Mother's Helping Hand/School/Non-Humans

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Non-Human Communities

There are innumerable races and communities around Larange City. Some are benevolent others hostile. The city and school ignore these communities unless the pose a threat to their interests.

The many and varied communities of the outskirts rang from tribal bands living in cave's to communes of self aware Androids living in high tech facilities. For the most part the communities stick to themselves.

Non-Human Students

Non-Human Students are permitted at Lamptons as long as they are of similar life span and appearance as humans. Students with long or short life spans tend to produce learning and discipline issues, as do students that are so different in appearance that they would require special accomodations to attend school.

Non-Human faculty

Non-Humans are permitted and encouraged to be faculty at Lamptons as long as they have reached their races age of majority, and are able to follow the schools rules. Again races requiring special accomodations to attend Lamptons will not be considered for facility positions.

Races Found in the Outskirts.
