Sexual Research Commission/Grover/Sullivan/2

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Year 2

Chapter 2: Riley Sullivan, The Morning After

When Riley woke the next morning, she wondered if her memory of last night was another dream or not. As soon as she tried to move though, she was certain it was all real. She ached in muscles she didn’t realize she had. Hardly used before, her vaginal muscles had been stretched and worked intensely last night. She could barely think about moving her legs without pain. After what felt like an hour of trying to sit up, Oliver burst into her room.

“Morning, Sis! I was waiting for you to get up, but Mom said to just come fuck you awake.” He giggled at the word ‘fuck’. “She said it just like that too! She said if I can do the deed I should get to use the word. Anyway, let’s have sex!”

“No, Ollie. I’m too sore” Riley groaned. “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk for a week. If you all keep raping me like that, I don’t think I’ll ever walk again.”

“It can’t be that bad. You can’t say no now anyhow. Let’s do this”

Oliver pulled his pajama pants off and tackled Riley back down on her bed. Riley screeched with pain from the assault and whimpered as each bounce of the bed shot daggers through her lower abdomen. Oliver flew back off of her. His face went pale, realizing how much he really hurt his sister.

“It shouldn’t hurt that bad. The girls at school all said it hurt, but never like that. I’ll go get Dad.”

Oliver bolted out of the room. A couple minutes passed before Dad arrived, followed by the rest of the household.

Dad looked panicked and quickly asked, “Ollie said you’re hurt, what’s wrong?”

“You all gangraped me last night, what do you think is wrong?” Riley snapped. “It feels like someone tried to rip my legs apart and got halfway there!”

“No, no, no. The SRC lube should have helped with that. Let me take a look. Lay back and let me spread your legs.” He gently moved her legs apart, making her hiss loudly. “You’re very red and it looks swollen. Let’s get you down to the doctors at the SRC clinic, just to be safe.”

Riley was afraid of meeting anyone at the place where they ran the P-FANS program, but if they could make her pain even slightly better she was willing to face that fear. Dad gently scooped her up and carried her downstairs. It felt strange to ride in the car naked, but the pain distracted her from thinking too much about it and the trip wasn’t very long.

Inside the SRC office, they were greeted by a young man who introduced himself as Nurse Dave. He led them into a back room that looked almost just like a normal doctor’s office and Riley was laid down on the exam table. Nurse Dave eased her legs up into the table’s stirrups and nodded his head a few times as he prodded at her sensitive bits.

“Well Riley, it looks like you got a rather thorough initiation into the program. The good news is, I have a treatment that will get you all healed up in time to go to school tomorrow. I guess that’s not really good news for you, especially considering you didn’t sign up for this yourself, huh?”

He then produced a tube that looked like a cross between a toothpaste and a dildo. “This is a prescription strength version of the SRC’s standard lube.” He put a dab of it on his finger and gingerly applied it, starting with the outer edges of her vulva. It felt a lot like the lube last night with a lustier heat mixed with a cool, menthol sensation. “It can heal most injuries amazingly fast, but it will take several applications to get in shape for a day at school” He turned to address Dad while continuing to massage Riley. “She’ll need it applied topically once every hour with an orgasm. She can apply it herself if need be, but I recommend you help her.” He put more on his finger and slid it through the length of her slit, melting away the pain. “By tomorrow morning, she should be able to endure a marathon gangbang with little more than a sore back.” He pressed the phallic tube inside her vagina and squeezed a hearty amount into her.

The unexpected penetration caused her to groan as her sore muscles were stretched open, but the ointment did its job quickly. Her vaginal walls relaxed and the pain began melting away. Nurse Dave replaced the tube with two fingers and massaged the cream into every crease. He was very thorough and by the time he finished, there was much more than salve leaking from her vagina. Riley was already feeling flushed when she realized he wasn’t done. He had another cavity to treat and wasted no time easing the tube into her anus. Last night she had been too focused on reaching orgasm to appreciate it, but her rectum was far more sensitive than she had thought. By the time all of her pain had been reduced to a dull ache, she was breathing heavily and afraid she might cum right there on the exam table.

Nurse Dave washed his hands after fingering her anus, but returned to stimulate her vulva. “It may feel strange to do this in a doctor’s office, but I need you to orgasm for me. This treatment was developed as a direct result of the research done here at the SRC when we discovered the female orgasm releases certain hormones which activate the active ingredients.” He gently pressed on her upper labia to indirectly stimulate her clitoris. “You will already be feeling much of the relief from the treatment, but to unlock the full benefits, I need you to cum for me.” He culled his index and middle fingers inside her and scraped her g-spot.

Riley’s orgasm took hold of her faster than she knew possible. Every muscle throughout her body tensed, relaxed, and tensed to the rhythm of the waves of pleasure. It didn’t last long, but when it was over she understood the wonder of the salve. She pulled her legs out of the stirrups and sat up. Massaging her lower abdomen in disbelief, she couldn’t feel any evidence of the abuse she underwent last night. Fatigue quickly washed over her and she fell asleep on the exam table.

Riley woke up in her bed again. Daddy was pulling the covers off of her and spreading her legs open.

“It’s time for your medicine.” He said and unceremoniously pressed the tube into her vagina.

“It hurts again.” Riley groaned, but once the medicinal lube squirted against her cervix it subsided.

“Sorry, baby. One more.” He pressed it into her anus next with a similar result. “You’re being so brave. I need to finger you to orgasm now for it to work properly. Can you cum for me, sweetheart?”

Riley tried to push down the embarrassment of her dad not only looking at but touching her privates. She wanted to focus on the glowy feelings from the medicine, but the medicine only drew attention to what Daddy’s fingers were doing inside her. He wasn’t as good with his fingers as the nurse had been, but he did seem to know what he was doing. Eventually, she accepted her shame and came for Daddy, then fell asleep again shortly after.

This procedure repeated for the next few hours until the time she was woken up at noon. This time there was no pain when Daddy inserted the tube and when it was over, she felt no need to fall back asleep. She was now awake just in time for lunch, so Daddy invited her down to eat with the family. It felt so strange to walk downstairs naked, like she was a little kid again with no concept of modesty. Adding to the embarrassment, her legs were still dripping with a mixture of the medicinal lube and her own lewd fluids. It was impossible to forget her nakedness when she could feel every slight air current caress her clit, still engorged after her recent orgasm.

When she saw the dining table Mom was setting, a knot formed in her stomach from the memory of last night when she had been served to her family right there. Marching forward, fresh fluids joined the mess between her legs as though her body was preparing to be dessert. In spite of her embarrassment, the meal was almost normal. At least no one was making a big deal about her being naked and available. Instead, a palpable tension slowly filled the room as the family ran out of things to say while avoiding the elephant in the room. Mom must have ordered them to act normal for the sake of the meal. Eating in silence, Riley couldn’t keep her mind from drifting back to last night. She couldn’t look at Dad or her brothers without reliving what they did to her and her little pussy remembered how she longed to cum through it all.

Riley seethed with anger thinking about how flippant they were about stealing her virginity and gangraping her till she couldn’t walk the next morning. Yet, either from the repeated orgasms or the strange medecine messing with her head, she felt a small part of her hoping it would happen again. She tried to push that down and focus on her anger, but the thought only grew stronger. She shoved food into her mouth to distract from it. All she could think about was when Frank shoved his dick down her throat. By the time she finished her food, she was aching for release and used all her willpower to keep from rubbing one out in the dining room.

Oliver ran his empty plate to the sink and ran back to the table. “Riley and I are done eating. Can I have sex with her now?”

“Sit back down.” Mom commanded, “Lunch isn’t over until everyone is done eating.”

“Also remember what we talked about earlier.” Dad added, “She needs to take her medicine and cum once every hour, but we still can’t be too rough with her today. The doctor did encourage us to make her cum with penetrative sex, but we don’t want to overdo it like we did yesterday. We’re going to take turns and be gentle when it’s time to administer the treatment until I decide she can handle more. Since I’m the dad, I’ll go first. Then we’ll go from oldest to youngest like we did last night.”

“But I didn’t get to put my wiener in her last night!” Oliver whined, “I just licked her privates and then she fell asleep.”

“That’s a good point. You were also the only one who made her cum last night.” Dad paused to think. “Alright, Oliver will go first. Since he’s small, I’ll take a turn if he can’t give her an orgasm. For now, let’s eat.”

Riley sat in anticipation while the rest of her family finished eating. She was glad Ollie would be the next to have sex with her. He was the only one who listened to her last night and helped her get some relief. When the meal was officially over, Mom whisked Riley into the bathroom to clean her up while the boys did the dishes. Being touched sent electricity through Riley’s skin, but Mom avoided the one place she desperately wanted to be touched.

“You’re supposed to keep as much of this on your vulva and anus as possible, but your father really just let you sleep with all of this on your legs.” Mom said half to herself as she used a damp washcloth to wipe Riley’s legs. “Now it’s all over my dining room chair too. I imagine you’ll have fluids dripping out of you a lot now. I wish you could at least wear something to protect my furniture, but rules are rules.”

Getting cleaned up like a toddler was embarrassing enough to pull Riley back from the edge of climax. Mom was very thorough and careful not to clean off her vulva or ass. Even when Mom was finally satisfied, there was a trickle of fresh pussy juice running down the inside of her leg.

Mom stood up and looked down at Riley with a smug smile. “I’m not going to get you any cleaner if you’re this horny, young lady. I’m glad to see you’re adapting to this lifestyle so quickly even if you won’t admit it. Take this towel to sit on so you don’t soil every seat in the house. You can wait for Oliver in his room, but don’t relieve yourself before he gets there. You need to get used to cumming on a dick. Go on now!” She spanked Riley to spur her on.

Riley crept trepidatiously through the halls to her brother’s room. He still had a kids size bed even though he had outgrown it almost two years ago. He loved the race car design and wouldn’t let them get him a new one. Riley laid out the towel and sat down to wait. She wasn’t sure what to do in the meantime, especially since the only thing on her mind was her next orgasm. She decided to try out some poses so she could look sexy when he walked in, but nothing she tried worked out on the kiddy bed. During one pose, she noticed how much her clit was standing out from this constant state of arousal and became fascinated by all the subtle changes to her vulva when it was begging for sex. When Ollie finally walked in, she had her feet against her butt on the edge of the bed and she was bending in half to stare into her own crotch.

“Are you ready?” Ollie shouted as he tossed his clothes on the floor. “Sorry you had to wait so long. Mom had me do the dishes and Dad wanted to make sure we did it close to the hour for your medicine.” At the mention of the medicine, he remembered to pick his pants off the floor and get the tube out of his pocket.

“Yeah, I guess I’m ready.” Riley admitted. “You have to squirt that inside me and make sure it gets all over my insides. Then Dad fingered me, but I guess that’s when you’ll, um, you know.”

“Fuck you?” Ollie giggled, “Mom said we could use words like that if we’re actually talking about sex. So I can’t wait to fuck your cunt!”

“Don’t say it like that!” Riley complained.

“Mom said I’m allowed to! Now spread your pussy open so I can squirt this stuff inside.”

Riley obliged begrudgingly and in spite of how annoying her little brother was being, the moment the medicinal lube entered her vagina she got excited to feel his little pecker inside of her. He quickly rubbed it around inside to get it all over, then repeated the process for her anus. The medicine got her worked up so quickly, she was afraid she might cum on his fingers before they had a chance to have sex. Thankfully, the young boy had never been thorough with anything in his life and didn’t use his fingers for very long.

Eagerly, Ollie shoved his two inch pecker into her. It was smaller than Dad’s finger, but the way he slammed it in thrilled her eager snatch. There was none of the discomfort she felt when she had to stretch around Dad’s dick or even his fingers.

“Faster, Olllie do it faster!” Riley begged, “Your tiny thingy is perfect. Go as fast as you can!”

Ollie slowed down. “Don’t. Say it. Like. That.” He punctuated his words with hard thrusts. “You have to use naughty words when we have sex.”

“Fine!” The medicine was making Riley desperate. “Fuck my cunt as fast as you can, you little dick!”

Ollie went as fast as he could. Riley still wasn’t satisfied and tried to buck her hips into him. His dicklet slipped out from their inexpert movements. Putting it back in, Ollie brushed against her clit and she came as soon as she felt it inside her again. He kept pumping into her as best he could while she squirmed in ecstasy. He struggled to keep it in, but she came again each time he ran it through her slit to find her hole. Ollie pressed in one last time, shaking with pleasure before collapsing on top of his sister.

When her own orgasms wore off Riley asked, “Are you done already?”

“Nope!” Ollie cheered, “I can go again really fast. Teacher says it’s because I don’t make jizz yet, so my body doesn’t get as tired. I want to fuck your ass next!”

Riley was disappointed her pussy wouldn’t be getting more action. At least the first round was pretty great. She lifted her legs to her flat chest to give him access to his hole of choice and he dove right in. Her anus was a lot more sensitive than she remembered last night. It wasn’t as great as having him in her pussy a moment ago, but she decided she could learn to enjoy this too.

Ollie found it even more difficult to stay inside her ass and had to take it slower. Riley compensated by reaching down to finger herself. Ollie wished he had his phone to capture the image of his prudish sister playing with herself while she was impaled on his cock. It was enough to send him over the edge and he had another dry orgasm in her ass. Seeing she hadn’t cum that time, Ollie replaced her fingers with his tongue. It took a lot longer to get her off than it had last night, but his jaw wasn’t close to getting tired when she did.

Both satisfied, they crowded onto Ollie’s small bed to catch up on the latest Shonen Jump anime they had both missed on Saturday. Riley was disappointed to see it was a typical hot spring episode and wouldn’t advance the plot in any meaningful way. She typically just rolled her eyes at that kind of fanservice. This time, she found herself getting a little turned on. She could see Ollie was too. With a wicked grin, she reached over to rub his little hard-on. It had dried out a bit after their coupling, so she dipped her fingers between her own legs to get some lube. Ollie took that as an invitation and they masturbated eachother through the rest of the episode.

Once the show was over, Riley was feeling quite worked up. Not wanting Ollie to see that as an invitation to go another round, she left his room.Two steps into the hall, she bumped into Dad.

“There you are, Baby. It’s time for your next treatment. I saw Oliver managed to treat you right, so I didn’t get a chance with you earlier. It’s my turn now, though. Let’s go to my room.” He led her by the hand to the master bedroom.

“Already?” Riley whined, “I just finished with Ollie. Don’t I get an hour between treatments?”

“You need an hour between the time you get the medicine and the next time you get the medicine. You spent nearly half an hour having sex with Oliver and I plan to have some fun with you too.”

“That means I’ll basically be having sex the rest of the day!”

“Pretty much. I don’t expect it will be much different when you’re done with the treatment either. Most girls in the program spend their time either studying or having sex. Don’t worry, every one of them I’ve met loved it.”

“How many pfangirls have you met?”

“I couldn’t give you a number. There must have been hundreds at the conference your mom and I went to. There was one girl even younger than Lyla who could stuff three dicks in her pussy at once. I don’t even know how they fit between her hips, but she did it with a smile and asked for more when we were done.”

“Dad! you had sex with a preschooler? What kind of conference was this?”

“We told you before we left. It was an event sponsored by the SRC to spread awareness for the P-FANS program. Everyone I met in the program was so comfortable with sex and seemed to have lost all their hang ups. I’m telling you, that conference was like a paradise. Some of the testimonials were hard to believe and after seeing you this morning I admit I worried we had just drank the Kool Aid. I’m happy to see you looking better after just a morning of those treatments. Seeing you with Ollie gave me new hope. For now, I still trust the SRC.” Dad’s jolly mood dropped suddenly. “That said, if you are still not convinced this might be good for you, I will fight for you with everything I have.”

Riley was speechless. Seeing Dad get so serious at the end shook her. She threw her arms around him. “Thanks.”

“What I believe is best for you right now,” his goofy grin returned, “Is a good dicking!” He lifted Riley up and tossed her onto his California king size bed.

Riley bounced and flailed her limbs. She was taken back to simpler times and half expected Dad to follow up with a tickle attack. Instead, he produced a tube of the medicinal lube. She couldn’t help giggling when he wrestled her legs apart to expertly inject the salve into each of her holes and massage it in. Dad unbuttoned his pants and shimmied them down, not bothering to fully remove them before lining up his dick with Riley’s pussy. He was inside her faster than she could process and getting stretched that fast was still painful. The medicine helped to dull the pain and when he pounded her faster, she felt her orgasm building.

Dad slowed down for several thrusts, letting Riley feel his full length glide through as it spread her open then retreated to leave her empty. Faster again, he pumped her full of his cock in a blur. The pace kept changing, driving Riley insane. She gripped the bedspread to steady herself as another orgasm took her. Dad never stopped even as she squeezed him with all the strength of her pussy. With a deep thrust, semen erupted out of his cock, coating Riley’s cervix.

“Oh my God!” Riley cried out. It felt like she’d been given a shot of adrenaline. Every ache fled her body and her weariness was replaced by a thrilling buzz. Dad collapsed beside her. She rolled on top of him, instinct driving her to get him back inside. She ground her slit along his flaccid shaft and kissed Daddy on the lips. Hoping to get him back up, she crawled down to take his thick worm in her mouth.

Daddy just lay there and patted her on the head. “I’m glad to see you changed your mind about sex. Was I really that good?”

Riley spat out his dick and looked aside sheepishly. “I don’t know what got into me. As soon as you finished I just felt like, I don’t know. I just needed you back inside me.” She could feel her blush spread all the way to her chest.

“I’m sorry to say I won’t be ready to go again for a while. I’m sure any of your brothers would be happy to satisfy you though. Just make sure you're ready again for your next dose.”

“Whatever that was, it’s gone. I’m feeling better now. I can just wait until the next time I have to have sex.” Riley ran out of her parent’s bedroom as quickly as she could. Once she was in the hall, she felt a trickle running down her leg. Wiping it up with her hand, she found her dad’s cum leaking out of her. Without a thought, she licked it off her fingers. She felt that same electric thrill again, though not as strong, and it drove her to hungrily eat all the cum between her legs.

Ashamed at her own behavior, Riley retreated to her room. Her mother must have taken her sheets to the laundry, but she flopped down on the bare mattress regardless. Less than a week ago, sexual purity was her greatest virtue and now she had been delivered over to her basest instincts, barely able to control herself. Perhaps the worst part was, she couldn’t decide if she should be enjoying it or not. Yesterday with Emily and Lyla was definitely amazing. That little kindergartener opened her eyes to thrills of sex. Last night though was a different story. Having no say in anything, just being used by her brothers for their own pleasure was awful. Today was confusing. Being forced to orgasm over and over again, well it wasn’t the worst. She didn’t like having all choice taken away from her. She was learning to like the constant sex, though. The sex was very nice, she decided.

A fresh flow of fluids threatened to soil her mattress. Hoping to calm herself down, she grabbed her phone off the nightstand. There were several missed calls from Emily. She hesitated to return the calls, fearing how Emily might respond to the news of her enrollment. The choice was made for her when Emily rang again and Riley answered the video call instantly.

“Oh My Gosh! You picked up!” Emily shouted into the phone, “I was getting super worried. Things got super awkward last night and you left so fast, I was afraid you were going to hate me or not want to see me again or something. I wanted to make sure you’re okay and I also have some news to share with you. So I guess, how are you doing and WAIT! Why are you naked?”

“Well, I have my own news to share.” Riley drew out her words, “When I got home, after I took a shower, my parents, they, um, they signed me up.”

“They signed you up for what? You mean P-FANS! They really did it? How could they! Sure Lyla loves it, but she signed up herself. I never thought your parents would actually do it. Has, has anyone-are you still a virgin?”

“No. They all did me on the kitchen table last night, my dad and all my brothers. It was awful. I could barely sit up this morning. I’m fine now though. Dad took me to the doctor and he gave me this crazy medicine. It fixed me up like a miracle, but I still have to take it every hour and get this: it only works right if I orgasm after it gets rubbed into my pussy and butthole!”

“No! Seriously?” Emily laughed, “So have you just been masturbating all day?”

Riley turned blushed. “I’m not allowed to do it myself. I slept through most of the morning, but my dad woke me up every hour to give me the medicine and finger me before I fell back asleep.”

“How are you feeling now? I know you said you’re fine, but after what happened you can’t just be totally fine right? I’m a little sore this morning and Jack isn’t even that big.

“What do you mean Jack isn’t that big? Do you mean? OMG! You two did it after I left?”

Emily bit her lip in a vain effort to suppress her smirk. “He was super nice about it and his thing fit me perfectly. I don’t know what I was so afraid of all this time. We did it again this morning and Dad walked in on us! It was super awkward and he stared at us for like a minute before he just closed the door.”

“I think I’d die if Dad walked in on me like that! I mean, if he hadn’t stolen my virginity last night, I guess. God, this is all so crazy! Like, I’m still embarrassed at the thought of my dad catching me naked, but less than an hour ago I was riding him like a slut. I think this medicine might be messing with my head.”

“Maybe. Or maybe sex just changes your brain like that. Is it really that weird to want to have sex with your dad? I heard a lot of girls in our class got help from their dads for the homework. I don’t think you're weird if you liked doing it with your dad.”

“Emily, do you want to have sex with your dad?”

“No! I mean I’ve seen his penis and it’s so big, I don’t even know if it would fit. Well, obviously it would fit because I know even Lyla can take it, but it scares me. How big is your dad? Did it hurt when he did it?”

“It did hurt the first time, but I don’t think he used the lube right. You should see if Lyla has any lube from SRC. I think that stuff is like the medicine I’m taking, just not like prescription strength or whatever. Make sure you rub it into your pussy before he puts his penis in and think you’ll be fine. Are you really going to do it with him? Does he want to do it with you?”

Emily smirked at the camera while she debated sharing more. “I’m pretty sure he does. I know he’ll do it if I ask. I guess I should tell you everything. After he walked in on us, Jack decided to go downstairs for breakfast, but he didn’t put his clothes on. I was still feeling embarrassed and horny, so I well-” Emily moved her phone away to show she was wearing nothing but a shirt. Her slit was slightly red with her clit standing proudly erect. “When we went downstairs like this, we found dad doing it with Lyla. He was embarrassed now and pulled out of her. Jack just laughed then whispered in my ear. I got down on the floor and we finished what we started upstairs while Dad and Lyla watched. Breakfast was weirdly normal after that except Dad was clearly checking me out the whole time. Since then, I’ve been trying to call you. I’m so glad you picked up!”

“Me too! I-”

“Riley!” Cade called out.

“Shoot, is it time already? I think it’s Cade’s turn to give me my medicine. I’ll talk to you again as soon as I can, alright?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ll see you at school at least if we can’t talk today. Good luck!”

Cade burst into the room and Riley dropped her phone on the bed. As if on cue, her loins dripped with anticipation.

Chapter 3: WIP