SW:CES:NC: Togruta Female

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From the Master Shaak Ti to Padawan Ahsoka Tano, the Togruta remain popular among Star Wars fans. These mammalian, near hairless humanoids hail from the planet of Shili. The defining features of Togruta are their skin and montrals.
Montrals are the hollow horns on Togrutas’ heads which allow for a sort of passive echolocation that lets them easily detect procximity and movement. These montrals are white with stripped patterns and attached to three, in rare cases four, long head-tails: 2 from the sides, 1 from the posterior of the head. The posterior tail and montrals didn’t grow out until adolescence.
Torguta have rusty skin ranging from blue to green, also notably red. Their faces have white pigmentation on them and grayish lips and some also have white stripes on their bodies. As Togruta are carnivores, they have sharp canine teeth as well as the false impression by outsiders they are venomous.
As they had to fight very large monsters which also hunted in packs on Shili, Togrutan culture relies on unity and togetherness. They would hunt in the scrublands that cover much of Shili and set up communities in the canopies of forests. They have very strong beliefs in teamwork, as each member of the pack should pull their weight, and this extends to other races. In that sense, the Togruta are adverse to isolation. However, they also believe that if one does not pull their weight or is a burden, they should be left behind, as is the way of nature.

So how old are you Togruta?