Talk:A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Shower

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Only recommendation is changing the shower to a Sonic Shower. Water would be at a premium on a space station. Also, the sound of it humming would distract her from anyone approaching. No water would mean it would be the same temperature with the door open (not being wet wouldn't make her colder or feel the draft).--Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:07, 20 January 2020 (CET)

I did consider the idea of a Sonic Shower briefly but I didn't think of how valuable water would be so I wrote it off, so I'm glad you mentioned that. I was worried about how this whole scene and the options could be transplanted into any modernish setting so making the shower use sound instead of water should be just what I need to fix it. Much appreciated. --NoGo45 (talk) 02:16, 20 January 2020 (CET)

I suppose the station could be near an ice field of some sort, like frozen asteroids instead of comets. If that's the case, then water could technically be an export for them lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:38, 20 January 2020 (CET)

I do wonder at the practicality of a sonic shower. While a wonderful Sci-Fi concept, I highly doubt using a dry sponge on oneself would feel particularly pleasant. However, given the need for its continued existence for the current routes, it is a relatively minor gripe. Perhaps the sponges could be wettened and thusly met the need for sonic elements to facilitate cleaning, drying, and water preservation. It wouldn't even need to be a significant edit either just a simple change of sponge to wettened sponge would give enough of an implication. DrAlithe (talk) 09:56, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

I always imagined that sonic showers used sound waves to rattle dirt and grime loose enough so that only a rag or dry sponge could wipe it all away. Originally I was going to write it like a normal shower, but I changed it to a sonic shower that way it would be more distinct from the modern world routes. If you wanted to make some edits though then feel free. --NoGo45 (talk) 21:26, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

Generally in science fiction the sonic shower eliminates the need to wipe anything with anything. It is usually a much more thorough and efficient method of cleaning. It is usually shown to take no effort at all on the part of the person showering, and often takes only a matter of seconds, or even fractions of a second, to complete. Of course every author that uses the trope has their own variation of it; so I'm not saying anyone is wrong here.

The premise of water being rare is a misnomer. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and oxygen isn't terribly rare itself (3rd most abundant). It goes: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, nitrogen, magnesium, silicon, iron and sulfur for the ten most common. This is all due to the lifecycle of stars. It is also fairly easy to free oxygen from its most commonly found form, carbon dioxide, and very easy (but a bit dangerous if not done properly) to burn hydrogen in an oxygen environment to produce water. Water in the universe is easy.

The difficulty is that at the temperatures that we like it, both hydrogen and oxygen are gasses. This means we need to find them in an atmosphere. The problem there is that hydrogen has a tendency to escape the atmospheres of planets unless the gravity is uncomfortably high. In the outer solar system water ice is rather common. If it's below freezing in an area of space (and it isn't empty), there is likely water ice.

I'll admit that I haven't read this story branch (or any of them in this story) as ENF isn't really my thing, so I don't know if any of this was helpful. I am, however, a huge scifi nerd; so I had to put my two cents in on a conversation about sonic showers and the scarcity of water.

--Elerneron (talk) 23:46, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

I'm not sure why we're all wasting brainpower on this (myself included) lol, but in my opinion a "hard" sci-fi sonic shower would probably at least moisten the user. That's the most realistic way for it to work. But 2X30 seems to be a fairly "soft" sci-fi setting with such things as artificial gravity and replicators, so there's not much reason to worry about adding inexplicable ultrasonic cleaning tech to the list. On the other hand, they've also got freakin' swimming pools on their space station, so sonic showers are probably used more because people like them than to save water. --BraveNudeWorld (talk) 00:34, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

I think we all know why they like them more. Especially the women. DrAlithe (talk) 07:43, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

That's a good point, although in the story we only see it being misused that way by a third party, it seems very plausible that the showers can be used that way intentionally, and probably for non-erotic massage as well. Sally may not know how to activate those features though. --BraveNudeWorld (talk) 15:26, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

A good idea for another route though. Sally accidentally activating some special features. DrAlithe (talk) 15:50, 12 August 2021 (UTC)