Sex Therapy/Echo/Choosing Echo

From All The Fallen Stories
< Sex Therapy
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“Echo could certainly use the help. She is a unique case, when we meet there won’t be a guardian, I’m authorized to approve the match since the state is her guardian. Of course she still needs to consent to it. She will do her best to shock and insult you, basically try to get you to hate her, if you make it past that she will probably move forward.

I know we don’t share a lot of backstory, but there are a few things you need to know going into this. She is on probation for some juvenile offenses she isn’t allowed to go anywhere not authorized by her PO. If she agrees to you I’ll call the PO and get your home on the list but for now you will need to meet with her here. Also she has a history of attempting to use sex to get money from men. You are not allowed to pay her for sex. Just like with the other girls you can buy her gifts and even give her money but no quid pro quo. But I think that won’t be a problem.

Lastly she has been expelled from almost every public high school around, a private school has taken her as a charity case, and because of her art skills. But if she doesn’t get her grades up they will kick her out. Her issues are in math and science. If you can help, that would be great. I’ll go get her from the group room. I’ll take you to the therapy room we will meet in, on my way there” she said as she headed to the door and I got up to follow. She led me to a small room and waved me in as she continued walking.

The walls of the therapy room were pale yellow, there were four padded chairs arranged facing each other in the center and a small bookcase filled with bins of toys, dolls and other things for entertaining kids. The only piece of furniture was a small table in the corner holding a box of tissues and one of those scent diffusers that every therapist office seemed to have, it gave off a slight lavender scent. I sat in the chair farthest from the door and facing out so I could see through the doorway.

A few minutes later Laura returned with Echo in tow, Laura walked in first walking and sitting in the chair diagonal from me. I stood as Echo entered, she was wearing the same outfit only with 4 inch black platform shoes. She threw a black backpack covered in patches next to the free chair in front of me. “So you are perv who they got to come fuck children. Your profile said you are even willing to go down on them, how kind of you” She said in a mocking tone as she sat down “Yep that’s me, but don’t consider me kind I think I enjoy it as much as they do” I quipped in return “Feisty, and quick on his feet I like that” she said looking at Laura who responded “Enough to approve him or is there anything else you want to know about him first”. Echo sat pondering for a minute.

“The profile talked a lot about what you are willing to do in sex but didn’t have any pictures or even measurements of your cock. I want to see it.” she said with a grin. “Now Echo does that seem reasonable to you. In a typical healthy relationship would you see someone's genitals before starting the relationship? And besides I can’t leave you two alone in the room unless you approve him.” Laura said exasperated “How would I know what happens in a healthy relationship, when my mom brought me to guys they were usually already naked. Plus what does it matter if you have to stay, you never seen a cock before or something,” Echo retorted. Laura looked stunned, before she could respond, I offered “If that is what matters to you I’m happy to show you, Laura can look away or not I don’t care,” Laura mouthed, “Thank You”

I stood unzipped and pulled the front of my pants and boxers down together. Echo glanced for a second before saying “I guess that will do, shoot it’s even small enough I’d let you take my ass for the right price,” I zipped up and sat down as Laura responded, “We have discussed this Bruce cannot pay study participants for sex.”

“Whatever I approve of him prude” Echo quipped.

“Ok, then it's settled, I’ll go take care of the paperwork and calls. Echo you know where the large therapy room is upstairs. You can take Bruce there to get acquainted.” Laura said before turning to me “I can take her back after you are done, I’ll be here until about 10 tonight.” She said as she walked out the door.

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