Pedo Romp/Keep her as your mistress for as long as you want

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No matter how badly you treat her, this is a safe outlet for your worse kinds of lechery. Maybe you are keeping her as dependent and infantile as a human being can be, but technically she is over sixteen, and the law can't touch you. Plus, she's better at keeping her mouth shut than kids ever have been. She's just too afraid of you leaving her. Sometimes you make her dress up for a particular fantasy - little girl outfits are no issue; this woman will wear diapers if that's what you want - but in the main, it's her attitude rather than her looks that keep you interested, and you can always think about someone else (or even look at student pictures) while she's feverishly slobbering on your cock.

Will you keep it up for a year? Two? It's under your control - and since you never let her be seen as "your girlfriend," let alone hinting at anything more serious, she never dares a word of protest, or to ask for commitment. However you manage the rest of the affair, of this story this is

The End.