The Entertainer/Sleeping explanation

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Lavrek smiled and pat the boy's head. "Because i like sleeping." "That's something i can agree with!" Wilfred said in his corner. "Oh, hush. Your father is depressed, he wouldn't sleep so much otherwise. That is all!" Delilah waved off the boy. "Hm, you say that but we both know the true reason~" "Velerita! Hush!" Delilah once more waved off, this time at her. "Now now, we spoke about this. Didn't we?" The man said. Velerita got off her chair and came close to Charle. "Um...Hi?" "Come with me!" She walked by, going toward the door. "Must you?" Lavrek ask, annoyed to her. "Of course! You know my rules." "Stupid rules..." Vance crossed his arms while setting his legs on the table. "But it's Velerita, we have to do like she says..." Damian whispered.

Charle and Velerita went out of sight in another room. "I swear without me this family would be wild!" The young noble child said. "When you woke up, were you naked or grabbed in places you wouldn't like others to do?" "No...? Why?" She smiled up. "That's good...You see, when a vampire turns other people into vampires, they gain full control of the person! The only reason why he's not allowed to do anything to you is because of me. If i was to be dead, that'd be a totally different story!" "So you're saying you're controlling him...And because you're controlling him, you control me?" Charle ask, pointing at himself. "Not exactly. I control him, he controls you, I have no control over you...Thus, you have full control over yourself as long as I am not dead and he's not in range!"

"So what does it mean? Should i stick around Lavrek?" "Well...I have no plans on dying soon! It entirely up to you. Let me tell you through...Delilah and Lavrek has no real respect for others, even now they show it off despite their subdued manners." She crossed her arms. "My, when i met them they were running quite an awful business in this mansion. Luckily for me, and not for them I've put a stop to it when i got around. That was hmm...I can't recall! It was way too long honestly, and Wilfred could probably tell you more, he despite them so he just let himself stay alive by them." "So what were they doing?" "Oh, don't worry about that part. Let just say you will end up dead at some point if Lavrek had full control over you."

The boy shudder at the thought. "Like i said, you have nothing to worry about! I'm quite experienced, and there is no way I'll be seeing my light going off soon...And beside..." She went next to the boy's face. "You could make him your slave...~" Charle's little dick twitched at that line, remembering the Guard from this morning. "But of course, the choice remains your entirely. I personally prefers freedom for others...And if i can instill some manners in the people I control and kill those truly deserving, then I am happy!"

"...But if that's more your thing, I could also make you experience the real Lavrek. Thought i doubt neither of us wants that. Maybe a subdued version for a day? He'll do everything he please but you get to have a safeword! I think you're too young...Even if you're older than me physically but I'll put that there for you!