The Entertainer/Charle pickpocket two dead body

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It was an incredibly risky move to go back to the crime scene, but Charle was curious on what they had on their body. The thick scent of blood already engulfed the room as he got back in, nearing them he didn't feel any remorse while protecting himself from them. And now that he thinks about it, it was so simple that he, a child, did it. If they had their armor, maybe it could have been different. Rummaging the pockets revealed coins from both of them. One also had a note. "Meet me at The dump at seven o'clock. I will be having a drink, you can't miss me. Say: "This place is trash, I hate it." and i will respond back with: Not as trash as your face.

(The dump? What the hell am I suppose to make out of this note?). He placed the note in one of his inner pocket of his proper jacket.