Life Hacks/(Wells House+Roni preg)/((orgy)All: med, fine, weak)/Minimal/(Jan)/Autumn/July/Cheats/Continue/Defuse/Stop/Fuck

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Alright alright, sorry, you're right. That was pretty mean of me to let Autumn and July go before you," you apologize.

"You mean it's FINALLY my turn now?" May ask with a bit of acidity in her tone as she still seems to be pouting rather dramatically. She's only 10 and a half years old and in the fourth grade, and already she's acting like a dramatic teenager. But what have things come to that her acting this way is over her wanting to have sex with you and get herself knocked up? Well, guess she doesn't actually know about that last part. She just thinks it's a naughty little game that involves touching each other's privates and getting all the gooey white stuff between her legs.

At any rate, it's probably a good thing you just got that orgasm triggering semen cheat. You don't think there's any way you'd have been able to get this girl off if she was going into it all grumpy like this.

You decide to just ignore the bits of irritation she's still directing at you and slip your hands into her arm-pits as though she were a toddler as you lift her up with a smile. "Alright, come here you. Time to get a penis inside your private parts."

"Heyyy!" She complains as you set her down on the rock, fully naked as she's already removed her swimsuit a while ago, and start pulling her legs apart. "Don't treat me like a kid!" She grouses, having apparently picked up on that teasing tone of yours and having not appreciated it much.

"Alright, alright, you're a big girl," you say, enjoying how casual they're all being about sex, as though a girl having her first time is no more significant than playing a video game. Meanwhile, as May is still pouting, you are lining yourself up to impregnate another unsuspecting virgin girl. You take your 5 inch penis between your fingers and press it against the bottom of May's slit, finding her entrance immediately and nuzzling your head into her entrance.

A whole 5 inches is a lot larger than your "perfect fit cock" cheat would normally make you for having sex with a virgin her age, but you suspect it's this big because you have a rather interesting plan this time in order to make the most of your new orgasm triggering cheat. You decide not to penetrate her too deep too quickly. You have the pressure-seal vagina cheat, so as long as your urethral opening is past her entrance there won't be any of your sperm leaking.

You can feel your cum bubbling up as you begin to anticipate just how much tighter she's going to be than Autumn or July were due to what you're about to attempt, and you begin pushing harder in perfect time with when your ejaculation starts.

-hiss!- "Ahh!" May's entire body stiffens as the start of her first ever orgasm begins to shoot through her body as her incredible 10 year old vagina starts to envelop the head of your dick and soon you are pressed up against her hymen, all the while you are spewing your third, fourth, and fifth shots of semen directly through the opening in the middle of her virginal membrane and up toward her womb.

"Xander! I... I think I'm peeing again!" May suddenly says in a panic.

"Shh! Shh... It's Ok," you tell her. "You're not peeing, that's just the good feelings that you get from the privates game. It can feel like peeing sometimes since the good feelings are coming from your privates."

"Really?" May asks, calming down a bit as she looks down at where your large 5-inch dick is disappearing into her body. You know 5 inches is perfectly average for penis size, but it seems rather big compared to a 10 year old. Not monstrous by any means, but definitely large enough to be seen as "big."

"Look! May has a penis!" August calls out. This seems to be becoming a thing for these kids, calling out how a partially inserted penis looks like the girl who's being fucked has a penis.

"Ahh!" May suddenly reaches up with her arms and legs and thrusts her hips up, impaling herself deeper onto your still spewing cock and ripping her own hymen to shreds before you can say anything about it. "Ahhhhh!" She vocalizes incoherently as she throws back her head in the gradually growing pleasure of her first orgasm as it keeps ramping up as per your settings.

You let out a groan of your own as you press down into the little 4th-gradder's body as she's lost in the throws of pleasure. You manage to shockingly get your entire 5-inch length buried fully inside her little body as the orgasm has caused her uterus to pull higher in her body. It feels incredible, her tight 10 year old vaginal muscles are rippling and milking your adult-size penis with all the strength the inexperienced elementary schooler has in her, and it feels like she's trying to rip the thing off!

Suddenly, you feel a little hand on your back and turn to see Steph practically trying to jump on top of you with her completely naked body. "Xander! Can I be next!?" She demands.

"Me next! I wanna go next!" The much older Jan who is still wearing her long-sleeve shirt but is naked from the waist down latches onto your other side.

"I should go after this, because I'm the oldest!" Spring, still fully covered in her swim suit, demands from a little further back.

You can't believe this. You just got your penis inside of May and are still blasting her insides full of your semen, you haven't even forced enough inside her to get her egg fertilized yet, and already their begging to be next. It seems this is the result of having given into May's demands, it made the rest of them loose their reservation and get more sexually aggressive with you.

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 3 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Player Cheats: Infinite semen, no refractory period, Goldilocks cock, Pain and complication free pregnancy, Female children only, Long-term modest leak (fine-tuned), Orgasm triggering ejaculation (fine-tuned), No need for food/toilets/sleep, Immortality, Guaranteed pregnancy, Friendly intruder, No locked doors (town).
Lifie Cheats: Complication free delivery (all sex partners), Rape fantasyland (all sex partners), Instant+Illegal approval + Cuckland (town), Incest pass (town), Rape shield + vindictive approval (radius) PDA pass + Weird World (radius), Talking dismissal, Pass awareness, Age Pass Infinite (radius), Pressure seal pussy (all sex partners), Exposure pass (shared, sex, full), Ignorance (sex makes babies)(town), Misinformed (orgasm = consent) (town), Common condition (200 fertility) (town(females)), Masterful (reproduction)(self)
Page Tally:


  • Sex with May (15)

Girlfriend +5 Pubescent and under 14 +10 First time +5 Orgy bonus +50 Young X1.5 Break her cherry X3 Bareback and ovulating X2 (15 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 50 X 1.5 X 3 X 2 = 765)


  • Fucked (5)
  • Pedophilia (20)
(1,267 + 765 + 25 = 2,057)
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything.
May Holiday
Friend's sister 10 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Adjusted to not be so enamored with peeing
  • Interested in genital-genital contact with you
  • Budding interest in your semen
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Is your play girlfriend
  • Eager to have sex with you

September "Steph" Holiday
Friend's sister 7 years old

Notes: .

  • Looks up to you
  • Views you as a role model
  • Influenced by her older sisters' crushes on you
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Adjusted to not be so enamored with peeing
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Is your play girlfriend
  • Eager to have sex with you

January "Jan" Holiday
Friend's sister 12 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Has a mild crush on you
  • Wants to see your penis
  • Max Fertility
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Is your official girlfriend
  • Eager to have sex with you

June Holiday
Friend's sister 8 years old

Notes: .

  • Pretends to have a crush on you to fit in with her older sisters
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Adjusted to not be so enamored with peeing
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Is going along with the idea of being your girlfriend to fit in with her sisters
  • Legitimately eager to have sex with you
  • Fantasizing about you forcing a baby on her

Spring Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old

Notes: .

  • Has a large childhood crush on you
  • Has sexual fantasies about you
  • Wants to set you up with her sister
  • Max Fertility
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Is your official girlfriend
  • Eager to have sex with you

August Holiday
Friend's sister 9 years old

Notes: .

  • Looks up to you greatly
  • Views you as a role model
  • Wants to see your penis
  • Has a mild crush on you
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Pregnant with your child
  • Adjusted to be more OK with being called a girl
  • Enamored with semen instead of peeing
  • Leaking your semen
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Groomed (dismissable)
  • Is your play girlfriend
  • Eager to have sex with you again

Autumn Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old

Notes: .

  • Has considered a romantic relationship with you
  • Max Fertility
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Peer pressured into being your official girlfriend
  • Pregnant with your child
  • Leaking your semen

July Holiday
Friend's sister 6 years old

Notes: .

  • Says she has a crush on you to fit in with her sisters, and partially believes it too.
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Adjusted to not be so enamored with peeing
  • Thinks sex is a normal kids' game
  • Is your play girlfriend
  • Eager to have sex with you
  • Pregnant with your child

February "Febby" Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Sexually fantasizes about you

October "Octavia" Holiday
Friend's sister 5 years old

Notes: .

  • Distant from you due to lack of interaction
  • Blunted influence from her older sisters' crushes on you
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

March Holiday
Friend 14 years old

Notes: Has a fetish where he wants to see you have sex with his sisters

Christmas "Chris" Holiday
Friend's father 37 years old

Notes: Regards you as practically one of his kids

Lynnette "Lynn" Holiday
Friend's mother 37 years old

Notes: Regards you as practically one of her kids

Summer Holiday
Friend's sister 16 years old


  • Has sexual fantasies about you
  • Has romantic fantasies about you
  • Afraid of her own mixed emotions about you
  • Max Fertility

Winter "Winny" Holiday
Friend's sister 15 years old

Notes: .

  • Max Fertility

April Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old

Notes: .

  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Has a crush on you
  • Uneasy about the idea of having sex

November "Nove" Holiday
Friend's sister 3 years old

Notes: .

  • Infantile hyper-attachment to you.
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

December "Decy" Holiday
Friend's sister 2 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max Fertility
  • Has picked up a masturbation habit

Halloween "Hally" Holiday
Friend's sister 0 years old

Notes: *Max fertility

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max Fertility
  • Pregnant with your child
  • Is confused over some romantic feelings for you

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Patricia "Trish" Wells
Acquaintance 33 years old


  • Max fertility
  • Pregnant with your child

Danica Wells
Acquaintance 8 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max fertility
  • Is your 'secret' girlfriend
  • Is childishly hyper-infatuated with you
  • Pregnant with your child

Ellen "Ellie" Wells
Acquaintance 5 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max fertility
  • Is your tentative 'secret' girlfriend
  • Does not actually have romantic feelings for you
  • Pregnant with your child

Siobhan O'Connell
Acquaintance 16 years old

Notes: *Max Fertility

  • Is your girlfriend
  • Pergnant with your child
  • Personality mods re-interpreted
    • Doesn't like getting semen in her vagina

Loki (Player)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '