Lbdabb/Tina/Tina's room/Quiet/Interrupt/Take advantage/Pussy/Finger/Accept

From All The Fallen Stories
< Lbdabb‎ | Tina‎ | Tina's room‎ | Quiet‎ | Interrupt‎ | Take advantage‎ | Pussy‎ | Finger
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Louise didn't realize it until that moment, but she had been as tingly as she ever had before. It was a relatively new feeling for her; that electric buzzing that emanated from her loins, the anxious excitement in her veins, and the lurch in her stomach and throat that was similar to when she knew she was doing something wrong. But there was a certain pleasure to giving in, like letting out a breath that she'd been holding for a long time.

Louise spread her legs. She pulled the hem of her green dress up above her hips, exposing her crotch. Her pubic mound was chubby in that way only a child's could be, with her panties forming a cleft where her slit was.

"Well what are you waiting for Tina?" she asked, arching one eyebrow, "I believe you owe me one organism."

"Orgasm," Tina corrected, "the word is orgasm."


Tina licked her lips, then slunk down between her little sister's legs. She closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of a nine-year-old's pussy. It was different from a teenagers, sweeter and less raw.

"Tina! Gene! Louise! Where are you"?! Linda yelled.

Oh. Right. Breakfast. Angry mother. Weekend.

But Louise could feel Tina's hot breath through her panties. She was already slick down there. Maybe not nearly as much as Tina was a moment ago, but certainly more than usual. It would suck to not give in, especially when she was so close to using Tina to help her do it. Then again, it would suck even more to be grounded, or to be forced to work at the restaurant all day.