The Zoologists/Lisa ignores Alice

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Lisa ignores Alice thinking that this punishment is stupid. She sits in the chair and continues to watch the now turned off TV.

Alice turns around and walks out expecting Lisa to follow her. When she leaves and looks back she notices Lisa hasn't followed and yells.

"Daaaad, Lisa isn't listening to me and we need to leave soon"

Lisa pretends not to hear this and continues sitting there not looking at anything but the TV. Her dad comes in but still turn to look at him.

"Lisa, get off that chair and get dressed RIGHT NOW"

Lisa looks at her dad now. She gets up without saying a word and slowly starts going towards the door to exit.

"Faster Lisa" she doesn't speed up and regrets not listening when she feels a large smack against her ass as her dad smacks her.

"Hurry up and get ready"

Tears swell up in Lisa's eyes as she quickly goes to her room to get changed. As she is getting changed the door opens and in walks Alice with some clothes in her arms.

"I have some clothes for you to wear Lisa" A big smile goes across her face when she says this.
