The Visit/Epilogue

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The Visit

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The room went black after my niece rode me and I woke up, who knows how much later, to two little birds chirping away while they took turns sucking on my cock. Unbelievably, I was hard. I had never had so much sex in one day or experienced so many orgasms before. Just call me the Energizer Bunny because I kept on going and going.

“What’s it like when it squirts in your mouth?” My niece mumbled to her friend with a mouthful of my cock.

“You’ll have to try it so you can find out. I get the tingles like mad,” Mary answered.

Of course, she was curious now and she eyed my cock with interest while she wanked it. Then, she plunged her mouth down on me and my bum shot up from the bed. Consequently, her throat took the brunt of it as the tip made its way into her esophagus, and pulled my firing pin. She didn’t choke or struggle a bit while I held her cheeks and pumped the scalding semen down into her tummy. Then she swallowed and was able to pull an extra spurt out of my balls.

It was more pleasure than my poor body could stand and I fell back in the bed and replayed the scene with my niece just now and didn’t believe it could get better. At least that was what I had thought at the time.

“Annie, where did you learn to do that? It was extraordinary.”

“Mary showed me how to do it,” she answered.

“Thank you, Mary! I sincerely mean it. You have no idea how much I appreciate the the things you’ve taught her.”

Not my wife, nor any of my girl friends had ever come close to the blow job my niece just delivered and it was another wonderful surprise to add to the long list of things that had taken place since I opened my eyes this morning. My cock was so happy, he didn’t bother to soften after the last bout and the girls were all too happy to play with their own personal toy.

“Back in a tick,” my niece told me as she flew off the bed to answer the ding-a-ling-ling of the phone.

“That’s probably Annie’s mum,” Mary told me, “She called while you were asleep and said she’s spending the night at the museum. Annie rang her back to see if I can sleepover tonight. My mum said it would be alright with her.”

Annie traipsed into the room and laid the two dildoes on the bed telling us, “Mum said it was fine for Mary to stay and we can all sleep in her bed. She said to change the cover if we make a mess. Hee, hee, hee, she knows what we’ve been up to.”

The girls were excited with the news which should have been music to my ears. However, the suck may have been that last nail in my coffin. Sure, I was still hard but figured it must be early onset priapism and I was going walk around now with a perpetual erection. However, that didn’t mean I would necessarily be treated to an unlimited number of orgasms, or would I? Time would be the final judge and if I can survive the night with these two, I will be able to survive anything.

The End

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