Pedo Romp/Get married, have kids with her, then molest them

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Now that you think about it, you've always wanted children of your own. And this might be just the mother you want from them, someone who'll handle all the diapers and potty training without protest, run things the way you want them run, and leave the house whenever you say "leave the house."

After these few months of exploitation, when you propose getting married and having kids, she cries for joy. The other teachers are a little surprised at the announcement, but the wedding is reasonably well attended. Over the next couple of years, you have exactly what you wanted: a couple of daughters named Susan (at home, you call her "Suky") and Frances (at home, you call her "Fanny"). You were thinking of naming your third one "Justine," but your wife's bad health habits catch up with her earlier than you might expect - she actually has a heart attack in her early thirties, and what with the "do not resuscitate" orders you had her sign, that leaves you to raise the girls alone. Your courage and dedication in doing so are widely praised.

Lying on your bed after school one afternoon, you smile as you hear the little tap on the door. Suky's through with her second-grade homework and is coming in to report, according to your usual ritual.

"Come in, honey."

She does.

"Finished your homework?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Good." You pull your pajama pants open to let your erection bounce free. "And who's my sweet Suky?"

"Daddy's widdle cum thucking swut!" She climbs up on the bed and begins to pleasure you. Fanny doesn't have the same lisp, but she has a quick ear for the words you teach her. Later tonight, if you're in the mood, you'll have to have Fanny tongue your anus while Suky gives you another suck. They obey your wishes without question, for you have taught them well. You're living the life you always wanted, and your desires have a...captive audience. How are you going to keep them quiet and obedient when they hit the teen years? Well, you have years to figure that out.