Lbdabb/Tina/Tina's room/Quiet/Interrupt/Ass/Keep going/Pull Tina out

From All The Fallen Stories
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Louise flexed her fingers. Tina gasped at the touch. They were deep, eliciting a pleasure response mixed with maybe a little pain. The more pressure Louise placed, the more Tina struggled, arching from her back and lifting her body up slightly.

"Perfect," Louise said with a smile.

"Louise, get me out!" Tina pleaded. If she could squirm, she would.

"What do you think I'm doing, sis?" Louise said, "alright look. On the count of three, I'm going to lift. I need to help me or else we'll never get your free."

"Help how? I can't move!"

"Oh you'll know what to do when you feel it."

"Feel it? Feel what? Louise how do I know when-"


Louise pulled as hard as she could. She felt the tight ring of Tina's ass stretch as she lifted upward, pulling her sister. Tina let out a loud wail of surprise. There was no way this was comfortable, having her ass stretched and pulled from the inside in a direction it was never meant to go. Yet Louise watched as Tina managed to struggle her way to freedom. The anal stimulation combined with the panic that Louise was certain would overtake Tina had caused the older girl to tense her muscles all at once, resulting in enough strength to push herself up and out of the crack between her bed and the wall.

"aahhHHhh..." Tina said, her scream tapering away entirely. She stood there for a moment in silence, blinking in confusion as the realization hit her. She was free!

Tina looked down to a smiling Louise. Her eyes followed her face, from the big bunny ears down to her shoulders, across her skinny arm, to where her hand disappeared around her hips.

"You're free Tina!" Louise said, "you are welcome!"

"Thank you Louise," Tina replied, "now, um, if you don't mind... could you take your hand out of my ass?"

"Oh, um, yeah."

"It's just it kinda hurts still. It also kinda feels good. But I think I'd like to get dressed now. Also your finger is throbbing."

"That's not my finger, it's your ass. I think it wants more."

Tina shrugged. Maybe she learned something about herself today.

"Listen Tina," Louise said, extricating her finger from her hole, "I need your help today..."