Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Letter/window/Parents/School/front/partial/Julie

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Taking a break from Sonia's branch. I have 1 question, the new rules say

"Children can't read this... [Sic] ...anyone 17 and under is a kid."

If Julie McGregor read the paper, could we punish her for it?

Skipping ahead for my idea of the punishment. Ashton Bens get jail time until Kellie graduates because, both kidnapping and assaulting a public servant are felonies.

Julie gets her maiden name back and she has to finish school (she dropped out in 6th? grade). Once she graduates, she has her married name back. During the school year, her husband has to wear a chastity belt, but during summer break it is removed.

For breaking the window, a creampie for Kellie.

Logically, with Ashton gone, Kellie will seek out Mr. Gardener. Also, why fuck Julie for 6 months when you can do it for 6 years under the guise of allowing her to complete her education. --MrPib (talk) 06:52, 25 February 2020 (CET)

Technically since she is married she is an adult so she could be exempt but if interpreted literally then yes. Since she is under 18 she falls under the discipline action.

The plan here was for all three girls to be receivers of discipline, Kellie for the window, Julie for child endangerment and Samantha gets added as her uncle can not receive a displaced punishment, so another family member must take his place.

Since Samantha is too young to receive most of the extreme punishments all three are placed in sexual servitude to the MC until she is 4 and has her first child, then Kellie and Julie's next child, if they have any during the two years of servitude, will count as their impregnation punishment, also all three will be required to finish school, thus Julie will be considered a child until she finishes High School.

During the two years of sevitude, Samantha will be groomed an taught about what she will be expected to do once she turn four, with both sexual play, and watching he mom and sister being repeatedly bread by the MC.

That was the plan, I just haven't had the time or ability to write it out.

That's a good plan! I like that plan lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 18:11, 25 February 2020 (CET)

I also see no reason why Samantha's training can't include oral and the MC rubbing his cock on her pussy, but she is to small for penetration.

Also something to keep in mind when the punishment phase starts is Julie had no issue with the MC fingering Kellie right in front of her, so she will more than likely be a willing participant in her daughter's molestation, and even her own breeding, as long as the MC insures they enjoy it. Telgar (talk) 11:57, 25 February 2020 (PST)