Talk:Dragonlords of Viss

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Talk Page for Dragonlords of Viss. Discuss anything of interest below.


Hi. I haven’t figured out what I’m going to do yet but I’m interested --Nervous (talk) 08:13, 10 June 2019 (CEST)

Hey, that's great to hear =]

I'm moving House Creation to a different page, I hope this will make things easier to read. I'm also working on a House Profile for the Imperial House with a basic timeline and some stuff for people to read if they want, with pictures of people and locations.

Have you got any ideas on what you'd like to be doing? Playing a single character and just fooling around, creating a Great House and doing some nation-building, playing court politics, or everything at once, anything's fine by me, I'm just curious.

-- Imperial (talk) 09:11, 10 June 2019 (CEST)

I’m floating around the idea of a lesser house, fresh off a power struggle. Playing a young house leader learning the ropes, and his younger twin, secreted off to a sadist as a slave. Probably costally locates because I like beaches and boats.

-- Nervous (talk) 19:15, 10 June 2019 (CEST)

I don't think we'll reach a number of players I'd be comfortable with. I see that you made your Wiki account recently but are you a regular reader, either here or on the forums? Or would placing the project on hold mean you'd disappear?

I've added a small note on the first page saying that people are free to use the setting on their own projects but without interested parties I don't think this particular project has good prospects for the future.

I think your idea in particular would be more likely to attract interest on the forums than mine did, if you wish to take your ideas there maybe you can find someone to RP with, in which case you can use House Velayre as a liege or make your own.

Let me know what you think regarding those issues, I'm open to ideas.

Edit: I've made a post on the forums mentioning your idea and asking interested parties to get in touch, I hope you don't mind. If that's inconvenient just let me know and I'll remove it.

-- Imperial (talk) 01:30, 11 June 2019 (CEST)

Hi, not sure if i'm using the talk section right, does not seem to be a reply button only an edit... sorry if i'm doing it wrong,, anyway, i'm interested, thinking more of a lesser house, little power, lot of wealth that pass down inheritance down the female linage where the youngest inherits and the rest become advisers and teachers, only the latest girl taking the reins of the house is a bit of a monster, probably a sign that its time to allow more outsider blood into the mix before things get worse. mostly i just want to play a rich, slightly mad, over sexed and blood thirsty loli ^_^

(little mouse)

Hey there, it seems we now have 4 interested people (the 3 of us plus 1 at the Forums). I'm taking the project ahead if it's fine with you. Since you both want Lesser Houses I've been thinking about playing as House Velayre and both your Houses being its vassals, controlling your own islands on the archipelago and using the castle of High Tide as a common court. If this idea doesn't appeal to you then we can set up something else.

Tardel on the forums brought up an important point about how to set things up and where to play. Do you have any preferences? I'd rather play on the Forums than here on the Wiki itself because as this line of replies is starting to show, the Wiki is a bit unwieldy when it comes to this sort of stuff, but the Wiki also allows html code which would be great for doing House Profiles and such. He mentioned Discord and I have experience playing on both Reddit and self-made forums but I'd rather not use those as they require Javascript and I have it disabled on my Browser (if you insist I guess I can make a sacrifice).

I think we can make it work well on the forums, I'm not sure I can name it here but there's a huge RP forum out there whose name starts with G and it has never been much of a problem, although being able to set different threads would be better.

PS: You did it right, the Wiki uses Edit.

-- Imperial (talk) 12:47, 11 June 2019 (CEST)

I don’t mind Hightide as a common court, but I’d like a little geographical seperation. Maybe a lesser island chain conquered by House Velayre in the name of the Empire? Is it possible to play another house larger house when I get in the swing of things?

--Nervous (talk) 16:11, 11 June 2019 (CEST)

we could keep it here, front page with the overview, then the multi choice for our characters and information, we all write out a scene with our characters and the others add the complications or events, the DM can then award or remove power / troops/ money on how we handled the problem, makes it more of a collaborative cyoa than a forum rp but its better if our numbers are low, if we write enough it might even get others interested, would mean a lot of behind the scenes chatting but it would be workable.

-- Littlemouse69

Nervous, sure, I think either way could work. We can stay on home turf at Brass Islands, and still be separated, each one controlling our own island or group of islands, or we can play war, with the legions moving around in foreign territory. Whatever you prefer is fine.

And sure, you could even play two large Houses if you wanted, I don't think anyone would mind.

Littlemouse, I'll play as House Velayre then and award power / troops/ money in-game, without stepping out as DM. And if you wish to work against House Velayre instead, I can award them through the Emperor or whatever.

So, a simple poll to settle things:

1) About the setting (pick ALL choices you like):

a) Play on home territories where the population is Imperial and can't be enslaved
b) Play on foreign lands being conquered by the Empire, with legions moving around
c) Both, with some characters at home and some away at war

2) About the platform (pick ALL choices you like):

a) Here (ATF Wiki)
b) ATF Forum
c) Self-made forum
d) Discord
e) Reddit
f) Another one I know (please name it)
g) Something else

If there is a tie I'll break it.

-- Imperial (talk) 00:49, 13 June 2019 (CEST)

I think here or a forum, not sure how we could run it on reddit but willing to try.

-- Littlemouse69

I'm very interested in joining, is there still time? I am assuming there is and acting accordingly to save time. If not just put me on the queue *cries*

I'm working on a House, Lesser and a vassal like everyone else. My votes:

1: a, b, c.

2: a, b, g.

Thanks in advance.

Scrael (talk) 21:40, 13 June 2019 (CEST)

1. Any 2. Not reddit, not discord.

--Nervous (talk) 05:12, 14 June 2019 (CEST)

Hey everyone, sorry for being a little low on replies but pet got sick, doing all the stuff of daily visits to the vet, buying medicines, etc. I'll return to my usual level of activity soon.

Scrael, sure, welcome to the team. I'm glad you're already working on a House. Littlemouse took the initiative (thanks!) of writing her/his up on Dragonlords of Viss/House Virkeeri. Feel free to write your own. I'm making profiles for both the Imperial House and House Velayre.

Tallying the votes we got:

Any setting, so whether you want your characters to stay at home or go abroad is up to you. I'll set my initial write-up at home but leave an opening for those who prefer to be out.

Regarding platforms, everyone seems ok with both staying here or moving to ATF forums. I'd prefer to do this there but 1) it requires email activation and that might be a bit slow to arrive; 2) we're all already here; and 3) the Wiki allows html and css so it's really customizable, we could make pages that look as pretty as any website out there.

So, let's keep the game here for now. If it turns out to be unsuitable and everyone already has a forum account by then we can move later (I used for the email registration, really fast to set up).

Regarding the customization, you don't need to know any code if you don't want to, just send me a message and I'll try to set your things the way you want. Or leave it be, standard wiki doesn't look that bad. I may edit your House Profiles for minor typos, hope you don't mind.

I'll be back later with more stuff.

-- Imperial (talk) 19:07, 14 June 2019 (CEST)

Howdy, just checking and seeing who’s still around. Also wanna make sure my stuff is ok. I hope everything is ok with your pet Imperial --Nervous (talk) 22:11, 18 June 2019 (CEST)

I'm about but unsure how to start, was thinking of starting a story line for my girl but unsure how we interconnect everyone ——————————-

I’m flexible really. I made a bunch of characters so I could be several places. I imagine there will be the home front and the new world. I have some political games I want to play with my big house, and some lesser ones for my lesser house. I mean naturally both houses are looking to expand but mostly I want to do more individual story telling with Delfin--Nervous (talk) 17:49, 20 June 2019 (CEST)

that is kind of what i mean, how are we going to play this? if we are all in the same place who writes the scenes? how do we interact,if we are writing separately who knows the overview of events to prompt of larger events or opportunities, are we writing individual stories or cooperating somehow? cyoa or mini stories?

want to start just not sure how.