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Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.
Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

Ironically, a lot of the more directly sexual things on this list are things she's more accepting of than any of the things on the Benign sex act list.

*'''Grope crotch over cloths:'''
*'''Kissing:''' Low sub and medium romantic love

*'''Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look:'''
She will be very flustered by you kissing her, but this is something she will ultimately enjoy and would not take issue with it in the aftermath.

*'''Use toilet with other present in bathroom:'''
*'''Grope crotch over cloths:''' Medium sub and romantic love

*'''Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other:'''
She straight up thinks you touching her crotch is actual sexual intercourse, but she will still allow this just with a bit of submissiveness since you are a boy. She is so exhausted from trying to get away from her sister's sexual attentions that she will feel like having sex with a boy will absolve her of the sin that's hovering around her.

*'''Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping:'''
*'''Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look:''' Medium sub and grope her bare pussy to orgasm first

*'''Be casually naked with one another:'''
Once it has been established you are already "having sex," she will be less guarded about her modesty, especially if you have gotten her off by rubbing her bare pussy at least once.
*'''Use toilet with other present in bathroom:''' Very high submissiveness and trust, or medium if she's leaking your semen
This is something more in the territory of the "dismissible acts" she is neurotically against. However, if she's leaking your semen from recent sexual intercourse, she might allow it under the excuse of you being concerned about the white stuff leaking from her privates.
*'''Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other:''' Low sub and medium romantic love
She will be made uncomfortable by such discussions, and it will actually make her more resistant to the proposed sex acts under normal conditions. However, this will be exactly reversed if you directly reference her concerns over her sister's homosexual attentions and discuss these things as ways to avoid the sinful nature of lesbianism by having sex with a boy first. Such discussions will lower her resistance, dropping everything she regards as "sex" by one resistance tier.
*'''Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping:''' High trust and friendliness
She thinks sex is mutual manual masturbation or masturbating each other. She does not know about rubbing crotches together, and as such would be confused by this.
Telling her this is real sex will get her from guarded to curious, but still require medium trust and romantic love.
*'''Be casually naked with one another:''' Extreme sub
Nudity is something she is generally against and would not be nude around others, including her regular sex partner who she lets inside her pants. Her preference in sex would even be to only pull up her conservative dress and pull her underwear aside for the deed to be done.

===Moderate sex acts===
===Moderate sex acts===

Revision as of 16:19, 4 December 2023

This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Despite their masturbatory activities, masturbating at the same time but not necessarily in view of one another, the twins have something of a feed back off one another that has made them both a little neurotic about sexually related activities. This trend started when they were 4 and just learning about body shame. They eventually began re-enforcing it on each other as they both began having a desire to explore their own or each other's bodies, but then quickly told the other that this was wrong. This absolute red-line for any looking or touching one another that, for a time, even extended to touching their own bodies was eventually broken when they discovered masturbation, and when Autumn began to have romantic feelings for Spring a little after the girls started puberty and began to be pushed by their hormones, and they have since been softening lately. However, the shadow of their old anti-sexual absolutism still lingers over them to the point that they have to be in different rooms (usually one in the bedroom and the other in the bathroom) during their simultaneous masturbation.

The twins are unaware of their older sisters' mutual masturbation with each other, their older brother's side-by-side masturbation with Xander, or their younger siblings' peeing game in the woods. If they were to find out about either of the former, their first reaction would likely be to lecture their older siblings, but it very well could later lead to them letting their guard down about experimenting with each other. If they were to find out about the latter, they would absolutely forbid their younger siblings from going into the woods again, tell their parents and older siblings about it, and then watch them like hawks to prevent and shut down this activity.

Autumn, her twin, is a closet lesbian and due to their mild psychic ability Spring has caught onto the sexual feelings her sister is feeling for her and this has her confused and distressed. This has resulted in Spring becoming even more puritarian in regards to Autumn in particular, as well as toward others due to the feed-back effect this has created. She resists Autumn's desire to lower the strict sexual boundaries the two of them had set with a great ferocity.

However, Spring actually has a rather strong crush on Xander. But, her views on her attraction toward Xander have turned in a strange direction due to her distress over Autumn. Rather than wanting to get together with Xander herself, she wants to set Xander up with Autumn. In fact, she actually wants to get Xander to have sex with Autumn, and he's the only one for whom she will start letting her sexual boundaries lower. Unfortunately, she doesn't actually know a great deal about sex or how to approach such a thing due to her puritanical attitude up till this point.

Sex ed classes in their school system are going to be next year. She has not formally learned more than how to take care of her monthly issues, but informally she has started hearing things from her class mates. Information is sparse and confusing. She has heard about something called "fucking" and knows it has something to do with boys and girls touching each other's privates. She has heard that this is what boyfriends and girlfriends do, and also that the sex ed teachers go off like crazy preaching about how it is wrong unless you are married. She has also heard from some who say they have done it and that it feels better than masturbating. As she heard all about this stuff, she started to become sure that this was what she wanted to do with her sister rather than a boy, even though she knew this is something that would be regarded as even more sinful than doing it with a boy in a way that was not approved of by the church.

Sexual Knowledge

As Spring picked up her second-hand sex-ed knowledge, she has had several crucial things that she missed from her education. She does not know about semen, and thinks that sex is a boy sticking his fingers in a girl's vagina. She has thought of the concept that a boy could probably stick his penis inside there too, but thinks that would be a gross and unusual thing to try rather than it being the whole main idea of sex. Despite this though, she actually finds the idea of doing it with Xander rather appealing.

She also has no idea about semen. She has somewhat gotten the idea that sex is in some way related to how babies are made, but does not think it is related to fingers or even the penis going into the vagina.

Knows where babies come from?: Knows they come from the mother's belly and it involves the father somehow. She has not really thought at all about how babies are made because she has been too distressed over her sister's lesbianism. In fact, in her mind, she is not sure how adults get pregnant "the right way," but she feels sure that teen pregnancies which are considered wrong probably have something to do with lesbianism.

Knows what semen is?: Does not know what semen is, and would be too embarrassed to ever watch a boy's privates long enough to watch him ejaculate or a girl's privates long enough to see semen drip from her freshly fucked pussy. If this was somehow overridden via cheats or something of the sort, she would just find the sight of semen to be very strange and likely associate it with pee in some way even though it is clearly gooey and white, and would even disbelieve it if told it's the stuff that makes babies.

Knows about a boy's penis?: Yes

Knows what sex is?: Sort of. As described above, she thinks partner masturbation is sex and PIV sex is something some weird people might decide to try.

General recommended approaches

The best approach with her is to wait for her to start trying to match-make you with her twin, and start coming onto her instead with professions of romantic interest which will tantalize her own romantic affections toward you. Depending on how you play your cards, you could very well get one or both sisters in this process.

Only moderate love and trust stats and a bit of extended grooming to get her comfortable with it are needed to get all the way to sexual intercourse with Spring, but high trust stats will be needed in addition in order to pursue her sister as well.

Note: The dynamics change significantly if you gender change yourself. Her romantic love stat will be transferred to her sister, and she will be able to sense this. She, meanwhile, will gain the mild aversion that her sister had toward you. This will even manifest in a mild enemy stat due to her ability to sense her sister's romantic attraction toward you, and she will try to actively run interference between you and her twin.

Her reaction to specific sex acts

While the above can help you to predict how she might react to sex generally, below is how she will react to specific acts.

At the heading of each act, there will be a recommendation on witch relationship stat(s) will be most effective in getting her to lower her guard against this specific sex act if they cross a certain threshold. This threshold will be given a "low/medium/high" rating rather than a specific number. Although, there is a rough number each rating is meant to represent, as outlined by the table below.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.

Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

Spring will try to actively encourage you perform these behaviors with her sister, but would be quite flattered if you were to do some of these things with her instead. She will be so flustered she won't even regard these things as being in the slightest way sexual.

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

Spring views a couple of these as absolutely no big deal, but others she views as being borderline sex already and due to her reflexive neuroticism born from warding off her twin's advances she will actually be more against some of these than actual nudity, sexual intercourse, and even the things she incorrectly thinks are sex.

  • Be shirtless around her: Low Familial love

She is not so bothered by boys being shirtless as it's considered acceptable in her family.

  • Comfortable around you in her pajamas: Very low familial love

She considers this perfectly normal behavior, and since you are over at the Holiday house enough she is already just fine with this.

  • "Accidentally" oggle her naked genitals while changing or using the bathroom together: Extreme trust, sub, or romantic love, or very high in all three.

Views it as borderline sex.

  • Fondle her fully clothed ass while hugging or other such activity: Very high trust, sub, or romantic love, or high in all three.

Views it as borderline sex.

  • Change cloths in presence of each other, not going naked: Extreme trust, sub, or romantic love, or very high in all three.

Views it as borderline sex.

  • Make sexually charged or sexually related banter with each other: High trust, sub, or romantic love, or moderate in all three.

Due to her crush on you, she'd actually be open to some of this form of banter, even though the subject matter makes her distinctly uncomfortable. She'd have to be eased into it, and she'd need to feel at least somewhat close to you before she'd be comfortable with this sort of thing.

  • Wear only shirt and underwear around her: Moderate familial love, or high sub and romantic love.

She will definitely think this is inappropriate, but due to her chaotic family she might dismiss this as you just being a slob and not scold you too badly with enough familial love. Or, she might recognize it as a lowering of sexual boundaries and accept it with higher submissiveness and romantic love.

  • "Secretly" dry-hump leg, hip, or ass (either direction): High trust, sub, or romantic love, or moderate in all three.

Although she is neurotically anti anything to even approach lesbian sex and this has spread to sex in general as well, her actual sexual knowledge is somewhat lacking in terms of things like this, and she may very well not recognize this as something sexual too quickly and mostly allow it to happen.

Mild sex acts

Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

Ironically, a lot of the more directly sexual things on this list are things she's more accepting of than any of the things on the Benign sex act list.

  • Kissing: Low sub and medium romantic love

She will be very flustered by you kissing her, but this is something she will ultimately enjoy and would not take issue with it in the aftermath.

  • Grope crotch over cloths: Medium sub and romantic love

She straight up thinks you touching her crotch is actual sexual intercourse, but she will still allow this just with a bit of submissiveness since you are a boy. She is so exhausted from trying to get away from her sister's sexual attentions that she will feel like having sex with a boy will absolve her of the sin that's hovering around her.

  • Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look: Medium sub and grope her bare pussy to orgasm first

Once it has been established you are already "having sex," she will be less guarded about her modesty, especially if you have gotten her off by rubbing her bare pussy at least once.

  • Use toilet with other present in bathroom: Very high submissiveness and trust, or medium if she's leaking your semen

This is something more in the territory of the "dismissible acts" she is neurotically against. However, if she's leaking your semen from recent sexual intercourse, she might allow it under the excuse of you being concerned about the white stuff leaking from her privates.

  • Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other: Low sub and medium romantic love

She will be made uncomfortable by such discussions, and it will actually make her more resistant to the proposed sex acts under normal conditions. However, this will be exactly reversed if you directly reference her concerns over her sister's homosexual attentions and discuss these things as ways to avoid the sinful nature of lesbianism by having sex with a boy first. Such discussions will lower her resistance, dropping everything she regards as "sex" by one resistance tier.

  • Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping: High trust and friendliness

She thinks sex is mutual manual masturbation or masturbating each other. She does not know about rubbing crotches together, and as such would be confused by this.

Telling her this is real sex will get her from guarded to curious, but still require medium trust and romantic love.

  • Be casually naked with one another: Extreme sub

Nudity is something she is generally against and would not be nude around others, including her regular sex partner who she lets inside her pants. Her preference in sex would even be to only pull up her conservative dress and pull her underwear aside for the deed to be done.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Touch each other's bare genitals with hand
  • Touch your bare genitals together:
  • Masturbate partner to orgasm
  • Ejaculate on her body, below neck
  • Ejaculate on her head, hair, or face:
  • Perform oral sex on her:
  • Have her perform oral sex on you:
  • Ejaculate on her
  • Ejaculate on her without her being aware semen makes babies
  • Ejaculate on her while she is aware semen makes babies

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

  • Have anal sex with her:
  • PIV sex while ignorant to its role in impregnation:
  • Vaginal sex with a condom
  • PIV sex while aware that it makes babies:
  • Intentionally impregnate her:

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to his sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what his response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with him. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:
  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)