User talk:Jemini/Younger girl scouts (minimum age to min age +2)

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You approach a group of about 5 younger girl scouts chatting away, 2 of them are in their wet swim-wear still, 2 are dressed only in towels, and 1, a little girl who looks to be around (min age +1) is completely naked. As you get closer, you decide to listen in on their conversation.

“Did you see some of the boys were swimming naked?” one of them says, [getting a storm of scandalized giggles in response.]

“It seems like all the kids here like to go naked a lot,” one of the swim-suit girls announces as she begins to peel off the wet one-piece. |Actually, she says in a low conspiratorial tone that you are just close enough to overhear. I saw this one girl getting fucked against the dock.|

|“Really!?” You hear in response from more than one girl at once, followed by a storm of scandalized giggles. “So, what happened?” one of them pushes her for more details.|

|“I don't know, it was all under the water so I couldn't really see.” This seems to get a disappointed look from the rest of the little group.|

{“You know what I saw?” One little girl looking to be about 6 pipes up. “Last night, I saw two of the older kids when I went to use the bathroom. He was rubbing his wiener on her potty hole.”}

{“Eeeewww,” a few of the others pipe up.}

{“It's not a 'potty hole,'” a 7 year old corrects her, sounding very self-important. “It's called a b-gaina.”}

{“I-gaina?” the 6 year old responds, “I can't say that word. It's too hard.”}

Well, this is getting interesting.