Public Nudity / Beach / Golden Retriever

From All The Fallen Stories
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You leap up to your feet as the excited dog approaches. You are not really afraid of dogs, but he is kind of huge. He is much larger than other golden retrievers you have seen, and he is coming straight at you.

You reach out your arms, low and easy, hoping he will slow down a bit and sniff you or maybe just lose interest and run past. Instead, the strange dog treats you like an old friend, jumping up excitedly and pawing at your shoulders. He weighs more than you do. The motion immediately bowls you over, and you end up on your back with the dog excitedly snuffling and licking and nuzzling your face. You do your best to calm him while scratching at the deep golden ruff at his neck and behind his ears. It does not seem to be calming him much at all.

Then you hear a voice call out in the distance "Brutus!" Brutus, come here boy!" You look over and see a pair of boys approaching. Older boys. Probably in high school. Both are in black teeshirts and jeans and one has a battered baseball cap on.

Only as they approach do you realize that when the dog knocked you down you lost your sister's sarong. You look around desperately, but there is no sign of it anywhere. The wind must have caught it and blown it away. Now here you are, totally naked, lying down under this enormous dog, while a pair of high-school boys approach.


...scramble out from under the dog and run away.

...stand up brazenly and wave to the boys. "Is this your dog?"

...roll out from under the dog, then quickly bury your crotch and chest in the sand, hoping they don't notice that you are not wearing a bathing suit.