Little Sister/Prizes

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The Little Sister show would not be complete without prizes. It was the bait you used to convince parents to let you have their little girls for a summer. Thus having a list of possible prizes is likely a good idea.

The first prize is $50,000. This amount goes to one lucky girl who you might as well choose randomly for all you really care. This is the main incentive for the girls to obey you, the main way to get the parents to turn a blind eye when not all of the contracts seemed legit.

The second prize is $5000. This is available to all girls and was one of the ways that you got the Bennett sisters.

The third prize isn't so much a prize as general payment. $250 a week to each girl's parents because minors cannot be paid money for these shows but their parents can for some reason. You will also pay for full medical coverage for 5 years through a blind trust held by a shell company that in turn is held by another shell company and so on until one of them that is actually owned by the original trust. That should help protect you from inquisitive parents once you give them their daughters back pregnant. The production company for the show itself is owned by one of the shell corporations.

Aside from the monetary prizes granted to the parents you also have set up in-house prizes that the girls can earn.

The first is special food items like chocolate and soda. These items will otherwise be withheld. The girls will also be on a healthy yet somewhat bland diet to make this prize more exciting. Lacing the chocolate with additional aphrodisiac is also an option.

The second in-house prize is entertainment. The first choice of movies for movie night held every Thursday.

Further prizes are available but will be hidden until the girls are a little more accepting. Like private time with the producer in his playroom or access to sex toys.

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