Talk:Dirty Talk/Three Brats/The Week of June 21st to 27th, 2021

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well i don't know from which part of the story this is (i know is after stella at least) but i can say i like where this is going and i like supernatural stuff a lot i mean the whole game idea is amazing for storytelling (as long as is not just emilia start to fly out of nowhere without explanation or shooting lasers, i think the supernatural is great when is done in a way it does make sense storywise like the gods speaking to someone or the punishments are great ways to add supernatural stuff) --Xephion (talk) 03:08, 22 October 2022 (CEST)

It's funny you brought Marianne into the mix here. I was starting to mess around with a "Talk to Sven" route and had the same thought about her and Sven hanging out. However I was thinking it would be interesting for her to not know about the game, but I technically only allude to it, and the way I've written things it could be taken a couple different ways, so I might just finish up my little scene and post it while leaving that possibility and you can see how you like my take on her. Always up for revisions!

I'm not in favor of hard supernatural stuff. Iike a bird showing up at a weird time/place or an otherwise "natural" thing as an omen, or people interpreting things in the context of the myths, totally up for those kinds of additions, where a character's "faith" in whatever thing is what drives their belief and decision making. But I can't take literal premonitions and dis/appearing things seriously. But also, to hell with me! Write what you like! --Villenia (talk) 04:15, 22 October 2022 (CEST)