The Goosie/Chapter One

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The Goosie

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Chapter One

“You should have wanked with me,” my daughter expressed between bites of food.

“I would much rather you did it for me. Why don’t you help me with it later?”

“Katy’s coming over in a little while,” she informed me.

“Well, maybe I should enlist her then, what do you think? She could probably use the practical experience.”

It must have hit a funny note because a great guffaw exploded from her lips, along with fragments of partially masticated food. I’m glad she thought it was funny because it was meant to be, but I could have done without the shower of sticky food particles. Then, she reflected for a moment and you could see the ideas spin around in her head before her eyes lit up and she smiled at me.

“I’ll bet she would love to do it,” my daughter informed me.

“What makes you think so?”

“You don’t know her like I do.”

“You’re telling me that Katy, quiet little timid, well mannered and shy Katy, would want to wank me? I find that hard to believe.”

“Trust me, daddy, I’ll prove it to you. She can get really, REALLY nasty.”

“You’re not giving me anything to work with, other than she can get nasty.”

“It’s simple, give her a little goosie and watch the nasty little slut in her come out. She’s a LOT of fun.”

“What do you mean by goosie? Like the way I give them to you?”

“Yes, she’s quite bum oriented among her other traits.”

“Come on and spill it. What other traits?”

“I’ll let her show you along with some of the things we do.”

“Like what things?” I was really surprised to hear that, “Do you mean girl on girl, you know, Sappho stuff?”

“Lez, daddy. It’s called lezzy stuff now. Yes, she likes to play with me.”

That was something I really, really wanted to watch. I’ve never seen anything like it in the flesh but I’ve fantasized about it for years, so I asked, “Can I watch?”

“Don’t worry, after her nasty little slut comes out of hiding, you’ll get to see it all. And I know just the thing that will bring it out of her. She won’t be able to resist.”

“Are you sure it’s wise to involve her like that? I’m afraid that she will tell somebody about us.”

“Not on your life. She doesn’t talk to adults and I’m about her only friend. Plus, she doesn’t want a reputation because she likes to do things with girls.”

“Alright, if you say so, I’ll trust your judgment. Is this something you really want to do? You’ve never given me the impression that you wanted to share me with anyone else before.”

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By the time Katy arrived, I was down to my boxers but had to convince my daughter that she should at least wear her knickers around guests. However, she advised me, “Not for long.”

From what I had heard, I didn’t believe Katy would be offended if she saw me in pants. But, I didn’t count on how vulnerable it left me to my daughter’s cheeky attack that started the ball rolling. While I prepared our lunch at the kitchen worktop, I overheard a flurry of excited whispers along with accompanying giggles immediately before I was divested of them.

Katy was the very definition of scruff pot. The girl took pride in her waifish, disheveled appearance. Especially her shoulder length mousy blonde hair which she tried to tie up, but was always in a perpetual muss. I really liked her even though she didn’t have much in the affection department and tended to shy away from me and cling to my daughter when I was around. She was a bit shorter and lighter than my girl, at about four foot seven or eight and sixty five to seventy pounds. A light weight compared to my daughter’s four foot ten, eighty five pounds. However, she was well muscled with a healthy athletic appearance and I knew for a fact that she wasn’t into sports. Mentally, she was quite sharp and I always figured she was into intellectual pursuits like my daughter who excelled in her studies. Rather than girly things like dolls, they played board and card games together while they exchanged ideas and rattled off the latest gossip.

“Mandy, what did you just do?” I yelled, “I’m going to tan your hide,” and then I lunged after her, but she easily slipped away because I couldn’t get very far with my boxers around my knees.

Before I could pull them up, she pointed at my groin and slapped a hand over her mouth. Then Katy’s cornflower blue eyes got very big and she snickered, “Even his thing is hairy!”

It was payback time and since Katy moved the slowest, I tucked my hand under her dress and she got the first good goosie through her knickers before squealed and legged it through the house. However, my daughter held back because she wanted to get caught. So, she paused outside the doorway and I slipped my hand down the back of her pants and pushed a finger into her bum hole and moaned, “Nice!”

We started playing these games years ago, when Mandy was only seven. Every so often I would goose her in the bath which made her indignant at first, but she soon expected and even looked forward to them. It got to the point that if I didn’t give her one, she would pull her cheeks apart and taunt me until I did. At first, I only pressed against her bum hole but one time after she taunted me mercilessly, I buried a finger to the knuckles in her bottom and she got very quiet, not upset, mind you, which concerned me when it happened.

However, she didn’t remain quiet for long and when I tried to pull my finger out, she grabbed my wrist and demanded, “Move it around some.”

So, that’s what I did and we both enjoyed it so much, it became a bath time tradition. But, soon it developed into a game of cat and mouse outside of the bath. I would chase her through the house and when I caught her, my finger went into her bum; however brief it was at the time. But, it got to the point where she would beg me to do it for longer and longer periods. As with all good things she liked, naturally she wanted more goosies for much longer periods and I gave them to her all of the time.

When she was about eight, she decided that she shouldn’t get all of the goosies, but daddy should get his share of them also. She surprised me the first time she stuffed my shorts into my arse with her finger. But after that she thought it was better to either catch me naked or else stuff her hand down my pants and do it. She quickly got very proficient at giving her daddy the ‘full fingered goosie’ like I gave her. As she became more emboldened, she took advantage of me when I was asleep. Not only did she inspect my arse during her forays, but also woke me up when she slipped her finger in my bum. I made it easier for her because I slept in the nude more often after that.

One time, she pressed my prostate a bit too hard and I woke up in a big, sticky mess. She didn’t like that because she couldn’t see what had happened. So, after that, she decided it was more fun to play with her daddy’s arse while he was awake so she could watch his stuff squirt out. Of course, I told her she could do it anytime she wanted to and over time, it developed into a role playing game with a considerable amount of ad lib.

What can I say? She loved her goosies and of course, I loved the ones she gave me. It also gave her an excuse to be so naughty so I would chase her around and sometimes play spank her while I gave her one. The game took a new twist a while back which included the stinky finger, which quickly became a key component of our game and that’s what we played out now in front of her friend.

“Sniff your smelly finger,” my daughter demanded.

From the shadows around the corner, Katy snickered while she anxiously awaited my response. Of course, I had to play a reluctant role and responded accordingly to my daughter’s demands.

“I don’t want to sniff your smelly bum on my finger,” I said as I put up a token resistance, “You shouldn’t have pulled my pants down in front of your friend.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” she put her hands on her hips and laughed, “She didn’t believe me when I told her how hairy your bum is so I had to show her.”

“Young lady, I should send your friend home and blister your bare bottom before I make you sit on it,” I threatened.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she smiled as she told me. Mind you, we both loved our roles and exaggerated them for Katy’s benefit.

“Keep it up and I’ll bust your bare cheeks and let your friend watch me do it.”

Then, she pulled knickers down and shook her bum at me while she giggled, which brought a gasp from Katy. The girl knew there would be dire consequences for such an offense. But, my daughter knew how her friend would respond to her insolence, and beamed me a big toothy smile when she did it. She wanted to draw her friend into the drama of our naughty roles before she explained to her that it was all in fun. It worked and the girl not only believed it was real, she looked forward to watching the punishment.

“Why you cheeky tart, after I smack the hide off of your bottom, you’re going to sit on it for the rest of the day.” Little Katy’s eyes got very wide and she held her hand over her mouth while I dragged my daughter over to the sofa, sat down in front of her and demanded, “Off with the knickers, now.”

Since my daughter was quite a talented actress, she added to the drama by turning on the tears and with quivering lips begged, “I’m sorry daddy. Please don’t spank me. I’ll never do it again.”

“I won’t tolerate that kind of behaviour from you and guarantee your bottom is going to pay dearly for it.” Which I told her in as stentorian a voice as I could manage, “Now grab your ankles.”

“Daddy, please don’t, I promise I’ll be good.” She said as her tears dripped to the floor.

She was so good at her role, I felt a bit of sympathy well up before I managed to move back into mine. So, I upped the punishment, rubbed my finger under her nose and asked, “Do you remember where this finger was?”

“Oh, that’s so gross, daddy.” She whined and continued to pour on the tears.

“I’ll show you gross, little girl, now suck on it.” Feigning reluctance, she squinted her eyes and scowled but refused to take it in her mouth. So, I rubbed it between her lips and continued, “Now get it nice and wet because you know where it’s going next.” She made sure there was plenty of saliva on it before I told her, “Now pull your cheeks apart.”

I drilled the spit slicked finger up to the knuckles in her arse and with the other hand, grasped her mound and twisted my fingers into her clit. She was so randy, it was instant ‘cookie time’ for her. The orgasm she popped off left her so weak in the knees, I helped her across my lap with my cock pressed into her belly.

The second part of her punishment was almost as good for me as it was for her. She wasted no time, tucked her fingers into the top of her split and twirled away with the back of her hand against my throbber. It felt almost as good as wanking me. Then, I pulled her legs apart and watched her rub herself for a minute before I administered the final blows that brought her off a second time.

She was doing a fine job on my throbber while she frigged herself and quickly brought herself to the edge. While she teetered on the very brink, I administered a series of sharp little slaps from her inner thigh, over her pussy lips and around her puckered bum hole while I rubbed the finger, that was fresh from her arse, under her nose. When she sucked it into her mouth, the resulting orgasm was so strong she collapsed over my legs and writhed until she went completely limp.

A lot of times, that was enough to make me squirt, but not this one. It looked like I needed to do it again so we could get off together. So, I took the finger she had sucked on, wet it and another with a thick coat of saliva, and curled them into her arse while her fingers doubled down on her clit. Then I repeated the series of slaps and by the time I reached her little arse hole, every muscle in her body tensed. She lifted herself on curled toes, and then BAM, her little pussy lips snapped and pulsed while my cock exploded through my shorts and stunned us both with the magnitude of our orgasms.

Before I managed to recover, she climbed into my lap, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me while she wiggled her bum into my sperm sodden lap. “That was the best ever, daddy. I believe it was because Katy was watching us.”

“Bugger,” I thought, “I forgot about her.” Then I told my daughter, “I’m glad you enjoyed it but I need new pants before I drip on the sofa.”

Then my daughter jumped off my lap, ran over to her friend and squealed, “What did you think?”

“Girls,” I called out as I headed for the stairs, “Lunch is ready, so make yourselves a plate while I change my pants.”

“Did your daddy wet his pants?” I heard as I jogged up the stairs with my half hard bouncing inside my wet shorts.

“That was daddy’s stuff,” my daughter explained and as I reached the top of the stairs she added, “He squirted a lot.”

The girls ran off to the kitchen, chattered and chirped away while I changed. Then I took up a position outside of the kitchen doorway so I could eavesdrop and determine what Katy’s reaction was.

“The way you were crying, I thought you were really in trouble.” She explained to my daughter.

End Chapter One

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