Talk:Whodunnit/Home/Willy/Candyland/Game Start

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Well, congratulations in managing to make the description of the game into something not only entertaining, but actually exciting. If you ever tire of you day job, you can always earn a living as a sports columnist, I'm sure you could even make a boring football game interesting.

Well, I'm guessing you're not gonna take all the paths where the girls also won, so we'll have to settle with Willy being the sole winner.--Tod Naturlich (talk) 00:37, 19 March 2018 (CET)

Unfortunately, Candyland is completely luck-based. No skill involved. So there's not really any decisions you can make that would change the outcome. Don't worry, I have a few more games pending for the other routes that you'll be able to influence whether you win or lose. --Purre (talk) 03:33, 19 March 2018 (CET)

Sure there are. You could finish the chapter with all three players close to the finish line and put on choices so the reader decides who wins. Since it's all luck based, the reader would take place of lady luck and the characters wouldn't even notice. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 05:42, 19 March 2018 (CET)