Wavebang/Chapter 1 - A New Job

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Bob, a white man in his 30s, lived in a small run down apartment in the Latin quarter of a big city with his daughter Holly. Bob's apartment was above a boarded up shop. In fact all the shops in the street were boarded up and the only economic action in the area was the sale of drugs on the street corners. Bob's wife Maria had left him when Holly was only six after he lost his job as a tax lawyer. He lost his job, his high income and his comfortable home after he got busted for possession of crack cocaine. It was a cruel blow for Bob because he was only getting the crack to feed Maria's habit. Bob had met Maria at the Hole Club, an exclusive strip club with a sideline in drugs and prostitution. Maria wasn't a hooker; she was a stripper. Maria had trained as a ballerina as a child and was a very attractive Latina woman. In the good old days she was the club's best pole dancer and attracted a lot of attention and business for the Hole Club. Maria left the club to marry Bob, and then, when Bob lost his job, left him and moved to LA with some dude with a flashy sports car. Bitch!

So Bob and Holly fell on hard times but, through a friend who worked at the club, Bob managed to get a job at the meat processing plant which was owned by the same family who owned the Hole Club. Bob drove refrigerated delivery trucks of meat to customers around the city, and sometimes delivered out of state and spent the night in motels. Bob didn't use hard drugs but he dabbled in a little weed.

Bob was sitting in the main room of the apartment watching TV alone. Holly was still at work at the diner where she worked evenings and weekends to help pay the bills. He heard a knock at the entrance, stepped up to the door and looked though the spy hole. It was Manuel and his muscle Leroy with some weed for the weekend. He opened the door and let Manuel and Leroy in. Manuel went into the room and Leroy came in and closed the door behind him. Manuel asked, "Hey Bob, You want the usual?"

"I can't afford it this week," Bob replied, "Can I have $15 worth?"

The sound of the entrance door being unlocked startled Manuel and he looked round. The door opened and in stepped Holly. Holly was stunningly attractive and looked very sexy in her light pink waitress uniform. She was 4 foot 5 (135cm) and very pretty with long brown hair, tanned legs and a face like a baby. Her uniform made her look particularly sexy because she had recently grown out of it and it was now far too small for her. It was too tight round her budding breasts and her peach of a butt, and her skirt was way too short. She came in and bent down to untie her sneakers. When she bent down the skirt was so short her little round bum and panties were on view to everyone.

Manuel and Leroy were in a trance and time seemed to stand still as they watched her untie her shoes. "$15?" repeated Bob.

Manuel ignored him and said to Holly, "Love that uniform. Where do you work sweetheart?"

"At the End of the Road Diner."

"I though that was a masseuse's uniform!" laughed Manuel. "You work late!" (It was 1am).

Holly left her shoes by the door, walked into the room and stood next to her dad. She replied, "I know. But, like, I need to put in the hours. I only earn $5 an hour + tips."

"That's chicken shit pay and I bet you don't get many tips in that dump. Why don't you come and work at the club? You could earn way more and the tips at this time of night are very generous. You know your mother worked there?"

Holly was standing under the light and Manuel looked at her long hair and pretty face, to her budding breasts, her tiny waist, down to her perfect tanned legs and dainty little feet. After pausing to take in the view he said, "With your looks you'd earn great tips." Holly started blushing as he looked at her and when he said this she looked down and her whole face went bright red. "A real beauty!" thought Manuel.

He got out a big bag of weed and gave it to Bob. "Tell you what," he said to Bob, "This is on the house if Holly comes to work at the club on Friday. As a waitress. Just on a trial basis. She could do the early shift so she'd be finished at 11pm and she'd earn a lot more + great tips! What do you say?"

Bob grimaced and said, "She's too young; she's only 11."

Holly, who was desperate to get away from the dirty old men at the diner, said, "Dad, I'm, like, almost 12!"

Manuel said, "She'll be fine. We have other waitresses who are even shorter than her and they can reach up to slide a tray of drinks off the bar." "Thanks to their high heels," he thought to himself.

Bob asked, "Aren't there rules about minors serving alcohol?"

Manuel laughed, "Ha ha, no problem! Our club is very exclusive and we don't get any trouble with the city authorities." He looked over at Leroy and, smiling, he said, "Hell, our boss is the city authorities!" Manuel and Leroy had a good deep, long laugh at that. Bob reluctantly agreed.

Manuel looked at Holly and said to her, "I'll take your photo so the club know who you are and I'll arrange it all for Friday." Manuel took out his phone and said, "Smile for the camera." Holly's face lit up and she gave him a really cute smile. He snapped a few photos and said, "Perfect! What's your number? I'll get the club to contact you with details." Holly gave him her number and the men left.

The next morning when Manuel woke up in bed he sent a photo of Holly to Gordon, the Hole Club's bar manager.

"Cute," Gordon replied.

"Looking for any new waitresses?"

"You know we'll always take a girl as pretty as that."

"Great. One Benjamin and she'll start Friday. Early shift only."


Manuel sent him Holly's contact details and smiled at the thought of that $100 bill and of Holly in the club's waitress uniform. "Worth going for an expensive drink just to see her in those heels," he thought as he looked at the photo of Holly in her small diner uniform. The waitresses in the Hole Club wore white stilettos with very high heels. Junior waitresses wore a bright white uniform. The top was like an air hostess' jacket but with short sleeves and with their midriff exposed. The mini skirt was pleated and from behind the girls looked like they were ready to play tennis. The thought of Holly in that uniform gave Manuel a huge erection. He grabbed a tissue and imagined fucking Holly. Nice to relax so well at the start of the day.

A few minutes later, on the school bus, Holly received a message from the club inviting her to come to the club at 7pm on Friday. There was a link to a map showing the club's side entrance.

Chapter 2 - The Hole Club