The Last Horcrux/Investigate Pensieve

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You gaze at the swirling magic of your mother's Pensieve. Contained within its waters are hundreds of memories that your mother wished to save, or to keep secret. You get a feeling of awe and trepidation just looking at it. What might she have saved within its waters? Magical rituals? Secrets of your family? Sex orgies like those depicted on paintings in her ceremony room? The possibilities entice you to experience them for yourself.

What secrets do the waters conceal?

As you look at the swirling smoke, you realise that there are memories of several people within. Most of them belong to you mother, Sofia Lestrange, but there are also memories of your Father, Rabastan Lestrange, your Aunt, Bellatrix and your Uncle, Radolphus Lestrange. The Pensieve must have special memories from the inner members of the family and their coven.

Whose memories do you want to experience?

  • As you can gaze into the Pensieve whenever you like, click back to go to the choice that brought you here