Universal Acceptance/Make your mom stay and show you how to do it

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“Wait, mom!” you call out, “you have to stay and make sure we do this right!”

-sigh- “I can’t believe I’m about to help my own kids have sex with each other.” She says, stepping into the room with Sarah and closing the door behind them. “All right, I guess we should start with you taking off your undies and climbing up onto the bed,” she says to Sarah.

Your younger “twin” sister is nothing but smiles and giggles as she lifts up her night gown and hooks her thumbs into the waist-band of her panties and shimmies them down her hips, dropping them to the floor and then eagerly kicking them off. Your penis has been getting very hard ever since you started thinking about putting it inside Sarah, but now after seeing that display it just seems to somehow grow even harder and it gives something of a jump of excitement as she scrambles her way up the foot of the bed and crawls over to you before sitting back on her knees and looking eagerly to your mom for her next instruction.

“Right,” your mother says in a flat tone as she goes over to grab your desk chair and sit to look at the two of you. “Now then,” she continues, “Jerry’s penis is still a little slimy from the semen that came out when he was sleeping.” Sarah seems to wrinkle her nose at that a little as she looks over to you and then back to your mom. “That means it should go in easy. All you have to do is put it in the same hole you put the tampon in when you are having your cycle.”

“Ok,” Sarah says, “but is it a bad thing if I have his semen in my vagina?”

“Well,” Your mother responds, “You really shouldn’t be doing this at all. Yes, it is a very bad thing that I’m letting you get Jerry’s semen inside you, but it won’t actually hurt you or anything. A girl’s body is actually made to have a boy’s semen inside of there.”

“Oh,” Sarah responds in a somewhat concerned tone. A second later, her face drops into a look of shock as she takes in a big breath and her eyes grow to about twice their normal size and she turns to fix you with a look that quickly turns into a wicked conspiratorial grin. Suddenly though, a worried look appears on her face. She leans up close to your ear and whispers, “I thought you weren’t going to make mom and dad know we are doing naked stuff.” You feign a little shrug at her, not really knowing how exactly to respond. This has all been happening so quickly, even you aren’t too sure what is going on any more.

“All right,” your mom says, “you should probably speed this along before Jerry explodes all over the inside of his shorts again. You can’t do very much with your pants up.” This one is directed at you, but Sarah seems to pick up on it faster than you do and is already pulling at your waist-band before you even get your brain in gear. In fact, it is the feeling of your sister’s hands yanking your pants down that ultimately brings you back to the task at hand. You help her by lifting up your hips and pushing your wet boxers and pajama pants down to your mid thighs. Almost as soon as it is down, Sarah is already climbing up on top of you and reaching down to grab your slimy penis.

“Eeeew.” She responds, backing away a little and letting you go.

“That’s just his semen,” your mother says, “I told you it was slimy. It won’t hurt you, just get up there and put it in.”

Sarah seems to find the icky sliminess of your genitals funny all of a sudden as she lifts herself back up over you giggling as she takes hold of your penis once again and presses it against her privates. She seems to concentrate for a moment as she runs the head of your penis through her slit. The sensation of your penis slick with the slime of your semen from earlier gives you a lot more contact than when you tried brushing it across your sister’s privates before, and it sends spine tingling ticklish sensations through your entire body. You are about to tell her to stop due to the intense sensations, but she seems to all too quickly find the hole she is looking for. “There,” is all your little sister has to say before she starts sliding down and enveloping the head of your penis with her girl privates.

You stare with fascination as your little stick disappears into your sister’s body. It is like nothing you have ever felt before as the warm wet sensation begins sliding down your slimy 12 year old penis. You can feel a lump in your throat, and you begin to find it hard to breath. It is as though your throat closed down in your excitement at this turn of events. You can hear your heart thudding over and over again loudly in your ears. Suddenly, you feel some resistance inside Sarah’s private hole right about the time the head of your penis is fully inside, and then it feels like something ripped inside her.

Sarah lets out a gasp as your penis rips through whatever it was inside her. She jumps as though she is trying to get off of your penis, but then she slips and winds up sitting down with a smack on top of your balls, causing you a little bit of pain as her body crashes down on top of your privates.

“Ooowww” Sarah groans in pain.

“What happened?” You ask, trying to ignore the uncomfortable sensations you are having. She didn’t really hit you with her full force, but it did scare you a bit how hard she landed right where your scrotum was. You guess your legs protected you a little bit.

“That hurt” Sarah says, looking down.

“That was your hymen,” your mother says. “It means you are not a virgin anymore.”

“Huh?” You and your “twin” sister both say in unison.

“Virgin means you have never had sex,” your mother says. “When a penis goes inside a girl for the first time, it has to rip through something called your hymen. It hurts a little bit, but once it is gone it will not hurt again.”

“Hmm..” Sarah grunts, seemingly a little irritated.

“It’s Ok,” your mother says, “It will stop hurting in a little bit. You can start having sex now, that is supposed to help it stop hurting. Just start moving on top of him and it should start feeling better.”

“Hmmm?” Sarah responds as she ponders over your mother’s words. This brings your attention for the first time to the fact that your penis is now completely inside of Sarah’s body. After a moment, Sarah grabs herself as though giving herself a hug and begins gyrating her upper body back and forth. You don’t quite get what she is doing, but it is making your penis feel very weird as the movements reverberate through her body and into her vagina as her vaginal muscles ripple against your intruding member.

“Not like that,” your mother says with a somewhat amused groan. “I mean bounce up and down on him. You’ve got to move his penis in and out of your vagina.”

“Oh,” Sarah says, and then gives a bit of a “woopsie” kind of smile to you as she puts both hands on your stomach and begins lifting up her hips all the way up and off your penis, and then she comes down and sits on top of it. “Oh!” She exclaims as she reaches down and lines your penis back up with her entrance. “So, like this?” she asks as she begins poking your head into her vaginal entrance and then pulling it out over and over again.

-sigh- “not quite.” Your mother says.

“Wait, oh no!” Sarah exclaims before your mom can finish her sentence “I got my blood all over your penis!”

“What!?” You respond, your heart suddenly feeling as though it jumped up into your throat and stopped beating. “Oh no, what are we going to do?” You ask in a panic as you look over to your mother.

“It’s Ok, you didn’t hurt her Jerry” Your mother says.

“What’s going on?” You ask, suddenly a little panicked.

“I’m sorry,” Sarah says, “I thought my period was over.”

“No, that blood is not from your period,” your mother says. “It’s from your hymen. When your hymen breaks, it bleeds a little. It’s nothing to be worried about though. It’s all perfectly natural, it won’t hurt you.”

So she says…

Persuasions (recent)
No new persuasions

Limited condition persuasions

Long term persuasions (person 1)

Long term persuasions (person 2)

Persuasions that will wear off after a condition is achieved.
  • 1:You will wet the bed again if you don't have sex "now." (directed at mom)
  • 2:It should be Sarah who you have sex with because she will enjoy it most.(directed at mom)
  • 3:Sarah needs to help you by letting you squirt semen in her. (directed at Sarah)
Persuasions influencing one person or set of people that are unlimited by time.


  • 1:None of the kids are naked if you can't see them naked.
  • 2:None of the kids are touching each other's privates if you can't see them touching each other's privates.
  • 3:You can't hear us (the kids) through the walls.
  • 4:Ignore and forget everything you hear us (the kids) saying through the walls if it sounds like we are touching or seeing each other's privates, underwear, being naked, or taking off our cloths in front of each other.
  • 5:You will wet the bed if you don't have sex.
  • 6:Jesus doesn't want you to wet the bed.
Persuasions influencing another person or set of people that are unlimited by time.


  • 1:You cannot tell anyone about us playing naked for any reason, ever, even if they already know about us playing naked together.
  • 2:You can only talk about us playing naked with other kids who play naked with us, and only if I'm there too and there are no adults.
  • 3:It is Ok for a girl to play naked with Jerry if it is for him to squirt semen in her vagina.