Wavebang/Chapter 2 - The Hole Club

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Friday at 7pm Holly was met outside the side entrance by a girl called Annie, an older girl (Holly guessed 15). Annie used an app on her phone to open the entrance door and led Holly into the building. At a door marked Private Annie again used the app to open it and they walked past a desk, with a guy in black sat at it, and along a corridor of offices. They went into one of the offices and Annie introduced Holly to the bar manager, Gordon.

Gordon got straight to business, "Welcome to the club, Holly. You'll be earning $25 per hour + tips. You'll work the early shift: 8pm to 11pm. If you can do the mid shift from 11pm to 2am that would be great but it's up to you. I don't expect you to do the late shift, not yet anyway," he smiled. "In any case we'll start you on the early, Fridays and Saturdays and see how that goes. Is that ok?"

"Yes," she replied timidly.

"Good. Before you start you need to install the club app on your phone. The app shows you your shifts and tracks when you enter and leave the club so that we know the hours you have worked. You also use the app to record table orders. You don't have to worry about payments: the bar tab is managed by each club member's subscription to our services. Can you unlock your phone and give it to me?" She agreed and handed him her phone. Gordon did something with the phone and in less than a minute it was connected to the club's systems. He handed back her phone and said, "Ready for work!" Then he handed Holly a $50 bill. "For any expenses you might have for work. Annie will take you to wardrobe now and get your uniform."

They walked out of the office and down a spiral staircase. Downstairs was a large room with rows of lockers in the middle and showers and toilets all along one wall. The showers were in individual cubicles; all transparent so everyone could see everyone. Along the opposite wall were sinks and mirrors. It was quite busy. Girls were showering, getting changed and putting on their makeup at the mirrors. At the far end of the large room was a long desk behind which a petite old lady sat. She was in her 40s with short hair and glasses. Annie led Holly up to the desk. "New joiner?" the lady asked.

"Yes," Annie replied.

"Waitress or dancer?"


The lady picked up a tape measure from the desk and came round to their side of the the desk, next to a chair. "You're definitely in the child size range. Sit down and take off your shoes and socks."

She measured Holly's feet and made a note in her phone. "Stand up and take off your top," she said rather imperiously. Holly quickly did as she was told and draped her blouse on the chair. She didn't wear a bra. Ms Wardrobe very rapidly measured Holly across the shoulders, round her chest and from her neck to her belly button. "Take off your pants." Holly took off her jeans and lay them on the chair. Ms Wardrobe measured round her waist, round her butt and her inside leg. "You can wear those panties for tonight but you need to buy some regulation plain white panties: small but not a thong. I'll get your uniforms and then you can go and shower." She went into a room behind the desk and by the time Holly had picked up her clothes she was handed two white uniforms in bags and a pair of white high heeled stiletto shoes.

Annie said, "Follow me," and took her over to the nearest lockers. Annie put her bag in a locker and got undressed. Holly bundled her clothes and uniforms into the locker next to Annie's. They closed the lockers and Annie showed Holly how to lock the locker and register it with the club app on her phone. They went over to the showers and when they had finished showering they went back to their lockers and put on their uniforms. Then they went over to the wall of mirrors and sinks to do their hair and makeup. When they were both ready they made their way back up the spiral staircase and out of the private office area. Instead of turning right towards the side entrance Annie led the way down a dimly lit corridor to the left. Walking down the corridor Holly stumbled and almost fell as she'd never worn such high heels. At the end of the corridor two bouncers opened double doors and they entered the club's main public space.

It was dark in the club and initially Holly could only see the colorful lights flashing to the rhythm of the loud throbbing music. The thumping base of the music was so loud Holly felt like her whole body was being shaken. As her eyes adjusted she saw it was a large hall with a very high ceiling full of tables and huge bars running the length of two ends of the room. Along the walls between the two bars pole dancing mini stages alternated with giant screens playing music videos and soft porn. It was early and wasn't very busy. Annie worked alongside Holly until she got the hang of using the app to order drinks and delivering the drinks from the bar to the customers at the tables. "This is so easy compared to the diner. And so much nicer!" thought Holly.

After a couple of hours Holly had earned more in tips than she usually earned all week at the diner. At the diner Holly's butt had gotten used to slaps, pinches and gropes. But the Hole Club members were very well behaved. "Maybe the club members are well behaved because of all the bouncers?" she thought. Bouncers, both men and women, wore black Dr Martens boots, tight black long sleave tops and black trousers. They all had some sort of radio device in their ears. The women bouncers clearly weren't chosen for their looks, unlike the waitresses. Holly guessed the bouncers were 20 years old and up.

"Maybe the club members are well behaved because of the pole dancers taking the heat off us waitresses?" Holly asked herself. The pole dancers didn't have a standard uniform like the waitresses. They wore a variety of sexy costumes: nurses, french maids, secretaries, school girls, Alice in Wonderland - that sort of thing. Like the waitress uniforms all the skirts were tiny and the tops very tight fitting. The pole dancers all wore the same style of shoes: transparent perspex platform high heels. That was also the only part of their costume that stayed on. The pole dance routines started with them pole dancing in their costumes and ended with them wearing only those amazing shoes. So basically a pole dancer was a stripper. Like the waitresses the strippers were aged about 10 to 30.

Holly noticed that sometimes, after a pole dancer finished her routine, wearing nothing but her perspex high heels she would go to a table and lap dance for the men. All the older girls did lap dances (older for Holly meant over 15) and some of the young girls did too. Next to the private employee entrance into the club was a staircase leading downstairs. Holly hadn't noticed it when she first entered the hall with Annie because it was poorly lit. There was always at least one bouncer but usually two or three at the top of the stairs and there was a sign saying "Authorized Staff Only." After a lap dance sometimes the girl would take men, either individually or in a group, down those stairs.

Next morning Holly texted Annie, "Wots down stairs?"

"No club business on phones!" she texted back immediately...or was it an auto-reply set up in her phone? Five minutes later Annie followed up with, "Tell later," and, "Locker room."

Later that day, Saturday evening, Holly got to the club at 7pm, eager to talk to Annie. She let herself in using the app and made her way down to the lockers and showers. Annie was just coming from the showers when she got to the lockers. With wide expectant eyes Holly said to Annie, "Wait for me at makeup!"

After getting into her uniform Holly managed to grab the sink next to Annie's to do her makeup. Before starting to apply her lipstick, looking at Annie in the mirror she asked, "So the pole dancers do lap dances?"

Annie said, "Yes, some of them are lap dancers as well. There are also girls who only lap dance and don't pole dance, either because they can't pole dance or because they want to earn more money fast. Lap dancers are available for use in the private rooms. Downstairs is where they entertain the customers." At the word "entertain" she did air quotes. "Using the club app men or groups of men can book lap dances at the tables and book private entertainment downstairs."

"What's downstairs?" Holly asked.

"They call them the fun rooms," said Annie, briefly pausing her mascara painting to do air quotes around the word "fun". Going back to painting her eyelashes she continued, "Fun for the men maybe. I have never seen it myself but I know some of the girls who work down there. There are all sorts of activity rooms and staged rooms, like film sets." (Actually they were film sets though Annie wasn't aware.) "There are bathing rooms, playrooms and girl's bedrooms." After a pause she pulled a horrified face and shuddered as she said, "There are even torture rooms."

The girls finished fixing their hair and makeup and made their way to the club's public hall. Soon after starting work in the main hall both Annie and Holly were instructed via the app to go and wait at tables upstairs, in the VIP lounge. Holly wasn't sure where that was so she found Annie and they went up together. It was actually pretty obvious from the 'upstairs' part of the instruction. On the opposite side of the hall from the private employee's entrance was a wide see-though staircase up to the VIP area.

The VIP lounge had one bar, to the right of the stairs as you enter. In the middle of the room was an oval stage with three dance poles: one in the center and two either side. All round the stage were tables. Holly and Annie got to work providing a steady flow of drinks to the tables. The tips were very generous in the VIP lounge. One man gave Holly a $100 bill. It was the first time Holly had touched a $100 bill; she couldn't believe it! Holly noticed that the pole dancers were getting huge tips.

Later that night Holly had finished her shift and was getting changed in the locker room. A girl came up to her and, smiling from ear to ear, said, "Hey girl, I know you!" She had just come in from a dance and was wearing nothing but the signature perspex high heels of the dancers, a lot of makeup and a light pink headband with cat ears. She was carrying a light pink cat costume. Holly guessed she was 14. She was 5 foot 1 (155cm), taller than Holly's 4 foot 5. She had a golden brown tan with tan lines and milky white boobs and butt. She had long, wavy, naturally blonde hair pinned up either side of her face with pink hair clips in addition to her cat headband. She had a very slim waist but a curvy butt like Holly and quite big tits for such a young girl. She had a very pretty face with a prominent nose. The blonde stripper continued excitedly, "Didn't you go to dance classes at Honey Bees?"

Holly recognized her and smiled. "Yes, I remember you. I had to drop out because it was too expensive. I'm Holly."

"Nice to meet you Holly, I'm Katie. Such a pity you left. You were a natural! You know, with a bit of pole dance training you'd be great on the stage here." Katie smiled, winked an exaggerated wink and said, "With your looks you'd earn a fortune in tips, trust me. Would you like to learn to pole dance?"

"Yes," said Holly.

"Great! I need to see the boss about something myself. We could go together and let her know you'd like to work as a pole dancer. What nights do you work?"

"Fridays and Saturdays."

"I'll book us an appointment in the app for next Friday at 6pm. Ok?"

"Ok. Who's the boss?" Holly asked.

Katie replied, "She's very posh, very French and nobody knows her name. We call her Madame."

Chapter 3 - Madame