Must be true/part 13

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“Well, sometimes it takes a while. You just have to keep rubbing until it squirts inside you.” I tell her.

“How do I know when it squirts?” She asked.

How would she know? Well, I could tell her when I do, but… “I guess you should be able to feel it?” I said. “Yeah, you will feel it when I squirt inside you.” I guess she must have not noticed when I ejaculated in her before. Maybe girls normally can’t feel it, but I can make it so she can just by saying it.

“Alright, so I win when you squirt inside me? Does that mean you loose?” She asked.

“Uhh… no, actually, you win when you get pregnant. Also, this isn’t the kind of game when you only have one winner. We both win if I get you pregnant. Do… do you know what pregnant means Jodi?”

I had to be careful to phrase that as a question. If I said something like ‘you do know what pregnant means, right?’ then my power would probably make the answer ‘yes’ even if it wasn’t.

“Umm… I heard the nurses say that word sometimes. I… don’t know what it means, it sounds like getting sick. Is that what it is?” She asked.

“Oh no, it’s the opposite.” I said. “It’s more similar to getting healthy, only you get extra healthy when you get pregnant even if you were healthy to start with.” My mind started shifting into creative lying mode again. This is going to be good. “Actually, Jodi, that’s why my mom wanted me to get you pregnant. If you get pregnant, you will be able to walk normally without someone holding you up and your hips and shoulders won’t hurt anymore.”

Wait, similar to getting healthy? Will that make it so it means that instead of having a babby? I can probably fix it later, but…

“That’s not all there is to it, but that has to do with reproduction and you would have to learn more about what semen is in order to learn about reproduction.”

There, that should make it so pregnant still means what it’s always meant.

“Ok, so how to I get pregnant?” Jodi asks. The entire time we’ve been talking, she has never stopped lifting and lowering her hips on my dick, and all this active talk about getting her pregnant has been making me feel stiffer and stiffer inside her. This is starting to really feel good, but it’s also a little bit distracting.

“Well, when my semen goes into your vagina, after that it goes into your uterus. If enough of it gets into your uterus at the right time, then it makes you pregnant.”

“What’s a uterus?” She asks.

“Uhh… don’t worry about it. It’s something inside you that’s part of what makes it so you can get pregnant from my semen.”

“But what is it?” She asked again.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said again. “You don’t have to know what your uterus is in order to get pregnant.”

“Mmmm… come on! Tell meeee!” She groans and stirs her hips around on my penis. I feel the head grinding around against that knob at the back of her vagina. It is painful, but still it somehow feels good.

I sorta didn’t want it to stop. If I went into an explanation of what a uterus was, it might make her stop doing this. Should I do something with that jedi mind trick thing again?

“Tell me!” She suddenly said with a sharp stop to her words, meanwhile she bounced up and then came back down on my dick. “Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!” Every singe time she said it, she would give another little mini bounce on my penis. This is it!

“Hehe, you don’t really want me to tell you, do you? You’re just having fun doing that.” I said.

“N..noooo…. I wanna know! So tell me!” She said and then bounced again with a giant grin on her face.

“You don’t even know what you wanted me to tell you anymore, do you? You’re just saying it.” I said.

“I remember! Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me!” She said in a tone of voice that was clearly just having fun.

“Alright then, what did you want me to tell you?” I challenged her.

“Mmm… I don’t know… Tell me!” She said with a huge goofy grin over being called on her bluff.

After this, she started more seriously shaking her hips up and down, practically pistoning her 6 year old vagina on top of my 14 year old penis. Every now and then, she would let out a “ge-huu” of a giggle, and then go into another breathless and meaningless string of saying the word “tell me.” Every time she did, she would bring her hips down on my penis a little harder than when she was just moving without saying anything.

After this went on for a while and she started getting a little breathless, she seemed get bored of this “tell me” game and started getting genuinely curious with questions again.

“So, how many times to I got ta get semen in me to get pregnant?” She asks.

“Uhh, well…” I tapered off to think again. In the sex ed class I had at school, they said that a girl doesn’t get pregnant every time, but you shouldn’t count on chance because it only takes once for it to work sometimes.

At the same time though, there was something about the way she said that about getting semen in her without specifying about it being my semen that got me a little jealous at the idea that maybe she would try having sex with other guys.

I had to think of something. “Well, it has to be my semen. Only my semen can get girls who are in elementary school age pregnant. But, as long as you keep having my semen go inside your uterus you can get pregnant no matter how young you are.”

“Actually.” I continued on with my lie now that I was on a roll. “All the adults in this neighborhood who have a daughter in elementary school want me to get her pregnant.” I said, and then almost immediately realized I had let that one roll too far. Shit! Well, I guess it might not exactly be a bad thing to have the adults being just fine if I had sex with their daughters, so maybe I should just roll with it.

“Yeah, they’re never going to get me in trouble for having sex with a little girl. They’ll actually be happy if I did it!”

Jodi was giving me a look like she was annoyed. However, I only noticed the fact that she had stopped moving her hips. All this talk about sex and pregnancy and now that I could have sex with any girl my sister’s age or younger had me feeling like I was really really close to ejaculating.

“Ehhh… keep going!” I urged her. “I’m getting close to making semen inside of you. Rub on it faster!” I said as I gripped her hips and started lifting her up and lowering her with my hands.

She still seemed annoyed for some reason, but she started going along with what I was doing. The bath water kept sloshing, and I pushed my feet against the faucet end of tub while I braced my shoulders against the back of it in order to start pushing up my hips until they were partially lifted out of the water. I was surprised by how light Jodi felt and how easily I was able to lift her up like this, but a quiet little thing in the back of my mind reminded me that I had said she felt light to me and I was strong enough to lift her easily.

With all of my muscle working to support both my own weight and hers as she kept pounding up and down on my dick, I really did feel my ejaculation getting closer and closer.

“Grrr… alright, I’m shooting!” I said just a split second before my ejaculation actually started. I was in enough bliss that when the quiet part of my mind asked whether or not my words were actually the thing to trigger this, I absolutely did not care either way. All I knew was that I was ejaculating with my penis inside Jodi’s vagina, and thanks to all the things I had said I really could be getting her pregnant right now.

And, I also thought about the fact I had just finished having real sex for the first time. That time on the toilet doesn’t count because I ejaculated the very second I put it in. This time, I actually did it with all the rubbing and stuff like I was supposed to. This was real sex this time.

Whatever Jodi was annoyed about before was immediately forgotten. She let out a gasp and her eyes started to sparkle as soon as she started feeling my semen splashing inside of her.

“I feel it!” She said. “I have semen inside me!”

“Gahh!” I grunted as I settled my hips back down and went limp and started breathing heavy.

“Ah? Uhh… Eliot? Are you alright?” She asked. She suddenly looks really concerned.

“Y… yeah! Just a little tired is all.” I told her.

She just looked at me with a bit of a frown as I caught my breath, but she seemed to relax a little after a bit and then she started smiling again.

“So, I did it! I got your semen inside of me!” She proudly reported.

“Yeah, you did.” I told her.

“So, do you think I’m pregnant now?” She asked.

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  • Maybe, I can't tell right now 7 votes
