Mother's Helping Hand/School/Non-Humans/Races/Kitsune

From All The Fallen Stories
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General information

Kitsune are magical, immortal, and incredibly adorable mystical creatures. These legendary foxes have been delighting people for centuries, whether by celebrating a wedding with “foxfire” lanterns or making the village jerk run through the streets naked and give all his money away. But the Kitsune aren’t all fun and games—they can be incredibly wise, and incredibly dangerous, too!

Racial Features

Newborn Kitsunes could easily blend in with a litter of average foxes. They must gain their magical looks—along with their magical powers—over time. Every hundred years, a Kitsune grows a new tail. She can have up to nine tails total. In her later years, her red fur might begin to turn gold, then, finally white.

When the Kitsune reaches her one hundredth birthday, she can begin shapeshifting, a trick that makes describing her very difficult. These magical foxes love to take human forms. They tend to go for shapes that command maximum respect: an elegant young woman or a wise old priestess. If they’re in a troublemaking mood, they can also pose as humans they’ve seen before: a princess who can command an army or an enemy who needs to be humiliated. Luckily, the fox’s disguise is rarely perfect. If you catch her off guard, you might catch a glimpse of her bottlebrush tail!

All Kitsune are born female, they seek mates from powerful, respected and intellectual males of any humanoid race.


Very slowly reaching maturity at 100 years. They spend all of this time in the form at a female fox. They have no maximum life span, though they can die by other means.

Immunities and weakness

Kitsune are incredibly magical creatures. Their powers are limited only by their imaginations, which, considering the Kitsune’s lively imagination, means that they are hardly limited at all!

They specialize in the art of illusion. Shapeshifting is just the first of many skills in this area. As well as transforming their bodies, these magical foxes can transform the world around them as well. They can make decadent mansions and dreamy gardens out of a graveyard. They can conjure up masses of silver and gold, which turns back into grass in the morning. And they can spend years in a human-shape, without ever being identified as a fox.

Kitsune also have psychic powers. They can take possession of human bodies, usually to humiliate a person who has wronged them by making him run through the town naked, give all his money away, or eat huge amounts of food until he grows fat. As a less drastic measure, a Kitsune might enter a human’s mind while he is sleeping to deliver a message through a dream.

The Kitsune also have miscellaneous other powers. Some can fly. Some can breathe fire. Some can control the weather and others can see the future.

They can heal from almost any physical wound except for injuries caused by cold-iron.

But no matter what shape a Kitsune takes, there will always be one give-away. She must keep her hoshi no tama, a glowing ball or iridescent gem, with her at all times. The ball contains her soul, and without it, she will grow powerless and die. In human form, Kitsunes usually wear their hoshi no tamas as amulets, but in fox form, they carry the magical balls in their mouths or fasten them to their tails.


Due to their lifespan and unpredictable nature Kitsune are not permitted to be Students, Faculty or Staff at Lamptons.

Though they are allowed on campus as consultants, guards or other nonofficial functions as long as they can keep their mischievous nature in check.
