User talk:Jemini/You were looking for some people to be your friends(response to boys)

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“I was looking for someone to be friends with,” you tell them, resulting in some laughter from the girls.

“Look,” the bikini-top girl tells you sternly. “You're cute and all, and you definitely have guts just coming straight into the girl's changing room, but we don't need some kid following us around like a puppy dog.”

A look of surprise suddenly crosses the one-piece wearing girl's face, and suddenly she has a very pleased look appearing across her face. “Wait a minute,” she says. “Maybe we should give him a chance. “Remember that friend of ours who went up to the wolf tribe camp?” She asks, receiving confused looks from both of her friends. “Maybe we can ask ____ to do us a favor and fetch her back here.” She gives both of the other two girls a very hard stern look, and this seems to get a shocked reaction from both of them that actually makes them jump a little.

“Yeah!” the 2 piece girl says and then turns to you. “If you can fetch her back here for us, we can let you be our friend.”

“I don't know about this guys.” the bikini-top girl says. “I mean...” whatever objection she was about to verbalize, it falls off there and she just completes the sentence by directing a strange look at you.

“It will be fine,” the two piece girl says, “The girl who went up there is the same age as him after all.. right?”

“Uhh... right.” the other two respond uncomfortably.

“Right,” the two-piece girl repeats and then puts a hand on your shoulder. “So just go up to the wolf-tribe camp and fetch our friend back and then we will be your friend. You can probably ask around once you get up there if you have trouble finding her.”

(End of conversation)