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Latest revision as of 02:56, 5 July 2021

The week saw many new relationships form as family members who had been resisting their urges decided to take the chance at love, or just casual sex. Surveys and research had found that those who possessed no desire for incestuous sex before the wish, still had no desire for themselves, but were interested in others having incestuous sex. Thousands of Facebook groups were formed around the subject, a typical example being one for mothers to share tips on getting their children to fuck each other.

Government around the world continued to search for the entity responsible. The being dubbed 'Genie' spoke a word that might have been a clue, if anyone could agree on what it was. The end result was more investigation, but not quite fruitless, as several fringe religious groups were arrested while planning terrorist attacks around the globe.

Thursday and Friday saw massive ad blitzes. Most were laughably bad, but one was really catchy. It was an ad that had been filmed previously in an effort to fight Female Genital Mutilation. The phase "I should have control over my body." showed up everywhere. The ad blitz had been planned 6 months prior and had reserved ad space that the group behind the blitz refused to sell.

A voice called out at the appointed time. "Hello Humanity" The voice sounded different than the last few weeks. "Your previous administrator is unavailable this week. However, the wishes shall continue as directed. This week grants humans complete control over their own bodies. That will be all"

The world pause in confusion as everyone became very aware of their own heartbeat and other various biological functions.

Mechanically, this one grants complete control over biological functions down to the contents of DNA. This control does not allow a person to violate physics, but does allow things like the closing of wounds through consciously directed healing, regeneration of body parts using stored fat and daily food intake, taking direct control of immune response, altering the body's structure, or controlling any single muscle strand individually. This also grants near perfect coordination for those who put effort into learning how to move.

All of these abilities are not fast. They still happen at the speed of biology, just without any randomness or error. The ability also requires knowledge of biology for greatest effect, but a person can sort of fumble along by feel. Given time and effort, anyone can make extreme changes to themselves.

While there is a sort of instinct about not making harmful changes, the ability is there, and it will happen. Everyone who doesn't accidentally kill themselves will innately know how to change themselves back. Everyone will know how to revert any change.

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