The Last Horcrux/Bedroom/Summon Bellatrix

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Even the idea of summoning Bellatrix should not have occurred to you. You know full well that at this time she was imprisoned in Azkaban along with her husband Rodolphus, your uncle, and and Rabastan, your father. Yet for some reason, the vessels mind is full of memories of Bellatrix, and the two Lestrange brothers are… dead? Along with Emily’s mother?

Clearly things happened differently somehow, but while you expect to be able to change your present and future, you did not expect to travel into the past to find that even it’s past is different from your own, if that is the case then… the Many Worlds are true, and so you need have no fear of a Temporal Paradox, as you are now in a separate time line. Furthermore, it means that somehow, Bellatrix Lestrange was not imprisoned in Azkaban, as the girl Emily has so many memories of her.

It also means that some of your ideas are not your own. You hadn’t looked for these memories and then had the idea to contact Bellatrix. You had the idea and then found the memories, or rather, the girl had the idea, and you thought it was your own. You wouldn’t have even realised if she hadn’t hoped for help from ‘Aunty Bella’.

Still, Bellatrix was loyal, and if this timeline is different from your own, she may have vital information and access to resources. You decide it is a good idea to summon her after all. Perusing the girl’s memories, you find that she has a locket which will alert Bellatrix if she needs her. Finding the locket in a bedroom drawer, you grasp it and head outside, so that Bellatrix can appear without triggering the house enchantments. You pause only to put on a pair of shoes, and head out into the cool night air.

You walk through the gardens, feeling a shiver of apprehension. You approach the family graveyard, and pause by a large and imposing mausoleum. In the moonlight, you can just make out the form of a a moss encrusted statue of a angel, stood as if weeping over the occupant of the mausoleum. You wonder how many generations of your family were laid to rest here, sleeping in the earth.

Suddenly there is a loud crack. You look over your shoulder to see four figures Apparate into the graveyard. There is a woman, who may be Bellatrix, but the other figures are men whom you do not recognise. They move in a hostile manner and have their wands drawn.

Before you can react, one of the men spots you, no doubt with some kind of augmented vision.

“There she is!” he cries, and moves in your direction, wand out and pointed toward you.

“Ahh there you are my little darling’!” The woman shouts, in what sounds like Bellatrix’ voice.

This was not what you expected, and they way they are running toward you reminds you of jackals moving toward their prey.

Do you:

  • Fight as you are no-ones prey


  • Wait - Bellatrix wouldn’t hurt you, would she?