Pedo Romp/5yo old playhouse

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She would be a pretty girl if her eyes weren't red from rubbing and tears and snot weren't spoiling her face. Her tight black curls are cut short and she's wearing a blue dress over a white shirt. She is inside one of the playhouses, not the little cheap ones, but a more substantial miniature wooden house. You squat down to talk to her through the window.

"Hello," you say.

She sniffs. "Hello mister."

"What's your name."

She wipes her nose with a soggy tissue. "Aisha," she says, blinking the tears from her brown eyes.

"Where's your Mommy?"

Another sniff. "Mommy's at home. Shana's s'posed to be looking after me. She went off wiv her boyfriend and said she'd be back in a minute and that was ages ago."

You take out a handkerchief to wipe her face and she lets you reach in through the little window. With her face clean you get a better look at her. She is not really black, more a dark brown, only the hair gives away her African ancestry.

"Who's Shana?"

She looks at you as if you are stupid. "My sister. She's twelve."

Squatting has become uncomfortable so you sit down on the artificial grass. "Are you coming out of there," you ask.

She sticks her head out of the window to have a good look at you. "Shall I suck you," she says.

"Wha!" Surely she doesn't mean... You were planning to get her in the back room, but... "What do you mean?"

"You look nice. I'll suck your cock if you want."

"Do you do that a lot," you ask.

She shakes her head. "Well, there's Daddy in the morning 'fore he goes to work, and Winston, my bruvver, but he's too little to make spunk. Daddy says spunk is good for little girls and makes them grow up real pretty."

"I see. Do you like it?"

"It's okay I guess, so long as it's not too big. Mr Williams's is huge, so I only lick him and suck the end."

The house is between you and the door and there is no one else around, so you get up on your knees, open your fly and poke your cock in through the window of the little house. You can't see her, but you sure can feel her as she wraps her lips around the head and sucks you in. "Fucking Hell, this girl is only five and she sucks cock like a seasoned whore," you think as her tongue works on the sensitive underside.

For a moment, your cock feels cold as she backs off and you hear her take a deep breath. Then it's warm again but this time it goes past her tongue to the back, and then, to your amazement, she pushes forward and takes it right into her throat. Of course, you cum straight away and shoot the contents of your balls straight down her gullet, before, worried that she might be choking, you pull back.

As you put your shrinking cock away, you hear her coughing and spitting and then she crawls out of the little door. "Did I do good mister," she asks.