Lbdabb/Tina/Tina's room/Quiet/Interrupt/Take advantage/Pussy

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"I am helping, Tina," Louise said, "I'm helping you in ways you don't even know!"

Louise pulled her thumb out of Tina's pussy with a wet pop. A long tendril of grool connected them. She twirled her finger, watching as the thick, viscous fluid wrapped around her little digit before mixing back in with the rest of the wetness that coated her thumb. Louise had never gotten this wet. At least, not that she knew of. It must have been a teenager thing. Though she could probably get close if she thinks really hard about Boo Boo from Boyz4Life...

"Louise, please!" Tina pleaded, "I need to get out of here! Mom is going to come looking for us and I can't have her find me like this! It's so embarrassing!"

"You're right," Louise said as she pressed two fingers - her index and middle - against her sisters lips. Once again, the horny teen accepted them easily, "this is going to be embarrassing. Especially if Gene or dad get involved. And who knows, the whole neighborhood might end up finding out about this."

Tina gasped. Louise didn't know if it was from what she said or because her fingers were knuckle deep inside her. "No! Not Jimmy Junior!"

Louise nodded. "Especially Jimmy Junior." She writhed her fingers, pressing against that rougher area of her vaginal wall. Tina bucked and Louise felt her clamp around her fingers.

"No!" Tina wailed. Luckily, with her head sandwiched between the bed and the wall, even her loudest protests wouldn't be head by anyone outside that room.

"Oh yes," Louise continued, "Jimmy Junior, then Zeke and Tammy. Next think you know all of Wagstaff School will know about how Tina got stuck in her bed while she was fingering herself. You'll be the talk of the town."

Tina made a whimper but Louise didn't stop. She plunged her fingers as deep as they could go, then curled them again. Her little fingers were thinner than Tina's, so they could go deeper than the horny teenager could on her own. Louise watched as Tina bucked again, edging herself slightly upward.

"You're going to get a new name," Louise said, "the whole city is going to forget your name is Tina! They're going to call you Jill! Because you're always jilling off!"

"No! I hate the name Jill!" Tina said. Another rapid movement from Louise's fingers and Tina writhed hard again, pulling herself up again another inch. At the same time, her pussy was quivering. A puddle was forming from all the teenage arousal, of which Tina had to spare. Louise knew she was close. It was time to decide how to finish it.