down and lets him pick her up and place her beside Sarah in the Canam.

He runs back, takes the leather halter off each horse, grabs the coarse horsehair blankets, and smacks the paint on the rump. Both horses, kicking up their heels, tear off up the narrowing wash. They are heading back towards the Devil Pathway. Right where Jacob needs to take them and the buggy.

Chooli squeals with alarm, “Jacob, if the horses go through the door to the spirit world, it will close. We will be left here with the French. We must go quickly, my love.”

Jacob doesn't have time to ponder her words. He throws the backpack and blankets on the floorboard in front of the girls. The rifle he hands to Chooli. Reaching into his pocket, he opens the door and takes the ignition key out in a single motion. Cramming the key in the ignition, he turns the key. With a roar, the engine comes to life. The girls holding on to each other are totally taken by surprise.

He looks at them and smiles. “Hold on, we are going for a ride, ladies.”

With that, Jacob tromps the gas-pedal. With a mighty lurch, the snarling beast, usually dormant inside the Canam, is suddenly set free. A massive sand and gravel rooster tail zooms skyward as the buggy begins to accelerate after the frisky horses. The horses, unnerved by the noise coming from behind, redoubled their efforts to scurry up the narrow slot canyon.

The horses beat them into the canyon mouth. Fifty yards behind and closing fast, Jacob can see the horses pass through the dark-edged, shimmering hole through space and time. The gateway to their future starts to close quickly. Forty yards, thirty yards, twenty yards... the gate is no bigger than a single-car garage door. Ten yards... then a shuddering bounce, and the fiber glass pole, dune flag, and light bar are torn off.

A surge of intense cold, and they're through. Only yards behind the frightened horses, Jacob, slamming on the breaks, skids to a screeching stop. The horses, never breaking stride, scamper deeper into the Devil's Pathway. Ignoring where the horses have gone, he glances to the side and at the girls. They are both still holding on for dear life, but give him a quick, tight-lipped smile. Jacob pops a quick three-point 'U' turn and eases forward. The gate, portal, or micro singularity is gone. He can clearly see the tracks he made the day before yesterday as he drove through the canyon a lifetime ago on Friday.

Driving out slowly, he works his way back down the arroyo. He decides to return home via the narrow road along the ridge and not go past where Victorio gave his life for them. He will bring Chooli back another day when things are not quite so chaotic. Once on the ridge road, Jacob stops and breaks out the last three bottles of water and the last sandwich. It's getting a little dry and probably stale, but to Chooli and Sarah, it's a feast. They both share the sandwich equally. They even offer him a few bits. He shakes his head and tells them he will eat when they get back to the ranch.

Jacob does take a swig of water from the last bottle, then gives the rest to them. Giving them a quick smile, they're off at a much slower speed.

The silence that follows is to be expected. Tired and alone, they both begin to grieve the loss of their loved ones. Chooli has lost a mother and a father. Sarah is the same, plus an older brother. Slumped against each other for comfort, they wrap themselves in their shared grief. Arm in arm, they hold each other tightly and start to cry.

Jacob desperately wants to stop and just hold them. He wants them to know they're safe now and, most importantly, welcomed in his home. The next few days are going to be rough. One hundred and sixty-four years will require a lengthy transition... not to mention their grief. All that, and they're stuck with a consummate bachelor.

They slowly let the darkness of exhaustion take them. Jacob slows to a stop. Reaching across his precious cargo, he quietly wraps his hand around the buckle of the safety harness and pulls it across Chooli and Sarah. Unconscious, they continue to sleep, unaware of the man. As silently as possible, he clicks the latch plate into the buckle. Satisfied that they are comfortable, he gently coaxes the Canam back to a leisurely ten miles per hour. The dirt road is gradually smoothing out with fewer bumps.

Soon he sees the ranch a few miles down the dusty road. The slope of the foothills gradually ends just above the ranch. Out on the flatter ground, he slows down and crosses the cattle-guard, leading into the fenced area around the ranch buildings and corrals. He drives the Canam around to the front of the house and under the carport. Sitting there for a few moments, he soaks up the simple wonder of his home. Leaning back in his seat, he joins the girls and sheds a few tears of thankfulness.

He's home again. But sleeping beside him are two young women who are now dependent on him. For the first time in his life, someone, or rather, two someones, are his responsibility. The initial daunting weight threatens to overwhelm him. Then he remembers the sacrifices made for these two unspoiled flowers to live on and be happy in their lives here with him. His heart suddenly breaks free of the shackles holding it bound for so long. Yes, he's the adult... the responsible one. But this is a two way street, and they'll help ease his burden given time. He will fill them with his love as they give their gifts to him. His joy will wait until they are ready.

He puts the buggy in 'park' and switches off the ignition. Chooli and Sarah remain unmoving. He rushes to open the house, and coming back releases the latch plate from the buckle. Silently, he lets it retract before he opens the door. Bending down, he lifts Chooli into his arms. As swiftly and gently as possible, Jacob takes her inside and lays her on one of the double beds in his guest room. He leaves the other for Sarah and rushes back out to the side-by-side to get her as well.

With both of them resting, Jacob starts in on some comfort food. Simple but good: bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. A short time later, the house smells like fried bacon, and the girls would have to be dead not to notice.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the soft patter of bare feet comes rustling up behind Jacob. Without turning, he hears them whispering together. Finishing the bacon, he shuts off the propane burner and turns to the ladies. They're standing there, fidgeting from one foot to the other. Sarah has her legs slightly crossed and her fist pressed against her urethra.

Jacob panics and rushes over to take them back to the restroom. Once inside, he points to the toilet and tells Sarah, “It's like an outhouse hole, only inside. Just sit down and pee,” he tells her and hurries out the door.

Outside in the hallway, he hears her intense sigh of relief, followed by the unmistakable tinkle of her urinating in the pot. Next, he listens to the similar sounds of Chooli using the facilities too. Jacob gives them a few moments before walking back in. He points at the toilet paper.

“That's what we use to clean ourselves. Front and back, it works great.” He stammers to a stop before turning bright red.

Still embarrassed, he walks over to flush the toilet. He quickly shows them how to wash their hands, and back to the kitchen they go for a late brunch.

Just walking to the kitchen has them gawking at everything. First some food, and then a quick demonstration of 21st-century technology. Afterwards, a bath or shower and a good night's sleep.

The food is a great success: two dozen eggs, three pounds of bacon, and plenty of toast covered in blackberry jam. Nearly in a food coma, Jacob leads them around the house, showing them the light switches, how the doors work and of course the water fixtures. There is so much more, but their eyes are already glazed over from information overload.

He finally leads them into the master bathroom with the large tub and walk-in shower. They look at him like he's a nutter, until he strips down to his underwear and walks into the shower. He needs a good long shower too, so why not show them how this all works? He will just have to wash his private parts later.

Walking inside the shower, he starts up the water and quickly adjusts it to a nice medium heat. Ignoring Chooli and Sarah proves to be a big mistake. He didn't exactly forbid them from coming in, but he expected them to ask before doing anything. Instead, he groans inwardly as the door to the outside is pulled open by Chooli. Sarah is right beside her, looking up at the water flowing from the shower head.

A blend of curiosity and caution has both of them threading lightly. He suddenly becomes aware that Chooli and Sarah are naked. One is a dark almond brown, the other is a true pale-skinned blonde. Each is a tiny, slender built beauty. Neither are displaying any trace of developing adolescence. Flat titless chests and narrow hips. Their mons pubis is devoid of pubic hair. The nightmare he had the other night just walked into the shower with him. Two incredibly beautiful, real-life preteen hotties. How the hell is he going to deal with this?

There is no inhibition in either girl. They walk up and look him square in the eyes. Then he feels the gentle ripple of a mental giggle. Chooli chooses to speak out loud so Sarah can listen. “We're real this time. You have saved our lives today and brought us into your home. Sarah and I have full bellies. Are you an honorable man, or do you plan to keep us as slaves? Worthless unwed whores. Just a piece of meat to use and throw away when you tire of us,” she challenges. “What do you have planned for us, Jacob?”

Jacob is momentarily stunned by Chooli's coarse words. He knows she and Sarah are waiting to hear what he has planned for their future. They are from a world where the dominance of the male is supreme. Jacob has fought and killed to protect them, brought them into his home, and fed them. To them, he has already accepted responsibility for their lives. They just want to hear it from him.

Jacob only hesitates a moment to let the sting of Chooli's words fade from his mind. She is just goading him to man up... and she's right! Everything he's done for them has a symbolic meaning for them. They come from a society of ideals that are more black and white. He has brought them out of the darkness of the night. Now they want him to reach out and guide them into the daylight. They don't need flowery words of acceptance, just the comfort of a simple touch.

Kneeling in front of the girls, he reaches out his hands. One towards the young dark-skinned Apache girl with eyes of gleaming onyx, and the other towards the blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty. So different except their shared circumstances, they're about to join themselves to him.

Chooli and Sarah step in close and, taking his hands, join him beneath the flow of water. Gasping in surprise, they both lift their faces to enjoy the simple pleasure of the hot water. This is a truly unique experience; they've never seen this decadent waste of water. Let alone the time and precious fuel needed to heat the water. But here they're, letting the water work its magic on their exhausted minds and bodies.

Jacob, pulling them in tight, wraps his arms around them and, growling like a hungry cougar, starts to nip at their ears and necks. Unable to defend themselves, they start to squirm and wiggle around... the whole time laughing and giggling. The simplistic sounds of their happiness are the first of many delights with these two. The gateway to his heart is thrown open, and for the first time in his life, he lets someone inside the crusty exterior of his soul.

Chooli and Sarah grow suddenly calm within his arms when Jacob loosens his grip. Two sets of skinny little girl arms are instantly around his neck. Hugging him tightly, they attack like a couple of hungry cougar kittens. Kissing and nuzzling his face, their purring turns more lust-filled as they begin a casual descent. First his neck and then an occasional ear nibble, he lets the girls enjoy their first intimate moments together. Luxuriating in the hot water and the two girls eager to please him, the minutes pass in blissful waves of delight.

But when Sarah latches on to his right nipple and starts to suckle the rubbery flesh, Jacob decides to slow things down. At least until they're all clean and ready for bed. Standing brings a groan from both of them. Frowning their displeasure, the girls look up at the towering hunk of a man expectantly. Smiling down at the two nymphets, he tells them, “Before you get carried away with your attentions, we need to get you two washed and cleaned up.”

Sarah chirps up, “Are you going to wash us?”

Jacob, unsettled by her request, gulps out, “Aaah, yeah, I guess. If you want me to?”

Chooli's quiet mental whisper no longer surprises Jacob, “Sarah first. She needs to feel the strength of your hands and the tenderness of your touch. I can wait a little longer... But I can only share your bed for tonight, Jacob. Tomorrow at sunrise, I will begin to mourn the loss of my family. I will mourn them until the first light of the new moon.”

His quick conversation with Chooli is being watched by a suddenly apprehensive Sarah. Eyes down, shoulders slumped forward, she's clearly one unhappy little girl. Barely above a whisper, she says, “It's fine with me if Chooli goes first,” she finishes with a soft sniffle.

Without answering her, Jacob reaches out and lifts the body wash from the rack hanging from the shower head. Turning, he stands in front of Sarah and asks, “No, I think you get to go first. Would you allow me to wash you?”

She giggles and smiles approvingly at the tower of manly strength standing before her. Reaching behind her head, she flicks her hair upward. Leaving her arms above her head, she laced her fingers together and pushed her chest outward.

Her voice is thick with emotion. “Okay, Jacob! Just don't get soap in my eyes,” she cautions.

With Chooli standing beside Jacob, he kneels before the tantalizing piece of preteen eye candy. Setting the body wash down, he opens his arms. She smiles brightly and rushes into his embrace. Holding her close, he folds her tiny body against his. She is warm and soft to the touch. Her long, willowy litheness pressed against him is like nothing he's ever felt before. Emboldened by her accepting closeness, he reaches down to cup the perfection of her taut ass cheeks.

Her chirp of surprise is quickly followed by her lifting her head in search of his lips. He lowers his lips to hers and accepts the first of her gifts. The nightmare of the last few days, the death, the pain, and the loss that have darkened his soul are gone the instant his lips touch hers. Jacob surrenders himself to this little girl's touch. Like a breath of fresh air, he reluctantly pulls his lips from hers.

Lowering her head to rest atop his shoulder, she whispers softly, “Thank you for saving us. I was so scared and frightened, but Chooli kept telling me that you would be there soon,” she finishes and starts to cry.

Jacob moves his head close to her ear, making sure only she can hear. "I was scared and frightened too. But when I saw you and Chooli tied up, hurt, and dirty... Well, I just couldn't leave you there and let them hurt you anymore. So I...” he stops when Sarah brings her tiny finger to his lips.

Removing her finger, she gives him a quick peck. “All that is behind us now. Let it stay there in the darkness, where it belongs. Now hurry and wash me off, so Chooli can have her turn.”

The wisdom of a woman is often beyond a man's understanding. Such is the case with Jacob. He simply smiles at Sarah and reaches for the body wash. He takes his time and washes her several times. Beneath all the dirt are the bruises, scrapes, and scratches from her recent captivity. She doesn't say a word as he cleans them as best he can.

Finally, he's left with only one dirty spot. Glancing down, she giggles, “It's fine, Jacob. You can touch me down there. I want you to.”

Coating his hand in body wash, he gently reaches between her legs. Spreading her legs, she pushes her pelvis forward, grinding her mons pubis into the palm of his hand. Cooing contentedly, she slowly humps his hand as she enjoys his lewd touch.

Almost forgotten, Chooli leans forward and whispers into his ear. “Unless you want to take her here, you need to finish washing her,” she warns him with a little growl of irritation. “I have not had my turn, and I want your touch just as much.”

Jacob chuckles and finishes washing Sarah with a quick flourish.

Disappointed, Sarah's huff is priceless. “Shoot!” she groans. “That was really starting to feel good,” she says when she sees Chooli's darkening mood.

Jacob, having run out of time, decides to wash her hair quickly. Not as good as he would like, but good enough for tonight. Two rounds of shampoo and two rinses will have to do.

Sarah smiles sweetly at Chooli and leans into Jacob's chest to give him a final kiss before making her way to the door and outside to brush out her hair.

Still kneeling, Jacob watches as Chooli saunters up to stand in front of him. Hands on the narrow flare of her hips, she grins at him from just outside the spray of hot water. Like Sarah, he holds out his arms for her to join him in the heated spray of hot water.

Without a word, she steps forward and lets Jacob guide her into his comforting embrace. Chooli is more direct, and as this wonderful man wraps her in his strong arms, she tilts her head to the side to find his lips waiting. Folding herself into him, she uses her hands to feel along his arms and back. The thick, heavy muscle beneath her hands is so different from her father's stony embrace. This man kissing her is young and virile. A powerful warrior, reluctant to kill needlessly but deadly when the need arises.

She listened as Jacob talked to Sarah about his anger and the need to save them. To punish the men that had murdered their families, of how he somehow controlled his rage, and with the help of her father, killed them all. He may be white, but his heart is Apache. He will be a worthy mate for her. Their children will be strong and brave, like their father and like her parents.

But now she just hangs there in his arms, the thick bands of muscle squeezing her tightly. She basks her depleted spirit in the strength of this man. This is her man, hers, and her spirit sister, Sarah. They have gone through the darkness together. Each losing those that meant everything to them. And now they will share this fascinating man. He is more than strong enough to provide for both of them. He will seed them for the first time tonight. She can feel the fire growing between her legs as she thinks of him driving into her.

Their first kiss sizzles as Jacob feels the wildcat smoldering in his arms. Her understanding of the world is different than Sarah's. Chooli is Apache; her life has been hardened and annealed by the harsh environment of her upbringing. There will be nothing hidden between them. She is not soft and delicate like Sarah. She will be forthcoming and blunt about her needs and desires. Their kiss ends with the palm of her hand pressed firmly against the throbbing shaft inside his underwear.

Her smile is full of need, and the promise of heated pleasure this evening will bring. Before he can ask, Chooli says, “You may wash me, Jacob, but hurry. Sarah and I have plans for you tonight. So let me feel your touch and your hands while you wash and caress my body and my sex. But soon, Sarah and I will drink from our man. No more dreams; no more death and darkness; no more games to play. Just the three of us... alone.” She finishes rubbing her excited nips across his hair-covered pects.

Jacob's throaty growl brings a smile to Chooli's face. Reaching for the body wash, he pulls her close and begins to lather her up. Mewing contentedly, she wreathes with every gentle touch and caress of his hand. But when his soap-covered hands find the firm roundness of her lean buttocks, she answers him growl for growl, “Please hurry, Jacob! I need you between my legs.”

Jacob, nearing his own limits, rushes to wash Chooli's butt and the fiery flesh of her tightly closed slit. Arching her mon pubis, Chooli humps his hand. Anything that will release her from her torment growing deep within her body. Then his hand is gone, gone from everywhere, like a missing piece of her soul has left her. She groans deeply and opens her eyes.

Jacob stands, finding the bottles of shampoo and rinse. Like Sarah, he expedites Chooli's hair washing. As before, he washes and rinses her hair twice. Not what he wanted, but acceptable. Chooli follows Sarah's lead and heads out the door to brush out her hair.

Sarah finishes handing the brush to Chooli and walks back into the shower. Jacob stands in front of an amazed Sarah, washing himself in a fury of flying soap suds. Finishing with a quick rinse, he turns the water off. Then, without a word of warning, she darts in to wrap her tiny little arms around his waist. Quick as a wink, she steps back slightly and goes for the waistband of his boxer briefs. Slipping her finger beneath the silky material, she gives them a tug. Working them down his hips, she's soon joined by Chooli.

Between the two them, they get the job done. Once his underwear is down around his knees, they both freeze at the magnificent sight before them. Like an angry rattlesnake, Jacob's cock twitches and lurches from side to side... up and down. Angrily, the one eyed menace searches for its favorite prey. Sensing them, it settles and awaits for one of them to approach within striking distance.

Chooli makes the first move. Stepping in close, she reaches out to brush her fingertips along his torrid length. Nearly eight inches of rock-hard cock twitched with uncontrolled lust. She grabs the thrashing shaft. Her grasp is firm, but not too tight. Pulling back on the loose skin covering the shaft exposes the head of the penetrator. The taker of gifts glistens wet. The sheen of his sweetness oozing from the small slit in the bulbous head. Pent up, he needs this first release. So when they mate and he takes her gift, she will be able to pleasure him as a good wife should. To let him use her body. To bring out the life hidden within him. To share it with her, now and into the dimness of the nights yet to come.

Bending down, she licks her way around the head, tasting her man. Enjoying the essence of his strength, she smacks her lips, searching for more. His strength is focused on her. His hardness is for her, because of her. She leans forward, her mouth opening wide to take him inside. Jacob's deep, throaty groan of intense pleasure is a joy to her ears. Taking him deeper into her mouth, she wraps her lips around the girth of his cock. It is too large to slide into her throat. She will have to work hard to throat more of him. But that is for another night of pleasure. Now she just wants to bring him quickly and bed him as soon as she can.

Before she can do much, she hears a little cooing sniffle from Sarah. Her sister groans. She has forgotten to share Jacob. This will take some time to get used to. How will they fairly divide his loving attention? Moving up and down his shaft, she ponders that as she suckles his flesh. Pausing, she lets him recover. When she feels his fingers gently grasp her hair, Jacob lifts her head. His cock, sliding from her mouth, springs free with a slight plop. Tilting her head upward, she sees his bright smile as his lips find hers.

“You need to let Sarah have a turn,” he instructs, his voice deep and lustful. He needs a release, but he also needs to share himself with Sarah.

Chooli stands with a brief grumble of displeasure and turns to stroll to the clear shower door. She turns slightly to see Jacob oogling her ass. Smiling contentedly, she leaves Sarah and him inside. Chooli reaches for a towel (as Jacob calls it) and dries herself.

She smiles to herself and enjoys the simple sounds of her sister Sarah's surprised squeal. Sarah is such a little white girl. How can the whites be so strong when their youth are so clueless? A few short seconds later, she hears the girl gagging when she takes Jacob deep inside her mouth. Leaving them alone, she can almost hear Jacob's excited whispers of encouragement. He is such a gentle and caring man. He may be a great and terrible warrior, but he has shown by word and deed that he is not like an Apache man. Maybe here he doesn't have to fight each day just to feed and protect his family. There is so much newness here. It will take her some time to get used to her new family.

The two in the shower are having way too much fun. There is laughter, giggling... more gagging, and a hint of happiness they all wish to share. She looks one last time at the two whites. Sarah is stroking and sucking Jacob closer to a balls-draining orgasm. Chooli turns away from the sight but lets her thoughts linger on the feel of his hands on her body.

Leaving Sarah to pleasure Jacob, she needs to find something to bind and lift their hair. Nothing elaborate, just something for their husband to recognize their virginal status. The unspoiled maiden giving herself to her new husband. This is their wedding night, and they need to have their hair up off the nape of their necks.

Chooli grabs her soiled and grimy buckskin dress. Scurrying into the kitchen, she makes a bee line for the bowl Jacob uses to hold his knife. The blade is folded inside, but she soon figures out how to open the long, thin blade. It is extremely sharp, unlike those her people carry. Laying the dress out on the floor, she quickly cuts about a ½-inch strip from the bottom edge. Holding up the dirty leather, she has nearly two arm lengths. This will be perfect for the binding. Now she just needs something to pin their hair up.

She spends precious minutes looking for something that will work. Finally, in a drawer filled with wooden spoons and forks, she finds them. Two long, thin, dark brown, hard wooden sticks with a point on one end. Almost like tiny arrows, they will work perfectly. Now that she has what she needs, she rushes back to the urgent sounds coming from the shower. Jacob's hand is holding Sarah's head as he pumps himself into her mouth.

Jacob looks up in near panic and then down at Sarah, struggling to breathe around a mouth full of cock. He's only seconds away from filling her mouth with a virile flood of his seed. Calm and collected, Chooli walks in to kneel beside Sarah.

Reaching out, she tenderly wraps her hand around Jacob's thick shaft and whispers into Sarah's ear, “It's fine, let me help.”

Sarah, near tears, opens her mouth and lets Chooli take Jacob into her mouth. Then she starts to blather, “Thank you, Chooli. I wasn't sure I was doing it right. He was groaning and making these funny noises. I thought I was hurting him.”

Chooli starts to bob her head up and down on Jacob's heated thickness and reaches out to the minds of Jacob and Sarah. “You did fine, Sarah. Jacob is just about to share his seed with us. You didn't do anything wrong. He's just excited. Now watch while I help him with his release.”

Almost immediately, Jacob feels the ripple of pleasure traveling down his spine, ending in a toe-tingling numbness that announces his orgasm. Chooli listens to his final urgent warning groan and waits for her first taste of her man's seed. “I'm going... I'm going to shoot myself into your mouth.”

Jacob tries to warn, but there's Chooli's smiling image filling his head, “I know what you are about to do. I told you I would soon drink from you. Now share yourself with us, Jacob. The night is short, and we need a few minutes to get ready.” She says, her image gradually fading from his mind.

All that is left of her presence is the lustful need to unload his balls in her mouth. The noise of her cock sucking is simply too much for him. With a final grunt, he reaches behind her head and, holding her steady, buries his cock deep inside her mouth. Chooli's hand continues to jack him off, even when the first massive surge of semen slams into the back of her mouth. Eyes watering, she gags, letting his spewing cock slide deeper into her throat.

Pumping his seed down her throat isn't what she wanted. Jacob, easing back, pulls out of her throat. His next groaning, toe-curling blast, fills her mouth. Beside Chooli, kneels Sarah. Her face is turned toward Chooli. The look on her face is clear, she wants to feel a part of this moment. But she's afraid she will be left out again.

Jacob smiles down at them both and pulls himself from Chooli's mouth. Swinging his cock to dangle invitingly in front of Sarah causes her concerned frown to evaporate. A second later, she opens her mouth and leans forward. A quick half-step closer, and Jacob guides his cock back inside the warm confines of Sarah's mouth. Wrapping her lips around his spit-covered cock, Jacob groans noisily, and begins to jack himself off. With his hand flying up and down his shaft, his next painful spurt spews into Sarah's mouth.

Splashing against the back of her throat, Sarah gags when the thick wad of cum surprises her. Pulling her mouth off Jacob's erupting cock, she barely has time to swallow when another shimmering white rope of geyser-like cum splatters against her face. With the cum oozing down the side of her face, Chooli squeals.

“Sarah, do not waste more of him!” She scolds as Sarah wraps her lips back around Jacob's shaft.

The worst is over. The next two weaker spurts trickle into Sarah's mouth. Sucking the last little bit from his deflating member, she sits back on her haunches. Disappointment is written all over her face. She sniffles on the verge of tears.

“Stop now! You did just fine. That was only your second time. You're not in trouble,” Jacob tells her as she takes his hand.

Helping her up, Jacob guides her in for a quick hug. Chooli joins them, and soon he is hugging and kissing the both of them. “That was really nice, ladies! Thank you.”

Both of the girls give him a final peck on the lips. Jacob wets a nearby washcloth and gently cleans Sarah's face. But before he can suggest a snack before bed, Chooli walks up and stands defiantly in front of him.

With her legs slightly apart, she raises her skinny brown arm and points to the door leading into the master bedroom. “You can wait in the kitchen. We need a few minutes to get ready for bed. We are not yet presentable. We both need something clean to wear. A dress of some kind would be nice. Our future husband should see us at our best,” she instructs, getting a far-away look in her eyes. “Just leave the dresses on the bed before you go.”

Jacob walks into the bedroom and takes a look in his closet. He's a bachelor. Where the hell is he going to get a dress? Starring at a closet full of t-shirts, he laughs silently and pulls out a blue and red University of Arizona Wildcats along with a maroon and yellow Arizona State Sun Devils.

He lays them on the bed, hoping the girls will appreciate the 2XL tall team logo t-shirts. Still laughing to himself, he turns and, shutting the door to the bedroom, ambles his way through the ranch house. Once inside the kitchen, Jacob pulls out his favorite chair at the table and looks out into the darkness beyond the patio lights. In the stillness and silence that pervade his home, he hears them... not the girls. This noise is coming from outside, near the back wire-gate.

Jacob opens the patio door and listens to the insistent tamping of hooves and a very irritated neigh, followed by a soft nicker from their old friends, the paint, and the black stallion Noche. Grabbing a flashlight, he walks out to find the girl's horses standing impatiently by the gate. Opening the wire-gate, he lets them inside. They trot through the opening like they own the place and stop a short distance away, waiting for him. Walking up to them, they nuzzled his hand and, like old friends, let him pat their necks. A quick head-butt from each, and it's off to the corral. Following Jacob like a couple of lap dogs, he leads them through the corral gate. A few minutes later, fed and watered, he moseys back to the ranch house.

Both girls are outside on the patio, smiling as Jacob walks out of the darkness. Chooli steps forward and says, “I see you have received my father's payment. The two horses and his rifle should be more than enough for my price as a bride and Sarah's too,” she states proudly.

Afraid to argue the point, he just smiles and slides the patio door open. Walking inside, he turns to find Chooli and Sarah outside. He didn't fail to notice they're both wearing one of his t-shirts. Chuckling to himself, they're in the one he would have chosen for them. Sarah is wearing the Wildcat t-shirt, and Chooli the Sun Devils. They look divine, but neither have come inside. In fact, they have both knelt down and are now sitting on their heels. Hands folded in their laps, they are both smiling at him. Both have their hair up in a loose bun, held by one of his walnut chopsticks.

Jacob suddenly realizes they're presenting themselves to him. This is for keeps... Their virginity is all they have, and they are offering it to him. Even at eleven or twelve years of age, these girls are old enough to be legally wed. Chooli, noticing his hesitation, says, “You must ask us inside, Jacob. The first one chosen will be your first wife. Your favorite. She will...” but suddenly she stops when the tall man standing inside his home raises his hand palm out. Like he had seen Victorio, Jacob quiets Chooli.

Bringing his arm down, he searches the concerned faces of these two young beauties. Both of them bound by traditions far in the past. This will be the first of many small steps into their future together.

Taking a deep calming breath, “I will take both of you as my wife... equals under my roof. We will be together a long time, and I want both of you to walk by my side. I offer both of you the protection of my home. I will feed and cloth you. I will share myself and my seed with both of you equally. My home is now yours as well,” he finishes flashing a bright smile at them both.

Reaching a hand down to each, he encourages them to accept his invitation and enter his home. Each lithe young woman takes Jacob by the hand and lets him help them stand. Once inside, he kneels in front of Chooli and Sarah. Opening his arms, they come to him. Wrapping an arm around each girl, Jacob gathers them against him. Smelling wonderfully of little girls, he simply holds them. Two sets of skinny arms grasp him around the neck as the waterworks begin.

Crying together, they hug and kiss each other until he finally whispers for them to come with him to the kitchen for a quick snack before bed. Releasing his hands, they scurry into the kitchen to fix him something to eat.

Jacob has already laid out some bread, peanut butter, and some homemade strawberry jam. Chooli and Sarah have seen him make a sandwich. Sarah helps with the lids, and soon they have made him a simple PBJ. Finding a plate in the cabinet, they bring the sandwich to the table.

Taking a massive bite, he chews and nods his approval. Patting his knee, he says, “Come eat with me. Share what is mine, as you will share what is yours.”

Jacob tears the sandwich into roughly equal parts and hands a piece to each girl. The three of them spend a few pleasant minutes playing touchy-feely. The snack is soon gone, but the girls need something more substantial to fill their bellies and scamper towards the bedroom. Jacob follows them into the bedroom, but it is empty. They're in the bathroom with the door closed. Walking up to the king-size bed, he sits down. His wait is mercifully short. It only takes a few minutes before they both come out. Strolling out of the door, hand in hand, they approach him.

They are both so tantalizingly beautiful. Not quite sure how to proceed, Jacob asks Chooli. “I have welcomed other women into my bed, but never a wife. What is needed of me?”

She smiles and nudges Sarah forward. “You must inspect our purity. You will undress us and let down our hair. If you find us desirable, you will take us and share your seed. You must do that for each of us tonight. Tomorrow, when the sun rises, we will be a family. Legally married by the laws of my people.” She stops and shoves Sarah a step closer.

“You will take Sarah first. She has always been forgotten and put aside. Never first in her family. I will wait until you have finished servicing her. I know how to wait. I am Apache.”

Sarah, shaking from head to toe, steps even closer. Arms stiff at her sides, she stands with rigid determination. Still at a loss, Chooli's mind touches mine. “First, the buckskin belt around her waist accents the desirable shape of her body... the flare of her hips. Touch her... caress the warm flesh beneath her dress. Undo the belt and lift her dress. Feel the soft skin, the taut flesh and strength of her body.”

Following along, Jacob does as Chooli instructs and brings Sarah in closer. Running his hands across her belly and hips, he feels the warmth beneath her dress. Moaning, she leans into his hands. Finding the binding knot in the belt, he unties it and lets it fall to the floor. Lifting her dress, she holds it up with her elbows as he reaches behind her to grope her ass. Small and firm, he kneads the smooth, taut flesh. Sarah's moans are intensifying. Now lust-filled, she reaches out to touch him on his arms and shoulders.

“Not yet, Jacob. Patience. Let her desires burn bright. Turn her and bend her over. Confirm her maidenhead. This is her gift. Her innocence is yours to take. Last, take down her hair and remove her dress. You must take her and seed her womb. Then she will be truly yours... your wife.”

Almost dream-like Jacob turns Sarah. She bends over, and behind the moist lips of her tiny slit is the opening into her body. Using his hand, he reaches out, spreading her tiny pussy. Inside at the top of a shallow, bright pink slit, is her gift. A thin, skin-like shield that guards her entrance. His own needs intensifying, Jacob cups her sex, feeling the heat there. Freed, her arousal flows down her legs. She is ready. Dropping her dress, he reaches up to remove the chopstick holding her hair up. More buckskin holds her hair in a large ponytail. Pulling on the slip knot, he unravels the last binding and lets down her hair.

Still sitting on the edge of the bed, Jacob reaches down to peel the dress up and off Sarah. Naked, she steps between his legs, searching for the hardness that's hers. That hardened bad boy will soon be inside her body. She finds it and bends down to take him into her mouth. But Jacob has other plans for Sarah. He lifts her head to kiss her. Pulling her into his lap, she is now dangerously close to the pussy seeking cock throbbing just beneath her.

Sarah suddenly becomes aware of Jacob's lecherous intent when he reaches behind her. Spreading her ass cheeks, he lowers her downward. The twinkle in her eyes goes from expectant to alarmed in the blink of an eye. Squirming, she tries to flee, but Jacob tightens his grip on her butt and holds her in place.

Leaning down, he kisses her upturned lips and whispers, “I'm frightened too. Just relax. The pain will only be there for a few minutes before it starts to feel better, more enjoyable. I promise. After I'm inside and the pain eases, you can set the pace. Okay?”

Tight-lipped Sarah says, “Chooli told me not to be afraid. She said you would be ours to share after tonight. Is that really so? You won't get rid of us? Maybe even love us,” she smiles briefly. “I like it here. I like you too. You're pretty.”

Before Jacob can answer, he feels another set of hands grab his cock and hold him steady. Then Chooli's heated mental whisper. “She's fine, Spirit Warrior. Claim her gift. I need you to claim mine as well.”

A moment later, he feels her mouth around this cock. Sliding him deeper into her mouth, she hurries to lubricate his shaft with her slippery oral wetness.

Jacob brings up his hand to cup the side of Sarah's face. Stroking and caressing her with his rough, callused thumb, he whispers, “I am not going to leave. I am not going to hurt you. I am here when you need a hug, a kiss, or just someone to hold you close. My love for you and Chooli is just a seedling. But in time, it will grow to become a mighty tree. This is just the beginning. Yes, a brief, painful one for you. But it's the path to becoming a family.”

He feels the stiffness leave her body. She lowers herself now, humping the air... She searches for him. Chooli, smiling behind them, guides his cock to gently touch Sarah's tightly closed slit. The thick head slowly spread the tiny lips of her sex. Near the bottom of her shallow furrow is her gift. Jacob feels the tip of his cock knock at the door of her innocence.

Sarah's gasp of heated acceptance is followed by a brief stab of searing pain. Jacob's hands holding her hips has made her passage into womanhood as quick as possible. Pressing into her, he pushes the entire massive head into her tiny passage. The intensity of her pain continues, but as he slips inside her, a different glow awakens deep within her. Centered inside her belly, it starts to spread outward with the newness of becoming a woman.

Her gift claimed, she coos to Jacob, “I'm okay. It hurts, but I want to feel the fullness of you inside.” she groans uncomfortably, squirming in his lap. Slowly, with small, painful movements, Jacob's cock disappears into this beautiful blonde-haired young woman. Minutes pass until she yelps painfully.

He leans in to nuzzle her neck and kiss her lips. “That is all you can take of me. You are not fully grown,” he tells her. Her smile lights up the room, and Jacob lifts her off his shaft. Glistening with traces of her virginal blood, he pushes back into her. Slowly, he begins to fuck her tightness. Loosening her with every stroke, Sarah begins to push down as he arches his hips upward to penetrate her. Soon she takes control, and with youthful zeal, she humps the cock buried deep inside her. Faster and faster, she fucks herself on the thick shaft invading her body. Her painful yelps are now coos and purrs of delight.

The glow that started in her belly is now a glowing sun spreading throughout her body and mind. Her senses are now linked to the man she's pleasuring. She is his, and he is hers. Her coos and purrs are matched by the deep, throaty groans of happiness coming from Jacob. The glow continues to brighten and intensify. Finally, she feels him swelling even larger. His groans are now animal-like when he takes her roughly by the hips and slams her down onto him.

Then, from deep within, the glowing light explodes in a mind-numbing wave of pleasure. She shrieks out his name and feels his heated seed for the first time, splashing against the barrier to her womb. It enters through a small opening, filling the tiny space. Over and over, he lifts her and plunges himself deep inside. Each time, he fills her again and again. Finally spent, she slumps against him. Her body still tingling from the exploding glow, Sarah feels his arms wrap themselves around her... and all is well with the world. Her husband is holding her. His strength and warmth seep into her soul, pushing out the pain of loss and loneliness.

Chooli watches from a nearby chair. Sarah is asleep on Jacob's chest, but his eyes are glowing as he watches her back. She smiles at him and waits.

Her mind reaches out to caress the heat of his waning lust. “I never saw my parents mate with such intensity or love. Did you save some for me?” she asks curiously.

Jacob's mind, already a searing hot glow, answers with a throaty grumble, “Help me with your sister, and I will show you what I've saved for you.”

Chooli flies off the chair, and together they gently lift Sarah off Jacob's cock. Lifting her in his arms, he walks around the bed and lays her down. Leaning down, he kisses her lips and covers her with a light flannel sheet.

Jacob turns away from Sarah. Searching for Chooli, he sees her near the end of the bed. She is standing there stiffly, arms at her sides, waiting for him to accept her.

He walks back around the bed and sits down on the edge, much like he did with Sarah. Jacob reaches out, takes her hand, and beckons her closer. Giving her an appraising stare from head to toe. Jacob raises his eyes to gaze longingly into the midnight colored onyx of Chooli's eyes.

Nodding his head up and down, “You are a handsome maiden. What is your full name, girl?” he asks with a bit of impatience.

Meekly, her eyes downcast, she replies softly, “I am Chooli Chidn (mountain spirit) of the Chiricahua. My father has gifted you with horses and a rifle. I have been the white maiden. I am here to share my gift with you. If I don't please you, return me to my father,” she states proudly.

“Huummph, that is a good name. Come close now so I can see if you are worth my time, child,” Jacob teases.

Their eyes meet, and they smile at each other. Jacob reaches out to unfasten her buckskin belt and drop it to the floor near Sarah's. He runs his hands appreciatively along the enticing curve of her waist and over the narrow protrusions of her hips. Lifting her t-shirt, she remains silent as his hands caress the smooth, nut-brown skin of her legs. Working upward, his hands find the shapely moons of her perfect ass. Grabbing a handful of taut fresh, he gives them a playful squeeze.

Chooli, holding her t-shirt up, turns and bends over. Spreading her legs slightly, Jacob gets a birds-eye view of her hairless preteen pussy. Her tiny slit is tightly closed, but just below her mons pubis is the barely visible nub of her swollen clit. Using both hands, he spreads her ass cheeks and, with his thumbs, pulls apart the tiny lips hiding the entrance to her vaginal opening. Weeping from inside is a sudden flow of her arousal. Most surprising is the lack of an intact hymen. Only a remnant of translucent skin is present.

Chooli, feeling his eyes linger, speaks up, “I became the 'White Woman'. I remain pure, Jacob. I would not stand here before you if I were not,” she slows for a moment. “My mother and the other women say this happens from riding horses or even from jumping off rocks or running. There are many reasons for the loss of ones Maidenhead,” she stops and then stiffens.

Taking his hands off her butt, Jacob spins her around. Standing proudly, she lets her dress drop and waits for him to accept or reject her.

Reaching up, Jacob lets his hand brush across her cheek. Just for a second, he lets his thumb wipe a stray tear away. Smiling, he continues to encircle her head. Touching her ear on the way by, Chooli shivers and leans into his hand. Tracing along the nape of her neck, he finds the end of the chopstick holding her hair up. With a quick, deft movement, he pulls it free. The veil of her hair cascades down across his hand.

Letting his fingers comb through her thick black hair, his fingertips find the leather buckskin binding her hair. A quick tug, and Jacob unwraps the last vestige of Chooli's childhood. Dropping the leather binding to the floor, his hands quickly find the bottom of her t-shirt dress and peel it off of her body in one deft movement.

Naked, she stands before Jacob. So different from Sarah's light, translucent skin, Chooli is a picture of golden-skinned beauty. She is rounder and more muscular than Sarah. Still unmoving, he holds out his hand for her to take. Tentatively, she raises her tiny hand to rest it within his massive bear-like paw.

“I find you acceptable under the laws and traditions of the Chiricahua. I will honor your people and their customs in my home,” he finishes, easing her closer.

Sniffling with tears in her eyes, Chooli comes to him. Wrapping her in his arms feels so natural, so perfect, as if a missing part of his body has finally been found. He holds her tight until she begins to squirm.

Chooli's blaze of fiery, lustful need fills his mind. “Come, brave one. My gift begs to be taken. Hurry, my husband. My body needs to feel your fullness. Please, I have waited long enough to become one with you.” She thinks as a deep guttural moan escapes her lips.

“Damn!” Jacob thinks. “Another horny young woman to service.” Then Chooli, wiggling free, crawls up on the bed beside him.

Laying her chest on the top of the bed, she sticks her ass in the air and gives it a provocative shimmy.

Their minds still loosely connected, he asks, “Would you like to try a different position? Like I did with Sarah?”

Chooli's mind answers quickly and decisively. “Not tonight, my husband. I want to feel you as my mother felt my father. As my grandmother felt her warrior. It is the way of my people on their first night together. The woman kneels before her man and receives his gift of life. There will be many more nights where you and I can enjoy other ways... other places.” She finishes with a lewd image of her asshole. “Yes, other places to feel my husband's love.”

Laughing at Chooli's mental image, he walks up to stand behind her. Leaning down, he runs his hands along and around the developing roundness of her preteen hips. The smooth, soft feel of her skin is incredible. The firm, lean muscle beneath ripples with her strength.

Smacking her ass brings a muffled chirp of pain from Chooli. A moment later, her mind brightens dangerously. “Enough, husband! Take me.”

She's right! It's time to to take her. Jacob lowers his eyes and focuses on the sight before him. The lewd movement of Chooli's tiny ass draws him like an unrelenting magnetic force. Gathering a handful of spit, he lubes the entire length of his eight-inch dick. A moment later, he smears a generous amount on Chooli's oozing slit.

Pushing down on his lengthy shaft, he eases forward, spreading the tender lips guarding the shallow pink furrow beneath. Rubbing himself up and down, he feels for the small opening into her body. Near the top of her slit, he feels a slight depression. It's so small. Hardly an opening at all. But as he pushes forward, the head of his cock slowly breaches Chooli's tightness. She groans painfully as Jacob slowly forces his cock into her virgin opening.

Griping Chooli's hips, Jacob slowly but methodically pushes his oversized adult cock deeper into her virgin channel. Chooli takes about five inches of rock-hard cock before her painful chirps turn into an agonizing grunt. He has found her limit. Holding himself against her cervical barrier, Jacob gives her a brief moment to enjoy his fullness.

Rocking his hips backward, he leaves the head inside her clingy tightness. Then, with a quick jab, he forces himself back inside. Easier this time, he repeats the process until he senses her pain lessening. With her pain fading to pleasure, he listens to the sounds of her growing lust. Chooli is starting to enjoy the lengthy invader as it spears her tender pussy over and over again. Soon she knows that Jacob will fill her womb with his seed.

As he fucks her, every stroke and every painful contact deep inside brings delight. Chooli wonders if her mother felt this way. Did her father bring her the joy she feels now! Her husband, her strong, brave husband, is filling her with a different type of joy. Her need for his fullness, the pain she feels, the delight in his strength and his movement inside her. She becomes lost in their shared pleasure. His and her spirits blend into one; she waits for him to unite them in this world and the next.

Their orgasm begins when she feels him swelling even larger inside her. His breath is ragged like hers. Hearts thundering in their chests, she feels him pause, and a deep warmth suddenly floods her inner being. Her womanhood filled with his hardness pulses with a satisfying mind searing intensity as her husband pumps his seed into her. Sharing in her pleasure, Jacob continues to fuck her tiny pussy. Chooli's womb is filled and filled; again and again, her husband's seed finds the mark.

Coming down from their shared high, Jacob wraps his arm around her tummy and lifts her up. His cock still buried deep inside her, he crawls forward until he can lay them down beside Sarah. Finding a corner of the sheet covering Sarah, he pulls it over them. Letting her head rest on his arm, he finds a pillow. Before his head touches the pillow, he gives Chooli a quick kiss on the back of her head and settles down for some rest.

Her mind groggy and tired, she reaches out to softly caress Jacob's mind. “That was wonderful, my husband. I will look forward to more of your attention after I mourn. Sarah should be able to meet your needs for a few short weeks. The new moon will be here soon,” she sends.

Jacob has been expecting this conversation. “Sarah and I will join you in mourning for our loved ones. I would not want to dishonor your father and what he did for us. I didn't get to meet Sarah's family, but I will mourn them with her,” he slows, almost asleep. “Now rest, my love. Tomorrow will be here soon.”

Chooli smiles inwardly and enjoys his fullness slowly shrinking inside her womanhood.

The End