The Last Horcrux/Find Wand

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Realising you are naked without magical defences, you set out to find a wand immediately. You find that you can rummage through Emily’s memories as easily as you can dominate her body and her possessions, and find a memory of a wand, hidden at the back of a drawer of clothes and other secret possessions.

You open the drawer, and pull out a simple black wand, ebony and unicorn horn, with embossed snakes slithering around the shaft. It was your mother’s wand, and you are momentarily sad that you have no memories of her. She died during the war, and you were raised by your nanny.

Your mother’s wand

There is no time for sentimentality though. The Aurors will not show mercy if they find you defenceless, no matter what body you are within. You need to protect yourself.

You know that your family home is well protected, woven with a mythal of enchantments to prevent spying, apparition, annoying muggle businessmen and the like. This means if you want to leave, you can't simply disapparate, but must leave the house, at least into the garden or wider grounds. It also means that if anyone does seek to attack you in your family home, you will at least have some warning, as they will have to enter the grounds before they can enter your house proper. You will also receive a magical warning due to an active Cave Inimicum enchantment, as well as various intruder and caterwauling charms. You will be warned if anyone uninvited even approaches your lair.

You yourself though, are completely undefended. Your immediate concerns are to shield yourself from attack, and to protect your mind against intrusion, to prevent anyone from knowing the truth about who you are.