Sex Therapy/Laney/Bring Laney Home

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“It sounds like you are going to be stretched for time. Perhaps it would be easier if I just took her home with me. I don’t live far, just north in Wallingford. I’m happy to bring her back whenever you are finished” I said thinking that shooting for a sleepover might be pushing it with this prude. “I guess that would be easier, I’ll give you a call when the dinner is over. She is in your hands, good luck she may look cute but she is a handful,” she said as she walked out the door. So Laney and I were left alone in the room, I glanced at my phone and realized it was already six. Looking up, it seemed shy Laney had returned, not sure if she was just embarrassed by her Aunt or nervous about coming to my house alone and what I might expect, I decided to give her an escape route if she wanted.

“I’m glad that went well, are you ok with the plan? I didn't expect your Aunt to take off without checking with you first, if you aren’t comfortable going to my house we can find someplace to go here in New Haven. I know a great pizza place here, and there must be a movie theater or mall somewhere. And of course nothing sexual has to happen until you want it to.” I offered She seemed to perk up just a bit at the suggestion.

“I am hungry, pizza would be great. But could we get it to-go. I really want to see your house and the helicopter models. I mean why would I be “uncomfortable” at my uncle’s house.” She said with a childlike flirtatiousness, then she added “I’m hoping we can get very comfortable” Licking her lips awkwardly almost like she was trying to recreate a scene with a pizza guy in a bad porno, it was strange. I decided to just ignore it for now and just respond to her first comment.

“In that case I can call my favorite pizza place near my house and we can pick it up on the way” I said as I motioned for her to follow me toward the parking lot. As we were almost out of the building she stopped.

“I almost forgot I came straight here from school, my backpack is in the group room. I’ll grab it and meet you at your car. “ Gesturing out the door, my car was the only one left in the lot. I guess we were the last ones here. She took off back down the hall, almost sprinting. I got in the car and ordered the pizza, switching my usual order for half cheese half pep, figuring that was safe with most kids.

It took her about 10 minutes to come out of the building, surprising given how she was sprinting. The reason was obvious once she emerged. Her glasses were missing, her breasts had grown two sizes (though they were a bit uneven) and the black panel in the middle of her shirt had disappeared. She also had hoop earrings in and had put on some makeup, the bright red lipstick and mascara both had few blobs and smudges, it wasn’t a toddler level job but she certainly hadn’t perfected the skill yet. She put her backpack in the back and sat down in the passenger seat.

“You look…Nice” I offered, not sure how I felt about this new 11 going on 30 version of Laney.

“Ohh, this Dr. Peterson doesn’t approve, but I think my man needs to be taken care of” she said, returning to porno mode and grabbing my leg awkwardly. I Started to leave the lot and tried to think of a good way to change the subject.

“Do you happen to have that report you wrote in your backpack, maybe you could show me some while we drive. It will take a bit to get to my house” I said after a long awkward pause hoping to bring back cute fifth grade Laney. And it worked. She immediately changed demeanor and reached into the back to get her bag, bending and twisting over the seat the way only a child can without hurting themselves. I was trying to focus on driving but I couldn’t help but notice her shirt fall forward enough for me to get a glimpse inside the cup of her tissue stuffed white bra that had been pushed aside just ever so slightly so that I could make out her barely budding left breast, perfectly small puffy nipple and all. Her porn act might not get me excited but that sure did. Back in her seat with a folder in hand she proudly showed me the A on the front, she had even put her glasses back on.

She spent most of the drive giving me what I’m guessing is the same oral report she had delivered to her class. She was a very smart girl and I agreed with her teacher; she had the potential to be a good engineer. Then she showed me pictures of her room and friends on her phone. She did annoyingly keep slipping back into Porno mode frequently. But I was able to bring back giddy smart Laney with the right question, despite this I was getting quite annoyed. I didn’t know what to do, I was supposed to help her live with sexual impulses while still behaving in otherwise age appropriate ways.

As we arrived at the pizza place, I parked out of the way along the side of the building not wanting questions about pulling up with a 11 year old dressed like a hooker. I ran in and grabbed the pizza and ran back to the car, on opening the door I was immediately hit with an overwhelming concentration of fruity perfume. Laney’s Glasses had disappeared again and she was attempting what I assume she thought of as a seductive pose in the seat, with one foot resting on the seat legs spread as far as possible.

“Hey handsome…” she started, I don’t know what got into me I kinda snapped, my blunt problem solving engineering brain took over and interrupted her.

“Laney what is this, why do you seem to change between two people, you’re a cute smart young girl one second and… and.. I don’t know what this is next?” I said a bit to roughly

She immediately burst into tears stammering to speak through sobs. “I knew I couldn’t do it, I’m still too childish, no one will ever want me. I told Dr. Laura that.. I told her..” she trailed off as she pulled herself into a fetal position in the seat. Confused I set the pizza down in the back seat and finished getting in. I decided to probe further, trying to soften my tone. “So let me get this straight, you thought that you needed to act older so I would be attracted to you, or want you?” I queried

“Yea, you only like women don’t you?” she stammered without changing position

“Not at all I thought you knew Dr. Laura was choosing pedophiles, people who like children. Besides, wasn't there a page in my profile that told you what type of girls I liked and what I was into sexually? Regardless I want you but I want the cute smart 11 year old you.” I said reaching my hand out to touch her shoulder lightly, she turned slightly to meet my gaze.

“Really, you’re ok with me acting normal? Dr. Peterson didn’t let me look at that page, she said it was ‘profane’ whatever that means, so I assumed you wanted women, since you chose me” she said, seeming to loosen up slightly. But before I could figure out what she meant with the last statement she tightened up again and started sobbing. Beginning to speak again after about a minute.

“But that means you won’t like me once you see all of me…I thought they said it would on the profile they gave you…” She trailed off into sobs again. When she seemed to calm down enough to hear me I made a go of figuring this out again.

“Well you were wrong when you thought I liked women, and I did see your profile and really wanted to meet you so why don’t you just tell me what it is that is going to make me not like you” I offered, not sure what to expect. She turned her head slightly so she could see me, she seemed to be attempting to gather the strength to speak some terrible truth. I had no idea what to expect. Was she trans, deformed in some way?

Finally after an eternal pause she blurted out. ”I have the puberty” before turning away again and sobbing. Surprised that she thought that mattered somehow and without thinking I immediately responded “That's it? I already knew that, it was on your profile, and to be honest even before you stuffed your bra I could tell your breasts were beginning to come in. Why would you think that would make me not like you?” She loosened and looked at me with mascara dripping down her face, and an expression like her mind had just exploded.

“But.. I thought..well…my Dad said that men either liked kids like he did or women. He said the puberty was the whole reason he couldn’t keep me with me anymore and needed to trade me to another dad who liked women. He said I need to learn to act like a woman to make the man happy, but the man wasn’t happy because I cried, so he hurt Dad. It was all my fault” she said the sobs restarting. At least it finally made some sense, that guy had really twisted her up. I guess it was my job to try to untwist her. Suddenly I felt completely unqualified for this. “Well I didn’t know your Dad, even though I am your uncle.” I said immediately regretting the attempt at humor.

“But based on the men I know including myself, there are men who like all different kinds of girls in all different stages of puberty. And I guess both of us were lucky to meet because in my case while I like girls from around 8-16 years old, my favorites are the ones who have just barely started puberty, like you. And whatever the man did to your dad it wasn’t your fault it sounds like he just wasn’t a very nice man.” I finished hoping I had struck the right tone, her dad sounded like a tool but I didn’t think now was the right time to have that conversation.

She seemed to be digesting what I said and slowly loosened, finally shifting so her head fell into my lap as she laid across the center console. I stroked her hair until she was finally calm. “I guess Dr. Laura did find the right guy for me, am I really your favorite type?” she said, nuzzling her head into my leg covering my pants in lipstick and mascara in the process. I just smiled “Of course why do you think I chose you, your picture was so pretty, and then when I met you and you couldn’t stop talking about helicopters. Smart and pretty, what more could I ask for.” I said as I moved my hand from her hair down her back resisting the urge to linger on her bra strap resting my hand on her side just above her pants.

“Can we go to your house now the smell of the pizza is making me hungry” she said in a near whisper

“Sure we can” I managed to manipulate the gear shift around her and get us home in one piece. Even in the short time she almost fell asleep on me. But arose once we pulled into the garage, she grabbed her backpack and I grabbed the pizza. Luckily I cleaned up my bachelor pad recently because my sister had visited. As I led Laney in she grabbed my hand and held it as we walked in, it made me tingle like I had just been kissed by a girl on the playground at school. As we walked in Laney saw her face in the small mirror hanging above the key rack.

“I look horrible,” she said, seeming defeated.

“Actually I don’t mind the look, but it seems to have also gotten on my pants” I said pointing at the smudge “Perhaps we should both clean up. I think my sister left some makeup remover in the guest bathroom. I can wash your shirt so it’s all good before you return to your Aunt, you can borrow one of my t-shirts. It will be big. But I like it when a girl borrows my clothes” I said as I grabbed her a retro NASA tee I had in my office. “ You can leave your backpack in here if you want, the bathroom is right over there” I gestured to an open door down the hall.

She dropped the back looking longingly at the models before she scampered off. I left the pizza in the kitchen and headed upstairs to my room to change my pants. I was halfway there when Laney yelled from the bathroom.

“Uncle Bruce, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Bruce!”

I ran down the stairs and into the bathroom, throwing the door open. Laney was sitting on the vanity stool in just her bra and pants, eyes closed, with one dripping with makeup remover. I guess she didn’t know to put it on the cotton pads first. Once she noticed me enter she pleaded in a panicked tone “It’s going to get in my eye I don’t know what to do” I grabbed a washcloth from the drawer and knelt down to wipe off her eye. I got all the liquid off and most of the mascara from that eye at least. She finally calmed down and opened her eyes, I was trying hard not to stare down into her bra. She had removed the stuffing but it was still stretched out enough that it didn’t cover much anymore at least from my downward view, you could see both of her barely there breast mounds each containing penny sized puffy nipple.

“Thanks, Bruce sorry I freaked, tbh this is the first time I’ve worn makeup and none of the YouTube videos I watched covered getting it off” she said sheepishly, seeming to remember her shirtlessness for the first time, and crossing her arms across her chest. I turned away from her. “Sorry” I offered feeling guilty for staring for so long

“It’s ok I’m the one who called you in. I’m just a bit embarrassed, I’m worried you’re not going to hate that part of me. How much did you see anyway?” She said in a panicked tone, I could tell she was walking to where she had left my t-shirt. I desperately wanted to sneak another peak before she got that shirt on but managed to control myself.

“Probably more for longer than I should I should have without asking” I said hoping honesty was best

“Well did you like what you saw?” she stammered shyly

“Absolutely, tbh it got me a bit excited” I said hoping that copying her tween text talk wasn’t too much.

“Oh, you can turn around btw” she answered

As I turned around to she was right in front of me holding out a bundle of clothes “Some of the makeup remover stuff got on my pants too, could you wash them with the shirt?” She said the t-shirt ended barely below her butt but it was certainly a nice sight especially with the neck of the shirt hanging off one of her shoulders. Even with her face still a mess she was gorgeous. I stared for a while before I pulled myself together and grabbed the clothes from her and headed to the laundry. Shortly after I started the machine, she was calling again, much less panicked this time. I walked into the bathroom again.

She was standing staring into the mirror, leaning forward just enough so that the bottom of her panties were peeking out, they were light pink with white hearts and a lace trim. “I have no idea what I’m doing, can you help me?” she said pleading. I grabbed the cotton pads and bottle and began to swab her face while she closed her eyes. It was a bit awkward bending down, so I sat on the stool. Without warning she dropped down on my lap straddling my legs while facing me, pulling the shirt up so she could spread her legs. It wasn’t until her skin dragged against my legs that I realized I had never put my pants on and was still wearing just boxers, in my defense being a bachelor it was a typical way for me to walk around the house.

The position was certainly a much better position for cleaning her face off. Though it was difficult to focus with her pink panty covered crotch sitting a scant inch from mine, a distance that was rapidly closing as my erection grew. I somehow managed to finish the task restoring her smooth face to its childlike innocence. By this time my erection was brushing against her everytime it pulsed, which was quite arousing despite the two layers of fabric that separated us. Forcing me to pause and enjoy the moment for a while before I gained my composure enough to say “ I’m done you can open your eyes” I grabbed her Glasses from the counter and slid them on “There now the beautiful girl from the picture is back” I continued. She just stared into my eyes for what seemed like a full minute, I couldn’t read her expression, it seemed a mix of pain and pleading. “What do you need me to do for you?” she asked. Before I could say anything my erection pulsed again brushing against her and she winced.

This was clearly one of those times I needed to slow things down. I moved my hands to her sides to slide her back, giving her some space from my raging erection as I met her gaze and said “I don’t need you to do anything for me, But If you want to we can go eat that pizza. And I’m sorry about the boxers, I was changing when you first called and it seemed urgent. “ I started to move to lift her off of me but she resisted then threw herself forward, putting her arms around me and resting her head on my shoulder. It was the warmest and most genuine hug I had ever received.

“Thank you, I guess my dad was wrong about a lot of things” she whispered in my ear

“It is my job to teach you about those things, and you are my boss” I returned softly as I ran my fingers through her hair then down her back before resting under her butt.

Remembering the need to slow down and trying not to think with my penis, I added “But what do you say we take a pizza break boss” She gave me one last firm squeeze then hopped off.

“Sounds good I forgot how hungry I am” We both headed out the bathroom door as we were passing the stairs I pointed to the kitchen “The pizza is in there, I already sent paper plates out, I’ll head upstairs and put some pants on” I said turning up the stairs. “No you won’t mister, if the boss has to go pantless so do you” as turned back to look at her she was shaking her finger at me and attempting her best stern boss face. But she couldn’t hold it and we both started laughing. When she gained her composure she added “and besides I kinda like the view” she said in her cute flirtatious way. I started back down the stairs and we both got plates of pizza.We grabbed some soda from the fridge. And walked into the great room next to the kitchen.

I had a tan leather couch and two matching recliners, I sat in my usual spot, the recliner closest to the kitchen. “I’m probably small enough to fit in there with you but the couch might be better” she quipped. I happily moved to the couch and she sat down next to me leaning into my side and tucking her legs under her. And started to inhale the pizza, I guess she really was hungry. She was headed back for round two of pizza and soda before I finished my first slice. “Do you want to watch a movie, or something before I have to take you back home?” I asked, grabbing the remote. “After we are done eating could you show me the models and the rest of the house?” She responded while bringing in her plate and soda. I put the remote away as she sat with her legs crossed facing me, an odd but welcome position as it afforded a clear view to the panties stretched tight so tight across her beautiful pubescent slit, enticingly decorated by hearts and perfectly framed by lace. She ate a bit slower this time, talking instead. She quizzed me about my work, she really was a smart and curious girl. I think she enjoyed seeing if I could stay focused on her questions instead of the view. After talking about work she moved on:

“You said your sister had visited, do you have a big family?” she asked

“Well, in a way yes and in a way I don’t have any family, I spent most of my life in foster care. Do you know what that is?”

“Yea a lot of the girls in the group are in it. So how do you have a sister then?”

“Tiana and I were together in two different foster homes. No one adopted us so we decided to adopt each other.”

“That’s kinda cool, I wish I had a brother or sister, Dr. Peterson is annoying and boring.”

“I noticed, does she make you call her Dr. Peterson”

“She says it’s the respectful way to refer to an elder, Dr. Laura had to fight with her so I could call her by her first name but I had to keep the Dr” she said as she finished her food.

“She seems a bit strict but hang in there I had some fosters like that, especially new ones. Usually they soften with time. Since you’re done do you want to see my office”

“Yea” she said jumping up

We went into the office and she quizzed me about each model I had. She took a special interest in a Model S-70 Firehawk I had picked up over the years. On a whim I decided to just let her have it saying “Since you did so well on your report you can keep it, a reward for good work” She jumped up and threw her arms and innocently kissed my cheek. Then gingerly set the model on top of her backpack.

She had already seen all of the downstairs, so we headed upstairs to see the master suite, second guest room, and the room I converted to a home gym.

Start in the gym

Start in Guest room