The Entertainer/A nosy Guard and Charle

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Charle was in luck. Nobody inside the room! He made way toward the bathroom door but was stopped. "Kid, what are you doing?" Turning back to the voice, it was the same Guard as earlier. "Me? I'm gonna go take a bath!" The guard locked up the door behind him. "Really? A bath? Did yours broke?" "Yes!" The Guard grinned. "Can you go away? I don't want someone to watch me take one!" The armored man walk up to little Charle. "Hm, but you're way too small and you would need a maid, little boy! Thankfully i can replace her." "But you have to follow my orders! Would you want me to come give you a bath? I doubt you would want that!" "Oh but I do! I really do!" He said as he picked up the boy. "Come on, it won't be that long..." The boy crossed his arms. "No. I want you out of my parent's room. Once they'll learn about it, they'll get mad at you!"

"It is my duty to serve! If i see someone in need, I respond! I am simply helping you because i know you're so small...!"