Short Stories by Hope/The Boy With a Big Cock

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The midwives all leaned back when Tom was born. Nothing unusual there, boys often sprayed when they popped out. There was nothing unusual about the comments either. "He's a big lad." "The girls will be after him." All part of reassuring the new mother that her baby was as special as she knew he was. The difference this time was that they meant it. Tom's penis was twice the size of most baby boys'.

At seventeen years old, single mother Jane was lucky to be allocated a one-bedroom flat in a small block. She had to put "Father Unknown" on his birth certificate because she couldn't be sure which boy was the culprit. When she arrived with her new baby in her arms, she was terrified. She put the sleeping infant on the bed, sat down and burst into tears. Then there was a knock on the door.

Holly had appointed herself as "housemother" and made it her business to help new arrivals. There were six flats, four with two bedrooms and two, like Jane's with one. Holly had lived there for eighteen months and had a two-year-old daughter. With a cup of sweet tea inside her and a friendly face to talk to, Jane soon recovered. Tom was awake and complaining by then and when she peeled his wet nappy off, Holly couldn't help remarking on the size of his penis.

It took a while for Jane to get the flat sorted out and Tom had to share her bed. Someone donated a travel cot for him, but he objected so much that Jane gave in and resigned herself to co-sleeping. She was breastfeeding him anyway, so it was more convenient. With zero experience of baby boys, she had no idea why everyone seemed impressed by Tom's equipment, but when she bathed him and he sported a stiffy, she couldn't help but be reminded of what she was missing. She had to pull his foreskin back to clean it and as he was the first cock she had held for months she couldn’t help stimulating it to make it stiff.

Baby Tom obviously liked having his cock played with and soon found that he could get hold of it himself. Even with a nappy on, he would slip his hand inside. Nappies are expensive and although, with Holly’s help, Jane was claiming all the benefits she was entitled to, money was still tight. Cleaning up the puddles and even the odd shit, was a lot cheaper, so Tom spent a good deal of his day wearing nothing but a vest.

Jane had never much enjoyed giving blowjobs. They were often the price she paid for a dinner or a few drinks when full-on sex wasn’t possible. The main problem was that it left her all wound up and forced to satisfy herself. One evening while sitting in the bath with Tom and looking at his stiff cock, she had an irrational desire to suck it. She leaned back and lifted him so that she could get her lips around the stiff shaft and he squealed with delight.

She didn’t keep it going for long, and as soon as they were both dry, she used her trusty vibrator to get herself off. By now, Tom was six months old and Jane had had the chance to see other baby’s cocks. This showed her that Tom’s penis was a lot bigger than average, but she assumed that it would probably even out by the time he grew up.

By this time, Tom had learned that there were ways of getting what he wanted, and one of the things he really wanted was a blowjob at bed time. When Jane put him to bed, he cried and refused to settle down until she sucked his cock. It became a regular part of bath time as well, and even in the mornings he woke with a stiffy and demanded that Mummy did something about it.

As he got older, Tom took an interest in what Mummy was doing with her buzzy toy after she sucked him and Jane encouraged him. By the time he could crawl, he was familiar with his Mummy's cunt. With a bit of help, he could get his hand in there and he knew that if he did a good job, she would suck his cock until he got that really good feeling. Bu this time his cock was a good three inches long and still growing.

By the time Tom was two years old, Jane and Holly were good friends and the two women spent a good deal of time together. One afternoon, Jane had scored a bottle of vodka and the two women were sitting on Holly's couch, drinking, while the children watched cartoons on TV. When the show finished, Tom needed a wee and went to the bathroom, followed closely by Kirsty. He dragged the stool in front of the toilet, stood up and emptied his bladder in a long satisfying stream. Kirsty had seen him wee before, but was still fascinated by his cock.

When Tom finished, it was her turn, and she had to climb up and sit down. Tom watched her and his cock began to swell. When his cock was flaccid, it was big, but not remarkably so. When It was erect, it was huge, compared to his two-year-old body. Back in the sitting room, they found their mothers both sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep (and rather drunk). They looked at the TV, but it wasn't interesting.

Jane was dreaming about the handsome man she had chatted briefly with in the supermarket queue. He had a little girl, about three or four years old and his trolley was full of ready meals. Jane prided herself on cooking healthy food from scratch and her basket was full of veggies, eggs, cheese and some chicken. In her dream, the man was making passionate love to her and she was squirming around on the couch so much that her short skirt had ridden up to expose the fact that she wasn't wearing knickers.

"Your mommy got hair," Kirsty says, pointing.

Tom giggles. "Is her pussy," he says, and goes over between her knees.

"At's not a pussy," Kirsty know that a pussy is a cat.

Tom has to think about that and he reaches out to stroke it. "Pussy is soft," he says. Jane's pussy hair is fairly sparse and she has never shaved it.

Kirsty is curious. "Mommy dun got hair," she says.

"Pussy likes tickles," Tom says as he uses his fingers to open the lips of his mother's cunt, revealing the pink inner folds.

Kirsty pushes closer, forcing Janes legs further apart. Jane mumbles something but doesn't wake up. Usually, when he does this, Tom know that Mummy will soon suck his cock, and he is fully hard in anticipation. Kirsty points at it. "Willy got big," she says with a giggle.

Tom's fingers are sufficient stimulation to start Jane's juices and her pussy is now getting slippery. "My hand fits in there," he says and promptly pushes four fingers in.

"Kirsty don't got a pussy," she says, lifting her skirt.

"Course you do. You're a girl."

By way of a reply, Kirsty pulls her panties down and sits on the rug with her legs spread. "Look," she says.

Tom, who was about to show how he really can get his whole hand into his mother's cunt, pulls his fingers out and squats down in front of Kirsty.