Smooth Operator/Powell Home/Milly/Fully enjoy/Premature ejaculation/That's it

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"Umm..." Jordan said, feeling a little nervous about having just had his premature ejaculation. But then, he decided the best way to manage this was to just pretend like this was normal. Milly was only 7, after all.

"Ahhh... alright, that's it! I just put my baby stuff inside you now," Jordan explains.

"What!? That was fast!" Milly said and then looked down her naked body at where Jordan's penis was still nuzzled against the entrance to her 7 year old baby hole.

With a sigh, he pulls back from her entrance and his white 13 year old wolf semen begins trickling out of her.

"Oh, wow! What's that!?" She asks when she sees the white stuff.

"Umm. Well, you mean the white stuff? That stuff is my seed. It's the stuff that makes babies," he says.

"Really?!" Milly asks with a giant grin on her face. She pulls her legs open and backward even farther, nearly folding her body completely in half as she tries to pull her face closer to her crotch so she can see Jordan's white fluid leaking out of her.

Her actions wind up squeezing her abdominal muscles, which winds up forcing more of his semen to be squeezed out of her as she's looking at it.

"Woooow! So this stuff makes it so I have babies?" She asks, looking back up at the older boy with genuine joy and wonder on her face.

At that exact same time, the closet door starts to creek open, and Jordan looks to see the 10 year old Sable face of the older girl who Milly is always following around, Mai. Chances are, she's actually the one who had more to do with the fact Milly was naked and wearing only a hoodie than either of their parents. In fact, that was an almost sure thing, because right now that 10 year old girl was shyly coming out of his closet completely naked, showing Jordan her entire beautiful little 4th-gradder body with a look that was equal parts bashful about her nudity as it was curious and genuinely eager to see the results of the scenario she'd set up earlier.

"Umm... hi Jordan!" She says, suddenly mustering her courage and taking a few skipping jumps forward with a huge grin plastered on her face to hide her nervousness.

"Hi Mai, I knew you were in my closet, just so you know," Jordan told her.

"Really!? But... Milly didn't say anything!" She groused, stamping her foot cutely as she looked down at her friend. "Oh wow! I that the stuff you were talking about that makes babies!?" She asked, suddenly forgetting about Jordan and diving under him in order to get a closer look between her little 7 year old friend's legs.

"Heeeey!" Milly screams and closes her legs as she tries to start pushing Mai away. "No! Girls aren't supposed to touch each other down there!" She protests.

"It's alright. My mom says it's Ok if we're both making babies with the same boy together!" Mai argues back.

Jordan was aware of what she was talking about. It was in the material Jeff had shown him while teaching him about sex. It was called a threesome, and it was when two girls were with the same boy. While they were both trying to get him to get them pregnant at the same time, it was allowed for them to touch each other in ways that might excite him, or to help each other out.

Pretend Mai isn't molesting her little neighbor friend right now

Address the issue of her touching Milly