Mother's Helping Hand/kinder/Emily

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You feel a little like you are playing chicken here, trying to test the absolute limits of how far your mother will go with this, and decide to just go for broke and pick the youngest on the list. 4 year old. Emily Johnson. "what about her?" You ask.

"Wow son, really going young right off the bat." She replies as she clicks on the girls file.

Emily Johnson

Emily Johnson
Elementary School Pre-school



School Activities

Emily is too young to have established any interest in school activities, she spends most of her days coloring and napping


Princess Dressup, Coloring, Dollies, Barbies, Collecting Flowers


Emily has expressed exploratory behaviors, and has caused staff significant difficulty due to a habit of inappropriately self-pleasuring in the middle of class. Staff have had to keep a constant eye on her to keep her occupied and engaged with other things. Any time she sees a new object, she likes to try rubbing it between her legs.

Interventions that have had some success include engaging her in other activities and making sure she is wearing a leotard over tights any time she wears a skirt in order to prevent her from exposing herself. She will still rub objects between her legs, but this prevents her from rubbing directly on her exposed genitals.

You look at the girl's file, you can't help but acknowledge that she is cute, and based on what you read, likes to play with herself. But a four year old, can you really do sexual things with a four year old....

Your thoughts are interrupted by your mother's voice.

"Very young, extremely cute and according to her file very precocious. Not a bad one to start with, easy to mold and willing to play as long as the game feels good. Another thing to consider is she is too young to really express to anyone what you two are doing."

You look over to your mother in a slight daze. She's really serious about this, isn't she? You had your doubts before, but judging by the outright eager look on her face and the fact she seems to even be grinding herself gently against the corner of her chair, you have absolutely no doubt in your mind now that if you say the word your mother will have this girl in the house by tonight and she will not allow her to leave until you have stuck your dick inside of her and left a load of semen inside her little baby pussy.

You think about it and decide: