Pedo Romp/Pull her up your body to kiss her and lay with her in your arms

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You pull her up and kiss her as she lays on your chest and you wrap your arms around her soft little body as you lay basking in the warmth of your heated bodies. She pulls back and smiles at you with a twinkle in her eye and asks if you like her. Smiling you say yes and that you would love to see her again. She blushes and rolls off of you scooting over to her clothes she returns with a small piece of paper and hands it to you. You look at her and turning red from embarrassment she says dad has me and my sisters hunt for people like you for his group if you want to see me again you have to talk to dad. She looks everywhere else but not at you as you realize that she is waiting for you to get up set. Reaching out you lift her chin and smile as you tell her its ok I'm not angry after all I got to meet you. She smiles and hugs you tightly before grabbing her dress. You sit and watch this little vixen as she pulls on her clothes and smile at the memories of her supple little body as you forced your cock into her of the sounds of pleasure she made at your touch. She turns to your and kisses you once more parting your lips with her tongue before pulling back and looking into your eyes says please call I really want to see you again. Ok sweetheart I will you say before she skips out of the old metal door to leave you alone in the old bunker. You dress before you decide to: