The Story of Hanna/Chapter I - Time to Escape

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Once securely out of the village, you enter the vast fields and farmlands to the north, though which the road to your destination Eletria goes. You're somewhat familiar with the city, having visited it and lived there with Chad for a month when you first came to Gallia from Nova Albion. It's a journey of five to six hours by foot, a journey you're not too excited about taking.

Suddenly out of the dark, you feel an arm grab your wrist. You realize this too late and try to power yourself out, but your strength is no match against an adult. The robed man is wielding a weapon but doesn't seem to be after your life. Before you even get a chance to cry out for help, Leon forces enemy to back down and challenges him to a fight.

"I'll protect you. Stand back", Leon commands and enters the battle. Man is wielding a short sword while Leon is dual wielding a dagger. They both use different kinds of techniques and schools of combat. Despite this, melee is fast paced and hectic, almost too fast for you to even see properly. You stand still, watching. Your heart is beating fast. You're scared. Leon is very skilled, but so is the enemy. They're on equal footing. The fight could go either way. But you don't want to wait for conclusion that could go either way. You want to play it safe. You have abilities that can help Leon even if he doesn't know about them, and you're sure with your assistance the fight would be a breeze. But he also told you to stand back. What will you do?