Mother's Helping Hand/School/Non-Humans/Races/Beastkin/Bunnykin

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General Information

Bunnykin are a Hybrid of humanoids and rabbits. Originally created during experiments to create a race of servants and sex slaves, Bunnykin have an innate need to help and serve others. They are a skittish subrace that forms strong family units. They are open and accepting of all other races, though they feel uncomfortable around primarily predatory or carnivorous races. They are willing to accept all beings within their family units.

As a highly sexual race, all Bunnykin have an instinctual, racial, knowledge of sex and ways of giving pleasure to themselves and others. They love to explore new and interesting ways to provide pleasure. This drive starts to affect most Bunnykin shortly after the learn to walk and talk.

All Bunnykin have the ability to bond with a member of the opposite sex. This is a form of soul bonded slavery. For males they bond with submissive females, while females bond with dominant males. The bond links the two on an emotional level. The male becomes highly protective of the female and all her young, male children until their thiteenth year, females until they leave the family. For females they become completely submissive to their bonded mate.

Bunnykin as a whole are a submissive race with most females being naturally submissive. It has not been unheard-of for female Bunnykin to bond themselves into slavery with especially dominant male lovers of other races, with or without the males knowledge or consent. And in some cases bond other female family members even very young daughter's. This is an instinctual survival mechanism.

On rare occasion a female Bunnykin is born dominant. This is the family matriarch. If a male can become her bonded mate, all females beneath her, regardless of marital, relationship or bonded status, become property of the matriarchs bonded male.

The average age of puberty for Bunnykin starts around age 8. They always breed true as Bunnykin regardless of progenitor race other than other Beastkin where the child will be fully Bunnykin or the other parents race. Like the rabbits, which are the parent race of their species, Bunnykin women are triggered ovulators. They do not experience a menstrual cycle. The ovulation of an egg is triggered by the act of vaginal intercourse.

Due to their highly precocious and sexual nature, Bunnykin children are normally kept away from members of the opposite sex, until they have matured mentally and emotionally enough to control their urges. Premature sexual contact can cause a young Bunnykin to enter puberty early.

Due to their bonding ability, Bunnykin almost never become followers of Aedificator, as that Religion opposes all forms of slavery, even the instinctual bonds of Bunnykin.

Racial Features

Bunnykin vary in size starting around four feet in height (For Pygmy and Dwarf ancestry Bunnykin) to over six feet tall (Hare and Jackrabbit ancestry Bunnykin).

Their skin tends to vary from pale white to deep tanned, this is a combination of their exposure to the elements and there ancestry. Bunnykin with ancestry from colder climates tend to be paler while Bunnykin with ancestry from hotter climates tend to be naturally darker skinned. Their hair and tail type and coloration comes exclusively from their ancestry. Bunnykin can however inherit eye color from their human or bunny ancestry.

All Bunnykin can be recognized by their rabbit ears and tail.


Bunnykin live approximately the same lifespan as humans. The age of maturity for a Bunnykin is 13, their average life expectancy is 80 - 100 years.

Immunities and weakness

Bunnykin are resistant to the natural elements of their ancestrys native environment and immune to most forms of unnatural, emotional or mental control.


Bunnykin are welcome at Lamptons, as Students, Faculty and Staff, with some minor special accomodations.
