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In the present in the western world, there are a lot of political issues specifically involving sex and gender politics. Some of it boarders on hysteria. However, most of us also remember a time period just prior to this where this craziness did not happen. It can be tiresome to delve into this crazy gender politics, and I am certain you do not want it mucking up your story. That nonsense would only create stress, stress that I am sure you were trying to escape from in reading this story. So, I plan to make the technology level similar to today but dial back the gender politics to how it was in the early 2000s unless you actually want that sort of craziness.

It is important to note though that aside from that ridiculous stuff there are still a few important factors to consider. One is that in the 1990s there was a raising in social awareness of the phenomenon of date rape, and that is something that will be on the social consciousness. There is also a heightened awareness of pedophilia. It was raised to a full blown hysteria by some rumors about a satanic daycare back in the 80s that prostituted and killed the children there. All of this was untrue, but it still created a fear of the sexual intentions of adults toward children that has never really gone away since then.

At any rate, how would you like your gender politics nonsense?