Sexy Fun Times/Shemale/Hunt/Mall/Teens/Video

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The girls sit side-by-side on the couch while you select a 'suitable' video. The know that it's going to be pornographic, but you don't want to shock them too much to begin with.

"This one's a sort of sex instruction film from Sweden," you say, slipping it into the slot in the player.

It's actually a bit boring as the teacher names the different parts of male and female anatomy accompanied by close-ups of the appropriate part. It's all in Swedish of course, but some helpful person has added English subtitles.

The models are all over eighteen so the boy had a full-sized cock for the two on your couch to boggle at. You can't help wondering how they will react to yours.

"Would you like a drink," you ask.

"Yes please," the chorus without taking their eyes off the screen where the couple are about to demonstrate the missionary position.

In the kitchen, you split a can of Coke between two glasses and add a splash of Vodka to each. You stick to water. You also take the opportunity to take your panties off and free up your cock.

The girls gulp their drinks down without comment as they watch the couple demonstrate doggy fashion, just before the closing credits.

"So what do you think," you ask, sitting down on the armchair. "Did that turn you on? Are you getting wet?"

They are both squeezing their legs together but trying to look innocent. "Is that it," the blond asks.

"I do have some more, but they are on the computer," you say. "Some of them might shock you though, do you want to see?"

They both nod vigorously, so you open up your 21" laptop and put it on the table