PublicNudity/Calling your older sister

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Today was the day, and you promised to call your sister Maria, or Mary as she preferred to be called, the moment you get up. You turn to your nightstand and pick up your phone, dialing the number as you leave your room and head for the kitchen.

It didn't even ring once before the other end clicked to life.

"Good morning Megan," came the far to cheerful voice of your elder sister.

"Mornin' Mary," you reply with much less enthusiasm.

"Oh, did you just get up?"

"You wanted me to call as soon as I woke up, so here I am."

"You didn't have to call me first thing, you could've made some coffee at least."

"Already on it."

You reach your kitchen and start to set up the coffee pot, shifting your phone to rest between your ear and bare shoulder.

"Heh, you always were a wreck in the morning before you had your coffee," she teased.

"Yeah, whatever," you dismiss her statement but can't help the small smile you get from the silly jab.

"So, does this mean you're all set for today?"

Pressing start on the coffee pot you turn and hoist yourself onto the counter, the cold tile sending a chill up your spine the moment your bare ass touched it. You switch the phone to your other ear.

"Spare guest room is all cleared out, all the important paperwork is in order, and I have nothing planned for today, just like we arranged."

"That's great news to hear Meg! I really can't thank you enough for doing this for me, if only it hadn't come to this..."

"Hey, that job offer is too good for you and Will to pass up and all of you know that. And don't worry about me, you're always there for me when I need you so you'll always be able to count on me in return."

"Thank you Megan, that means more than you know. Oh! Our flight's boarding right now, text me an update once you're all settled in, I'll video call you guys in a couple of days. Love you!"

"Love you too Mary, take care!"

You end the call and set the phone on the counter beside you. With a deep breath you mentally run through all you three put together.