TBaby/The Thatcher Family/Veronica/Bedtime with Jason

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The TV is pretty rubbish, so you get stuck into an essay that's not actually due until after the weekend. An hour later there's a knock on the door and you're not at all surprised to see your Mum standing there holding a paper bag. "I tought you might want a doughnut," she says pushing past you into the sitting room. She nods approvingly when she sees your schoolbooks spread out on the table. "She in dere," she whispers theatrically, nodding towards Ronnie's bedroom.

You nod and watch as she opens the door and sticks her head inside. "Fast asleep," she whispers unnecessarily, coming back into the room. She wanders into the kitchen and has a good look round. When she comes out, you can see that she approves. "Keeps hersen tidy then," she says.